Cannot assign to read only property \'name\' of object \'Error: Infinity does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer.
Timeout duration was set to 1.\'
TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property \'name\' of object \'Error: Infinity does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer.
Timeout duration was set to 1.\'
at createWarningObject (node:internal/process/warning:169:16)
at process.emitWarning (node:internal/process/warning:138:15)
at new Timeout (node:internal/timers:171:15)
at setTimeout (node:timers:158:19)
at t.setTimeout (<anonymous>:247:50841)
at globalThis.setTimeout (https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:108694)
at l.emit (https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:751085)
at Object.emit (https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:747836)
at https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:2355806
at l.<anonymous> (https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:757918)