# Multiplexing Official Account message template Introduction of the main rapid registration Mini Program

# Ability to Introduce

  • In order to help existing Official Account users to quickly access Mini Program services, the Official Platform has added a new permission set of "quick registration of Mini Programs". Official accounts can authorize third-party platforms to quickly register and authenticate mini programs.
  • One Official Account message template This permission set can only be granted to a third party platform, i.e. authorization is mutually exclusive.
  • After the completion of the registration of the Mini Program by default authorized to the third-party platform management, there is no independent account password, can not log in the Mini Program background.
  • If you want to log in mp.wechat.qq.com can go to the Mini Program assistant to fill the email password and log in. Details can be viewedhttps://kf.qq.com/touch/sappfaq/200617VbQzaa200617aq67ru.html

# Open range

Certified companies/Media/government/Other types of organizations Official Account message template。 One Official Account message template One month can re-use the qualification registration 5 A Mini Program.

  1. The Mini Program created by the reuse qualification defaults to the Official Account message template RelationNo new connections for a month. 13 Limitations of a Mini Program
  2. Mini Program association created by reusing qualification Official Account message template, Do not issue template messages, do not default to appear in Official Account message template Information page
  3. One Official Account message template If there is a "pending registration" Mini Program, it is not possible to launch a reuse qualification creation Mini Program.
  4. One Official Account message template No more than one qualified registration program can be reused within a month 5 A.(Created successfully.)
  5. Using Reuse Official Account message template Qualification registration procedures, will be in this Official Account message template The main body as the developer of the Mini Program
  6. If the reuse certification qualification is selected, the Mini Program will be "certified" after completion of registration. Certification Expiration Time and Official Account message template Consistent.

# Multiplexing Official Account message template Subject Quick Registration Mini Program Authority Preparation

Third-party platforms must have the following before using the interface 5 Set of permissions:

  1. Account Service ( Official Account message template Permission set)
  2. Mini Account Management Authority
  3. Mini Program Development Management and Data Analysis Authority
  4. Mini Program authentication permissions
  5. Mini Program Basic Information Set Permissions

Prepare the permission set, and the whole network is considered to be effective. Detailed process can refer to:Authorization Process Technical Notes

# Quick Registration Mini Program Process

  1. The service provider splits the link according to the guidelines and acts as the initiator page. After visiting, the merchant jumps to the designated authorization registration page of the Wechat public platform.

2、 Official Account message template Administrator scan code to confirm reuse Official Account message template Quick registration procedure.

3, the administrator scan the code verification after the jump to the third-party platform page, WeChat will return the registration results to the third-party platform.

# 2.1 From third-party platform to WeChat Official Platform authorization registration page

From the third party platform to jump to the WeChat Official Platform authorization page, the parameters to be carried are as follows

parameter Dxplaination of parameters
component_appid Third-party platforms appid
appid Official Account message template of appid
copy_wx_verify Whether to reuse Official Account message template The qualification of WeChat certification(1: Apply for re-use qualification for WeChat Authentication 0: No application)
redirect_uri After user scan code authorization, MP This page will redirect you to this address.(Note: 1. Links are required urlencode 2.Host You need to fill in the registration form on the WeChat open platform with third-party platforms. The domain name of the originating page of the record authorization is the same)
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/fastregisterauth?appid=wx28f759479ea1e09 0&component_appid=wx666666666666123&copy_wx_verify=1&redirect_uri= https%3a%2f%2fwww.qq.com%2fauth%2fcallback%3ffrom%3dmp

Example Schematic: 授权页示意图

# 2.2 Official Account message template The administrator scans the code to confirm the authorization registration and jump back to the third party platform

Official Account message template The administrator completes the authorization confirmation in the mobile terminal after scanning the code.

Jump back to the third party platform, will be in the above redirect_uri Post-splicing ticket=***

Examples of third party platforms:


# 2.3 Jump to third-party platforms, third-party platforms call for quick registration API Complete Registration

# 2.4 Changing the Mini Program administrator interface (optional step)

1, launched from the third-party platform page, and jump to the WeChat Official Platform designated to change the binding page.

2, Mini Program original administrator scan code, and fill in the original administrator ID card information confirmation.

3, fill in the new administrator information(Name, ID card, mobile phone number), using the new administrator's WeChat confirmation.

4, click submit to jump to the third-party platform page, the third-party platform callback corresponding api Complete the re-tying process.

# 2.4.1 Jump from the third party platform to the WeChat Official Platform authorized registration page

From the third party platform to jump to the WeChat Official Platform authorization page, the parameters to be carried are as follows:

parameter Dxplaination of parameters
component_appid Third-party platforms appid
appid Official Account message template of appid
redirect_uri When the new administrator information is filled out and click submit, you will be redirected to this address(Note: 1. Links are required urlencode 2.Host Need to be the same as the domain name of the login authorization page that the third party platform fills in on the WeChat open platform.)

Jump to WeChat Official Platform authorization page link example:

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wxopen/componentrebindadmin?appid=wx28f759479ea1e090&component_appid=wx666666666666123&redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2f www.qq.com%2fauth%2fcallback%3ffrom%3dmp

# 2.4.2、 The new and old administrators fill in the information of the Mini Program, scan the code to confirm the submission and jump back to the third-party platform

Click on the page submit button.

Jump back to the third party platform, will be in the above redirect_uri Post-splicing taskid=***

Examples of third party platforms:


# 2.4.3、 Jump to third-party platforms, third-party platforms call for quick registration API Complete the administrator change tie.

Request method: POST

Request Address:

https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi- bin/account/componentrebindadmin?access_token=TOKEN

Sample request:

  "tasked": "b25519093b1e97239eff9d2bfc07e08e"

Parameter explaination:

parameter Introductions
Bags Change Bind Administrator Mission Serial Number(Public platform finally click submit back to the third-party platform to carry)

Return instructions:

   "errcode": 0,
   "errmsg": "",

Dxplaination of parameters

parameter Introductions
errcode Error code
errmsg Error message

Error Code Dxplaination

Error code Error Code Dxplaination
85060 Invalid Bags
85027 The number of ID card binding administrators reaches the maximum limit
85061 The number of mobile phone managers reached the limit
85026 WeChat account binding administrator number reaches the limit
85063 ID Blacklist
85062 Cell Phone Blacklist