To make it easy for you to develop and try out various capabilities of Mini Programs and Mini Games, you can apply for a test account of Mini Programs and Mini Games, and use this account to create projects in Weixin DevTools for development and testing, and preview on your mobile phone.

# Applying for a Test Account

It is very simple to apply for a test account. Visit the application address, scan the QR code to log in, and then you can view the information of the test account that has been assigned to you.

# Creating a Project with the Test Account

With the information of the test account, you can create a project in Weixin DevTools for development.

As shown in the figure, open the DevTools and create a Mini Program project, fill in the appid of the test account, and a test project is created.

To skip the verification of the network request domain name, you can check the Do not verify valid domain name, web-view (business domain name), TLS version, and HTTPS certificate option in the Project Settings.

You can preview the project on your phone by clicking the Preview button on the toolbar. To skip the verification of the network request domain name on the physical device, click the option in the upper right corner and select Enable Debugging.