# Access to goods
# Interface call request specification
Http request method: POST
# Request Parameter Sample
"product_id": 324545,
"out_product_id": "51514515",
"need_edit_spu": 1 // Default 0: Get online data, 1: Get draft data
# Return Package Example
"errcode": 0,
"out_product_id": "1234566",
"title": " Nintendo Nintendo Switch China Line Endurance Enhanced Edition NS Home Gaming Console Portable handheld game consoles Red and blue host " ,
"path": "plugin-private://wx34345ae5855f892d/pages/productDetail/productDetail?productId=2176180",
" http://img10.360buyimg.com/n1/s450x450_jfs/t1/85865/39/13611/488083/5e590a40E4bdf69c0/55c9bf645ea2b727.jpg"
"desc": "xxxx",
" http://img10.360buyimg.com/n1/s450x450_jfs/t1/85865/39/13611/488083/5e590a40E4bdf69c0/55c9bf645ea2b727.jpg"
"audit_info": {
"submit_time" : "2021-03-09 15:14:08",
"audit_time": "2021-03-09 15:16:08",
"reject_reason": "No,"
"third_cat_id": 6666,
"brand_id": 2100000000,
"info_version": "xxx",
"create_time": "2020-12-25 00:00:00",
"update_time": "2020-12-26 00:00:00",
"out_product_id": "1234566",
"out_sku_id": "1024",
"thumb_img": " http://img10.360buyimg.com/n1/s450x450_jfs/t1/100778/17/13648/424215/5e590a40E2d68e774/e171d222a0c9b763.jpg",
"sale_price": 1300,
"market_price": 1500,
"stock_in a": 100,
"sku_code": "A24525252",
"barcode": "13251454",
"attr_key": "Choose a color,"
"attr_value": "Red and blue host."
"attr_key": "Choose a suit,"
"attr_value": "Host + Protective Case"
# Request Parameter Dxplaination
parameter | type | Is it necessary to fill out | Introductions |
out_product_id | string | no | Merchant custom product ID, with product_Id choose two |
product_id | number | no | Trading component platform internal product ID, and out_product_Id choose two |
need_edit_spu | number | no | Default 0: Get online data, 1: Get draft data |
# Return parameter specification
parameter | type | Introductions |
Errcode | number | Error code |
errmsg | string | Error message |
spu.product_id | number | Trading Component Internal Product ID |
spu.out_product_id | string | Custom Product ID |
spu.title | string | title |
spu.path | string | Bound Mini Program product path |
spu.head_img | string array | Main chart, multiple sheets, list |
spu.desc_info.desc | string | Product Details |
spu.desc_info.imgs | string array | Picture of the day |
spu.audit_info | object | Product Audit Information |
spu.audit_info.submit_time | string | Last submission date, yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: SS |
spu.audit_info.audit_time | string | Last audit time, yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: SS |
spu.audit_info.reject_reason | string | Reason for refusal, only edit_Appears when status is 3 |
spu.audit_info.audit_id | string | Audit Form ID |
spu.status | number | Product Online Status |
spu.edit_status | number | Draft status of merchandise |
spu.third_cat_id | number | Level 3 Category ID |
spu.brand_id | number | Brand id |
spu.create_time | string | Create time |
spu.update_time | string | Update time |
spu.info_version | string | Reserved fields for version control |
spu.skus[] | object array | sku array |
spu.skus[].out_product_id | string | Custom Product ID |
spu.skus[].out_sku_id | string | Business custom skuID |
spu.skus[].thumb_img | string | sku small diagram |
spu.skus[].sale_price | number | Sale Price in Units |
spu.skus[].market_price | number | Market prices in units |
spu.skus[].stock_A | number | stock |
spu.skus[].barcode | string | barcode |
spu.skus[].sku_code | string | Product code |
spu.skus[].sku_attrs[].attr_key | string | Sales attribute key (custom) |
spu.skus[].sku_attrs[].attr_value | string | Sales attribute value (custom) |
spu.supplier | string | Supplier name |
spu.express_fee | number | Courier charges, divided into units |
spu.product_type | string | Product attributes, such as: 1, pre-sale goods, 2, virtual electronic certificate goods, 3, custom |
spu.sell_time | string | Timed shelf time |
spu.pick_up_type | string array | Distribution mode 1 Express 2 City 3 Home delivery 4 p.m. |
spu.onsale | number | 0 - Not on sale 1 - On sale |
spu.unitname | string | Product unit |
spu.unitfactor | number | Packaging factor |
# Enumerate - edit _status
Enumeration value | describe |
1 | Not audited |
2 | Under review |
3 | Audit failure |
4 | Audit success |
# Enumerate - status
Enumeration value | describe |
0 | Initial value |
5 | Shelf |
11 | Autonomous dismounting |
13 | Offending Shelf/Air Control System Off the Shelf |