# Get Product Categories

# Interface call request specification

Get information about all Level 3 categories and their qualifications Note: This interface pulls in [Full] Level 3 category data, with a data return packet size of about 2MB. So please make your own cache, do not call frequently (there are strict frequency restrictions), the category data will not change frequency, recommended businesses call once a day to update their own cache

If the category qualification is required, the new product must be applied through the category of qualification application interface If the class qualification is not required, then the class is automatically owned, no need to apply, if still called, will report an error 1050011 If the product qualification must be filled in, the new product, with product qualification field. Access the category audit callback to get the audit results.

Http request method: POST

# Request Parameter Sample


# Return Package Example

    "errcode": 0,
            "third_cat_id": 6493,
            "third_cat_name": " Crawling pad/blanket " ,
            "qualification": "",
            "qualification_type": 0,
            "product_qualification": "National Compulsory Product Certification Certificate" (CCC Safety Certification),
            "product_qualification_type": 1,
            "first_cat_id": 6472,
            "first_cat_name": "Toy musical instruments,"
            "second_cat_id": 6489,
            "second_cat_name": "Fitness toys"

# Request Parameter Dxplaination


# Return parameter specification

parameter type Introductions
Errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
third_cat_list object array List of categories
third_cat_list[].third_cat_id number Category ID
third_cat_list[].third_cat_name string Category Name
third_cat_list[].qualification string Category Qualification
third_cat_list[].qualification_type number Category Qualification Type, 0: Not required, 1: required, 2: optional
third_cat_list[].product_qualification string Product qualification
third_cat_list[].product_qualification_type number Product qualification type, 0: not required, 1: required, 2: optional
third_cat_list[].second_cat_id number Secondary Class ID
third_cat_list[].second_cat_name string Secondary Class Name
third_cat_list[].first_cat_id number First-Class ID
third_cat_list[].first_cat_name string First-Class Name