API Description

Queries the review status of the device ID application. If the number of device IDs for a single application is less than or equal to 500, the system will conduct a quick review; if the number of device IDs for a single application is greater than 500, the review will be completed within three business days.

API Request Format

HTTP request method: POST (use the HTTPS protocol) https://api.weixin.qq.com/shakearound/device/applystatus?access_token=ACCESS_TOKENPOST data format: jsonPOST data example:{   "apply_id": 12345	}


Parameter Required Description
access_token Yes The credential for calling the API
apply_id Yes Batch ID returned when applying for device ID


Example of JSON packet returned for a successful request:

    "data": {
        "apply_time": 1432026025,
        "audit_comment": "test",
        "audit_status": 1,
        "audit_time": 0
    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "success."


Parameter Description
apply_time Timestamp for submitting the application
audit_status Review status. 0: Rejected; 1: Under review; 2: Approved. If the number of device IDs for a single application is less than 500, the system will conduct a quick review; if the number of device IDs for a single application is greater than 500, the review will be completed within three business days.
audit_comment Review remarks. Text description of the review status.
audit_time Timestamp when the review result is determined. If the status is "Under review", the time value is 0.