# Product Positioning and Feature Description

A Weixin Mini Game is a type of Mini Program. After completing Mini Program registration, you can choose the "Game" category then start developing and debugging your Mini Game.

# Mini Game Registration

# Registering a Mini Program Account

On the homepage (mp.weixin.qq.com) of the Weixin Official Accounts Platform official website, click Register Now in the upper right corner.

# Selecting Account Type to Register

Select Mini Program. To view the differences and advantages of different types of accounts, click View Differences.

# Entering Email Address and Password

Enter an email address that is not linked to the Weixin Official Accounts Platform, Open Platform, any OA company account, or any individual account.

# Activating the Email Address

Log in to the mailbox to check the activation email, and click the activation link to activate the email address.

# Entering Entity Information

Select an entity type and enter information about the entity and the admin.

# Selecting an entity type

The following table describes the entity types:

Account Entity Scope
Individual Weixin users aged over 18 with a Chinese ID card and that have completed real-name authentication
Company Companies, branch offices, and business-related brands
Company (Individual business) Individually owned industrial and commercial households
Government All levels and kinds of government agencies, public institutions, and social organizations with administrative functions in China. These entities mainly cover public security organs, political parties and other organizations, judicial organs, transportation authorities, tourist agencies, industrial and commercial tax authorities, and municipal authorities.
Media Newspapers, magazines, TV stations, radio stations, and news agencies, etc.
Other organizations Other entities that do not fall into the government, media, company, or individual categories.

# Entering entity information and selecting a verification method

  • Two entity verification methods are available for company accounts.
    • Method 1: Transfer money from the company's corporate account to Tencent, to verify the entity's identity. The transfer information can be viewed after the entity information is submitted.
    • Method 2: Verify the identity of the entity via Weixin Verification. In this method, the verification fee of 300 CNY is required. Some features of the Mini Program are unavailable until the verification is approved.

  • Identities of governments, media, and other organization accounts must be verified via Weixin Verification. Some features of the Mini Program are unavailable until the verification is approved.

  • Entry to Weixin Verification: Log in to the Mini Program, and select Settings > Weixin Verification > Details.

# Entering admin information

# Confirming the entity information that cannot be changed thereafter

# Clicking Confirm to complete the registration process

If you choose to transfer money through a corporate account, transfer the specified amount to the specified payment account following the instructions on the page.

Note: If you do not complete the payment within 10 days, registration will fail.

If you choose to verify the entity's identity via Weixin Verification, complete Weixin Verification after registration as soon as possible. Some features of the Mini Program are unavailable until the verification is approved.

# Completing the Mini Game's Information and Preparing for Development

# Logging in to the Mini Program Admin Console

After registration, log in to the Mini Program admin console from the login entry on the homepage (mp.weixin.qq.com) of the official website of Weixin Official Accounts Platform.

# Completing the Mini Program's Information

After registration, you can complete the information on the Mini Program during development.

If you choose to transfer money through a corporate account, when the verification via transfer is completed, you can specify the Mini Program name, upload the profile photo, enter brief introduction, and select the service scope.

If you choose to verify the entity's identity via Weixin Verification, the verification must be approved before you can specify the Mini Program name, upload the profile photo, enter brief introduction, and select the service scope.

# Entity Types Supported by Mini Games

Mini Games are open to individuals, companies, media, government, and other organization entities. However, the virtual payment function is not available to individual developers.

# Preparing for Development

# Linking project members

Log in to the Mini Program admin console on Weixin Official Accounts Platform, and go to User Identity > Link Mini Program Project Members. You can link developers, testers, and other members.

# Obtaining AppID

Go to Settings > Development Settings to get the AppID.

# Code Review and Release

# Submitting the Code for Review

Log in to the Mini Program admin console on Weixin Official Accounts Platform, and go to Development Management. Uploaded code is displayed in the developer version. The admin can submit the code for review or delete the code.

# Entering the Review Information

# Game qualification submission and category confirmation

Confirm the game category and submit qualification documents.

Non-individual entities must submit: SARFT version approval, Ministry of Culture filing information, computer software copyright registration certificate, and game self-review report.

Individual entities must submit: computer software copyright registration certificate and game self-review report.

# Test account

If a test account is required to review and use a Mini Program, the verification of the Mini Program will be rejected after first code submission. When the code is submitted for review for the second time, an entry will be available for the Mini Program's developer to provide a test account for the Weixin reviewer, who will then use the account to log in to the Mini Program for review.

# Submission completed

After submission, the verification progress will be displayed in the Review Version module on the Development Management page.


# Code release

If the code of a Mini Program is approved, the Mini Program's developer needs to manually click Release to release the Mini Program online to provide services.


The Release button for code release is unavailable during the internal trial.

# Applying for Weixin Verification for a Mini Game

The identities of accounts owned by governments, media, and other organizations must be verified via Weixin Verification. Whether Weixin Verification is used to verify the identities of company accounts can be determined based on actual needs. Verified accounts have the access to WeChat Pay.

Weixin Verification is not supported for individual Mini Program accounts.

To apply for Weixin Verification, log in to the Mini Program admin console, and select Settings > Basic Settings > Weixin Verification > Details.

# Applying for Virtual Payment for a Mini Game

# Activating WeChat Pay

  • The entity type is a verified Mini Game of an individual business or a company

  • Activate WeChat Pay

# Activating Virtual Payment

# Signing the Payment Agreement

Carefully read and agree to the terms of the payment agreement.

# Setting the Withdrawal Account

The amounts of transactions completed by the user in the Mini Game will be withdrawn to the developer's bank account after settlement.

# Hosting Game Currency

In game-type Mini Programs, game currency must be hosted on the platform.

  • The admin grants authorization

  • Enter the game currency name and exchange rate

  • Game zone configuration

  • Release in integrated testing environment

  • The submitted application for app release must be approved

# Querying Payment Orders

After virtual payment is activated, payment orders can be queried.

# Linking an Official Account with a Mini Program

After linking to an Official Account, the Mini Program can be used in features such as articles, custom menu, and message templates.

Linking rules:

  1. All Official Accounts can be linked to Mini Programs.
  2. An Official Account can be linked to up to 10 Mini Programs owned by the same entity and up to 3 Mini Programs owned by different entities.
  3. A Mini Program can be linked to up to 500 Official Accounts.
  4. An Official Account can be linked to up to 13 new Mini Programs per month; a Mini Program can be linked to up to 500 new Official Accounts per month.

Linking process:

Log in to the Official Account console, and select Mini Program > Mini Program Management > Add > Link Mini Program.