Due to different runtime environments, the following APIs are implemented differently in the Weixin DevTools than in the app. So use a physical device for debugging.

API Description
wx.checkIsSupportSoterAuthentication Unsupported on device
wx.startSoterAuthentication Unsupported on device
wx.chooseInvoiceTitle Simulated data returned
wx.addPhoneContact Unsupported on device
wx.onUserCaptureScreen Unsupported on device
wx.startBeaconDiscovery Unsupported on device
wx.stopBeaconDiscovery Unsupported on device
wx.getBeacons Unsupported on device
wx.onBeaconUpdate Unsupported on device
wx.onBeaconServiceChange Unsupported on device
wx.makePhoneCall A pop-up message of "API call successful" appears
wx.onCompassChange Unsupported on device
wx.chooseAddress Simulated data returned