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有奖调研 | 小程序多端框架助力企业业务出海,有啥需求来跟我们说说?

赞同 5
  • <input type="nickname" >能获取到昵能选择,苹果7P但上去显示后马上被清空了。

    小程序开发,选择昵称后,期待能跳上去,结果看到屏幕一闪,就被自动清空了。 我试过导入下面官方试例问题依旧。 代码示例在开发者工具中预览效果 真机调试,2.0, iOS 我手机是苹果7Plus,微信版本是Versioin 8.0.53。开发工具是今天下载最新的。 PC调试、android、已测试苹果13没问题。

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    怎么注销??? [图片]

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    const { orderObject } = this.data; //拉起确认收货组件 if (wx.openBusinessView) { wx.openBusinessView({ businessType: 'weappOrderConfirm', extraData: { merchant_id: '1800008281', merchant_trade_no: orderObject.order_id, transaction_id: orderObject.transactionId }, success(e) { console.log(e); //dosomething }, fail(e) { console.log(e); //dosomething }, complete() { //dosomething } }); } else { //引导用户升级微信版本 } [图片] 确认收货提示“获取用户订单失败”?

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  • console.log()打印结果正常,模拟器显示不正常?

    当点击查询按钮时,console.log()打印的结果是正常的,但是在模拟器上显示的计数有时候是正常的,有时候显示的数据库的总条数而不是查询的计数,数据显示也是有时候正常,有时候显示的初始化的数据而不是查询后的数据,当多次切换选项卡时,更明显。这是什么问题?模拟器排版如图 [图片] WXML代码: <view class="search-input-group"> <view class="input-group"> <input class="search-input" placeholder="出发地" value="{{startPointStr}}" bindinput="onStartPointEvent" /> <image class="thumbnail" src="../../images/return.png" bindtap="onImage" /> <input class="search-input" placeholder="终点" value="{{goalStr}}" bindinput="onGoalEvent" /> </view> <button class="search-button" size="mini" bindtap="onchaxun">查询</button> </view> <segment-carpool items="{{title}}" result="{{result}}" binditemchengde="onItemChengdeEvent" defaultIndex="0"> <view slot="0" class="segment-page wehicle-page"> <block wx:if="{{isQuerying == true}}"> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> <block wx:else> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> </view> <view slot="1" class="segment-page people-page"> <block wx:if="{{isQuerying == true}}"> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> <block wx:else> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> </view> <view slot="2" class="segment-page train-page"> <block wx:if="{{isQuerying == true}}"> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> <block wx:else> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> </view> <view slot="3" class="segment-page money-page"> <block wx:if="{{isQuerying == true}}"> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> <block wx:else> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> </view> <view slot="4" class="segment-page money-page"> <block wx:if="{{isQuerying == true}}"> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> <block wx:else> <view class="comment-title">全部信息(共有{{result}}条)</view> <whole wx:for="{{wehicles}}" wx:key="wehicle" wx:for-item="wehicle" wehicle="{{wehicle}}"></whole> </block> </view> </segment-carpool> <loadingmore hasmore="{{hasmore}}"></loadingmore> JS代码: const db = wx.cloud.database(); const _ = db.command Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { title: ["全部", "我要找车", "我要找人", "我找货车", "我要找货"], hasmore: false, wehicles: '', startPoint: '', goal: '', isQuerying: false, currentTabIndex: '', }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad(options) { }, /** * 获取选项卡 */ onItemChengdeEvent(event) { var index = event.detail.index; this.setData({ currentTabIndex: index }); this.lowdrelease(index); this.onchaxun(index); }, /** * 获取数据库数据 */ async lowdrelease(index, start = 0) { // console.log("index下标值",index) const that = this; let query = {}; switch (index) { case 0: break; case 1: query = { carpool: '我要找车' }; break; case 2: query = { carpool: '我要找人' }; break; case 3: query = { carpool: '我找货车' }; break; case 4: query = { carpool: '我要找货' }; break; } // console.log('carpool条件',query) let promise = db.collection("wehicle").where(query); if (start > 0) { promise = promise.skip(start); } // 限制每次获取数据数量并排序 promise = promise.limit(5) .orderBy("redden.reddenStartTime", 'desc') .orderBy("topping.toppingStarttime", "desc") .orderBy("create_time", "desc"); const wehiclesRes = await promise.get(); const wehicles = wehiclesRes.data; // console.log('获取数据库数据',wehicles) // 统计符合条件的总数而不是所有数据 const countRes = await db.collection("wehicle").where(query).count(); // console.log('总计数',countRes) // 合并当前获取的数据 const newWehicles = start > 0 ? that.data.wehicles.concat(wehicles) : wehicles; newWehicles.forEach((wehicle, index) => { wehicle.create_time = wehicle.create_time.toString(); }); // const hasmore = false; const hasmore = countRes.total > (that.data.wehicles.length + start); that.setData({ wehicles: newWehicles, hasmore: hasmore, result: countRes.total }); }, /** * 获取起点输入信息 */ onStartPointEvent(event) { const that = this; const startPoint = event.detail.value // console.log('起点', startPoint); that.setData({ startPoint: startPoint, startPointStr: startPoint }) }, /** * 获取终点输入信息 */ onGoalEvent(event) { const that = this; const goal = event.detail.value that.setData({ goal: goal, goalStr: goal }) }, /** * 切换输入框的内容 */ onImage() { const startPoint = this.data.startPoint; const goal = this.data.goal; this.setData({ startPoint: goal, goal: startPoint, startPointStr: goal, goalStr: startPoint }) }, /** * 点击查询事件 */ async onchaxun(index,start = 0) { const that = this; that.setData({ isQuerying: true, }) const whereRes = { startPoint: db.RegExp({ regexp: that.data.startPoint}), goal: db.RegExp({ regexp: that.data.goal}), } console.log(whereRes) let query = {}; switch (index) { case 0: break; case 1: query = {carpool: '我要找车'}; break; case 2: query = {carpool: '我要找人'}; break; case 3: query = {carpool: '我找货车'}; break; case 4: query = {carpool: '我要找货'}; break; } console.log(query) let promise = db.collection("wehicle").where(_.and(whereRes,query)) if (start > 0) { promise = promise.skip(start) } // 限制每次获取数据数量并排序 promise = promise.limit(2) .orderBy("redden.reddenStartTime", 'desc') .orderBy("topping.toppingStarttime", "desc") .orderBy("create_time", "desc"); const listzerosRes = await promise.get(); const wehicles = listzerosRes.data; console.log('获取数据库数据',wehicles) // 统计符合条件的总数而不是所有数据 const countRes = await promise.count(); console.log('总计数',countRes) // 合并当前获取的数据 const newWheres = start > 0 ? that.data.wehicles.concat(wehicles) : wehicles; newWheres.forEach((wehicle, index) => { wehicle.create_time = wehicle.create_time.toString(); }); // const hasmore = false; const hasmore = countRes.total > (that.data.wehicles.length + start); that.setData({ startPointStr: '', goalStr: '', wehicles: newWheres, hasmore: hasmore, result:countRes.total }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow() { if (!this.data.isQuerying) { this.lowdrelease(0); } else { this.onchaxun(0); } }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh() { this.lowdrelease(0); this.setData({ isQuerying: false }) wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ async onReachBottom() { let hasmore = true; if (this.data.wehicles.length == 0) { hasmore = false } this.setData({ hasmore: hasmore }) if (!this.data.isQuerying) { const currentIndex = this.data.currentTabIndex; this.lowdrelease(currentIndex, this.data.wehicles.length); } else { this.onchaxun(this.data.wehicles.length); } }, })
