# Weixin DevTools Update Log

Viewing Base Library Update Log Viewing Cloud Base Update Log

# 2019.05.08

  1. A Added built-in ES6+ to enhance language escape capability.
  2. A Added Task Notification Center.
  3. A Added a new command cleanAppCache in the console.
  4. A Added version number recommendation upon upload.
  5. A Added quick start templates for Cloud Base and cloud call.
  6. A Added a plug-in to act as the protection mechanism upon DevTools withdrawal.
  7. A Added the prompt that Media Asset Management will no longer be maintained.
  8. A Added experience rating where the verification rule of "compatibility with iPhone X" is supported.
  9. A Added sitemap linked with Weixin DevTools to allow the console to display whether the current page is indexed.
  10. A Added uploadWithSourceMap settings in project.config.json.
  11. A Added createUDPSocket and changed bindUDPSocket to a synce API.
  12. A Added the feature to enable code protection by default.
  13. A Added general settings.
  14. A Added the option to set whether a project is opened by default when the DevTools is launched.
  15. A Added cover-view support for the Mini Program.
  16. A Added cover-view support in full screen.
  17. A Added a plug-in to restore the sourcemap of developers.
  18. A Added network to display images in the Mini Program.
  19. A Added a quick update mechanism for nightly.
  20. U Optimized the task progress box and notification center to allow the text to be copied.
  21. U Optimized the layout to remove the withdraw button on the interface of the pop-up simulator/debugger (withdrawal means closing the window).
  22. U Optimized the simulator to reduce the minimum margin.
  23. U Optimized the display of the task status bar.
  24. F Fixed the unwanted output of stack after packoption.ignore was configured. Feedback Details
  25. F Fixed the problem that fs.appendFile did not support passing in ArrayBuffer.
  26. F Fixed the problem that no error message was returned after 10 failed login attempts due to timeout when mp.weixin.qq.com host had been configured.
  27. F Fixed the problem that sitemap.json in the Mini Program project would be overwritten if sitemapLocation was not specified in app.json.
  28. F Fixed the problem that error "appLaunch with an already exist webviewId" occurred occasionally.
  29. F Fixed the problem that wx.showKeyboard flashed across the Mini Game simulator when it popped up.
  30. F Fixed the loss of history caches of "Project Remarks" in the submitted versions. Feedback Details
  31. F Fixed the problem that the memory displayed was 0 when showSystemInfo was entered in the console.
  32. F Fixed the lagging of appservice when files could not be downloaded via wx.downloadFile due to the proxy.
  33. F Fixed the inability to obtain the duration of the background audio in backgroundAudioManager in Weixin DevTools. Feedback Details
  34. F Fixed the failure of some toolbar buttons to adapt to the language switch.
  35. F Fixed the failure of DevTools to reload when the simulator popped up for the first time.
  36. F Fixed the problem that the TabBar in the simulator went blank after multiple taps.
  37. F Fixed the incorrect compileType in the Weixin Work Mini Program mode.
  38. F Fixed the problem that duplicate project lists existed when appid in project.config.json was manually modified to an empty string.
  39. F Fixed the problem that the status bar kept indicating that a file was being compiled in the developer mode.
  40. F Fixed the failure to report system errors during the slow compilation of multiple project files.
  41. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred in the Mini Programs configured with functionpages during physical device debugging in Windows.
  42. F Fixed the problem that app.js was initialized twice during subpackage debugging.
  43. F Fixed the inability to recursively create directories via makeDirSync in Weixin DevTools. Feedback Details
  44. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred in the project during Windows nightly small package update.
  45. F Fixed the inability to read the ignore in packOptions during physical device debugging.
  46. F Fixed the inability to display the size of the code package when it exceeded the maximum value.
  47. F Fixed the problem that the option to open the last modified project in the settings did not take effect.
  48. F Fixed the problem that no message about size exceeding limit was returned during preview and upload.
  49. F Fixed the inability to skip domain name verification when API downloadFile was called.
  50. F Fixed the problem that Home and Back buttons were displayed in the web debugging mode.
  51. F Fixed the network panel to remove the base64 request.
  52. F Fixed the failure to enter proxy settings.
  53. F Fixed the failure of page reflow after several switches between portrait and landscape in webview.
  54. F Fixed the failure to synchronize the cloud environment list after AppID was changed in the project details.
  55. F Fixed the inability to open a project whose path containing 「'」. Feedback Details
  56. F Fixed the problem that BackgroundAudioManager.onPlay ran earlier than onCanPlay. Feedback Details
  57. F Fixed earlier versions of the base library of Weixin DevTools to solve the problem that error "vd_version_info not found" was returned when a new plug-in was released online.
  58. F Fixed the unwanted spreading of usingComponents in app.json to a independent subpackage. Feedback Details
  59. F Fixed the problem that plug-in reference information remained after the plugins field in app.json was deleted.
  60. F Fixed the inability to block certain requests when the simulation was offline. Feedback Details
  61. F Fixed the inability to adapt the simulator size to the rotation automatically.

# 2019.02.01

  1. F Fixed the issue of incomplete display of interface debugging style information. Feedback Details

# 2019.01.23

  1. F Fixed the problem that app.json usingComponent in 1.02.1901221 did not spread. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the problem that projects with long paths could not be opened. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the problem that the project list window often popped up in the win version of 1.02.1901170. Feedback Details

# 2019.01.22

  1. F Fixed the problem that wx.previewImage of 1.02.1901170 was invalid. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the problem that the pageJSON error was reported when preview of 1.02.1901170 was used. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the problem that the project list window often popped up in the win version of 1.02.1901170. Feedback Details
  4. F Fixed the problem that tabBar selectIconPath of 1.02.1901170 was invalid. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the issue of the Back button when the Mini Program was in the full screen mode in 1.02.1901170. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the problem that valid fields in ext.json were incorrectly prompted as invalid fields. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed the problem that wx.setStorage key could be left empty.
  8. F Fixed the issue of code upload exception via command lines of third-party platforms. Feedback Details

# 2019.01.17

  1. A Added custom tabbar debugging. Details
  2. A Added Weixin Developers·Code Management Details
  3. A Added security settings so that manual enabling is required to call CLI/HTTP. Details
  4. A Added visitor mode to allow modification of appid
  5. U Optimized the project creation process
  6. U Optimized the feedback interaction of Weixin DevTools modal window.
  7. U Optimized the field type check and invalid field prompt for app.json and page.json.
  8. F Fixed the problem that a code could not be uploaded/downloaded correctly due to unclear local cache of Cloud Base after modification of appid.
  9. F Fixed the problem that the system proxy still appeared even after failure to set system proxy.
  10. F Fixed the repetitive prompt after failure to set system proxy in Windows.
  11. F Fixed the problem that AppData debugging panel was missing in the multi-account debugging window. Feedback Details
  12. F Fixed the unavailability of Mac replication.
  13. F Fixed the issue of incomplete display of interface debugging style information. Feedback Details
  14. `Fixed the problem that media query was not displayed in the WXML panel. Feedback Details
  15. F Fixed the problem that WXML panel style no longer responded after one click. Feedback Details
  16. F Fixed the problem that Weixin DevTools could not listen on file changes after a project directory was deleted and then created in the disk.
  17. F Fixed the problem that some login-related error prompts were missing.
  18. F Fixed the problem that app.onHide was not triggered when sharing. Feedback Details
  19. F Fixed the problem that the request of wx.downloadFile wx.uploadFile could not appear in the Mini Game debugger.
  20. F Fixed the problem that an error was reported when Weixin DevTools was switched to background in base library 2.4.4. Feedback Details
  21. F Fixed the problem that style was missing from pages with plug-ins in the Mini Program subpackage.

# 2018.12.27

windows 64, windows 32, and mac

  1. F Fixed the issue of first_column in 1.02.1812260. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the problem that an authorization window always popped up when getLocation was used.

# 2018.12.26

  1. A Added app.json to support the permission field.
  2. A Added page.json to support the navigationStyle field (only available to base library 2.4.3).
  3. F Fixed the issue of incorrect black theme style in some components.
  4. F Fixed the problem that appearance settings could not be opened during debugging of Official Account webpages.

# 2018.12.18

  1. A Added the black theme. Details
  2. A Added support for debugging via mDns.
  3. A Added display of the simulator on the right side of DevTools.
  4. A Added the Home and Back buttons in the simulator. Feedback Details
  5. A Added web-view to support bindload/binderror
  6. A Added project.config.json in which appid can be modified.
  7. A Added the configuration item deviceOrientation of game.json to support landscapeLeft/landscapeRight on Mini Game.
  8. A Added a Mini Program configuration file to support pageOrientation. Details
  9. A Added CLI/HTTP to support automatic preview Details
  10. U Made an optimization so that the prompt of whether any dependency is not installed appears when uploading cloud functions.
  11. U Made an optimization so that the selected compilation mode is automatically located when there are multiple custom compilation conditions.
  12. U Optimized custom compilation conditions to support arrow keys.
  13. F Fixed the problem that app.wxss was loaded twice in the Mini Program subpackage. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed the problem that an exception occurred when writing extAppid into app.json.
  15. F Fixed the problem that command + S did not work in the DevTools for mac. Feedback Details
  16. F Fixed the problem that plug-ins in the subpackage could not reference their own resources.
  17. F Fixed the problem that app.js was executed during pre-loading of the subpackage. Feedback Details
  18. F Fixed the problem that an error was reported when the uploaded game.js of the Mini Game subpackage was an empty file.
  19. F Fixed the problem that DevTools could not be enabled by clicking the code fragment link.
  20. F Fixed the problem that the debugger for debugging Official Account webpages could not pop up.
  21. F Fixed the missing of the task bar icon in the Windows version.
  22. F Fixed the problem that Page.onTabItemTap could be triggered only once. Feedback Details
  23. F Fixed the problem that usingComponents of app.json did not take effect when the page did not have the json file. Feedback Details
  24. F Fixed the problem that the return code was 0 when an error occurred to cli.

# 2018.11.29

windows 64, windows 32, and mac

  1. F Fixed the unnecessary modification of project.config.json after compilation of a new project with miniprogramRoot failed.

# 2018.11.28

  1. A Added a timed trigger for cloud functions. Details
  2. F Fixed the problem that a message indicating wxml not found was displayed in DevTools 1.02.1811150 on some Windows systems. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the failure of loading Mini Game subpackages. Feedback Details

# 2018.11.15

  1. F Fixed the ineffective setting of page.json in DevTools 1.02.1811141. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the missing of the original rpx information during local debugging of wxml in DevTools 1.02.1811141. Feedback Details

# 2018.11.14

  1. A Added typescript. Details
  2. A Added the uniqueness restriction for cloud database index. Details
  3. A Added cloud database export feature. Details
  4. A Added CLI & HTTP to support custom compilation conditions.
  5. A Added CLI & HTTP to support "building npm".
  6. A Added CLI & HTTP commands to support entering login results to a specified file when logging in to IDE.
  7. A Added CLI & HTTP to support downloading code snippets to a specified directory.
  8. A Added wxss to support @supports. Feedback Details
  9. U Optimized the maximum size of a code snippet to 1 MB.
  10. U Made an optimization so that the debugger did not display an error 404 page when an ignored file is configured via packOptions.ignore in project.config.json.
  11. U Made an optimization to support building npm based on the dependencies field in package.json.
  12. F Fixed the inability to preview/upload a project not created via DevTools with CLI & HTTP.
  13. F Fixed the inconsistency of performance between seek and a physical device when music was paused. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed the lack of prompt when BackgroundAudioManager.title was not specified.
  15. F Fixed the inability to display the Debug button when right clicking some pages.
  16. F Fixed the problem that an error was reported when an object literal in an expression was parsed via wxs.
  17. F Fixed the incorrect blocking of rendering by wxs.
  18. F Fixed the problem that modifications to the wxs file did not take effect immediately after being saved. Feedback Details
  19. F Fixed the problem that a prompt indicating that "app.json" not found appeared when a project located in n network path was opened on Windows. Feedback Details
  20. F Fixed the inability of compilation when an ENAMETOOLONG error was reported due to excessive wxml files on Windows.
  21. F Fixed the unavailability of networkTimeout.connectSocket in global configuration files.
  22. F Fixed the inability to trigger App.onHide when a plug-in was switched to background in the developer mode.
  23. F Fixed the loss of referrerInfo in the custom compilation condition wx.getLaunchInfoSync of Mini Games.
  24. F Fixed the inability to verify the TLS version in a network request in Mini Games.
  25. F Fixed the inability to close advertisements in Mini Games.
  26. F Fixed the inability to run Mini Games properly when multicore compilation was disabled.

# 2018.10.25

windows 64, windows 32, and mac

  1. F Fixed the ignorance of ext.json during uploading when extAppid and appid were the same. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the inability to load Mini Games in the base library 2.3.1.

# 2018.10.19

  1. A Added online installation of dependencies on Cloud Base.
  2. A Added available test accounts for code snippet importing.
  3. A Added code protection. Details
  4. A Added available usingComponents in app.json of Mini Programs.
  5. F Fixed the inability to apply the setting of tabsize in an automatically generated page. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the problem that Chinese is returned by wx.getSystemInfo after Weixin DevTools was switched to the English version.
  7. F Fixed the failure to set the system proxy when connecting iPhone/iPad to Mac with a USB cable.
  8. F Fixed the inability to read the extappid information of a third-party platform.
  9. F Fixed the failure to import code snippet links when Weixin DevTools was not enabled on Windows. Feedback Details
  10. F Fixed the inability to obtain query information via QR code compilation in Mini Games.
  11. F Fixed the inability to preview when the generated project.config.json was abnormal. Feedback Details
  12. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred in the code snippet when appid was modified in visitor mode.
  13. F Fixed the problem that the minimum value of font-size was 12px.
  14. U Optimized code snippet links.

# 2018.09.26

  1. A Added the feature of dynamically updating the AppID on the project details page.
  2. A Added available Glob and RegExp rules in packOptions.ignore and debugOptions.hidedInDevtools of project.config.json.
  3. A Added the debugging of Mini Games on a physical device (Specific systems and Weixin versions were required).Details
  4. U Optimized the complier to display compilation progress in the status bar on the bottom of the debugger.
  5. U Optimized compilation and caching of JS files of Mini Games by adding MD5 check.
  6. U Optimized download of cloud functions.
  7. U Optimized DevTools to display details of a cloud function after the cloud function was uploaded.
  8. U Optimized the menu display on DevTools.
  9. U Optimized the sequence of menus on the editor.
  10. U Optimized the editor to skip the node_modules directory by default in full-text search.
  11. F Fixed the problem that the operation permissions for the original files were not retained after the files were uploaded via cloud functions.
  12. F Fixed the failure to call a cloud function containing Chinese characters in a test conducted via the Cloud Base console.
  13. F Fixed the problem that an exception occurred when a bool data type was added in the Cloud Base console. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed the problem that AuthFailure.TokenFailure was reported when a cloud function failed to be uploaded.
  15. F Fixed the inability to display the tabBar icon during multi-account debugging.
  16. F Fixed the orientation inconsistency between wx.getImageInfo and the client.
  17. F Fixed the problem that the touch object in a touch event of Mini Games was inconsistent with that in client.
  18. F Fixed the problem that requests could be initiated via the web-view component when DevTools simulates offline.
  19. F Fixed the problem that permission denied was prompted in fs.readdir of a Mini Game.
  20. F Fixed the problem that the JSON result returned by calling CLI/HTTP was garbled on a browser.
  21. F Fixed the problem that the preview QR code was not centered. Feedback Details

# 2018.09.11

windows 64, windows 32, and mac

  1. F Fixed the problem that an exception occurred when a WXML file failed to be compiled via DevTools 1.02.1809101 for 32-bit Windows. Feedback Details

# 2018.09.10

  1. A Added Mini Program·Cloud Base. Details
  2. F Fixed the problem that a blank screen flickered on some Windows devices when Preview was clicked for the first time.
  3. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when the switch case was a negative value in wxs. Feedback Details
  4. F Fixed the inability to debug the customer service button. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the problem that the appid obtained by calling wx.getAccountInfoSync via DevTools was empty. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the problem that extAppId was not returned when wx.getAccountInfoSync was called via a third-party platform. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed the problem that preprocessing commands before compilation did not take effect. Feedback Details
  8. F Fixed the inability to enable a Mini Program if a file in the Mini Program directory was specified by packOptions.ignore. Feedback Details

Additional update notes to Beta users (additional updates to Beta version of Weixin DevTools):

  1. A Added QuickStart for Mini Games Cloud Base.
  2. F Fixed the problem that the longitude and latitude are displayed in reverse in the database of the Cloud Base console. Feedback Details

# 2018.08.30

  1. A Added version management. Details
  2. A Added experience rating. Details
  3. A Added npm support. Details
  4. A Added English version.
  5. A Added the debugging of subpackage preloading for Mini Programs. (The base library 2.3.0 was required.)
  6. A Added the debugging of independent subpackages of Mini Programs.
  7. A Added the ability to generate a page automatically when adding a page in plugin.json
  8. A Added reverse selection for code snippet management.
  9. A Added number support for wxml tag property.
  10. A Added the ability to collapse all folders in the editor.
  11. A Added debugOptions in project settings to hide specified source files to prevent debugger from being unresponsive. Details
  12. F Fixed the problem that DevTools could not be started on some Windows devices. Feedback Details
  13. F Fixed the problem that the minimized DevTools interface did not render after page refresh/switch when the simulator was in an independent window. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed the problem that the tabBar icon was invalid. Feedback Details
  15. F Fixed the inability to set header via wx.connectSocket in a previously opened project window after a project window was opened and then closed.
  16. F Fixed the problem that a JS file containing non-UTF-8 data kept loading during preview.
  17. F Fixed the inability to compile wxml for the reason that the name of a custom component file has a space.
  18. F Fixed the incorrect logic compilation of the custom component wx:if. Feedback Details
  19. F Fixed the exception caused by <!----> in wxml file. Feedback Details
  20. F Fixed the problem that the console did not report any error when wxml in a subpackage was incorrectly compiled.
  21. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when creating a temporary directory because the name of the code snippet created in the Windows version contained special characters.
  22. F Fixed the problem that holding Ctrl and scrolling the mouse wheel on the control panel may zoom in/out the interface in the Windows version.
  23. F Fixed the inability to load images in the feedback component of a Mini Game. Feedback Details
  24. U Made an optimization to solve the problem that the version number was too short when uploading. Feedback Details
  25. U Optimized the execution logic of API callback.

# 2018.08.08

  1. F Fixed the problem that the proxy of DevTools for Mac was always a "directly connected network."

# 2018.08.01

  1. F Fixed the problem that an error was reported to indicate that the upper limit of code packages was incorrect during cloud testing after subpackages were used in Mini Programs. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the overlapping in the media asset management file list. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the disappearance of the toolbar in the simulator. Feedback Details

# 2018.07.20

  1. F Fixed the problem that compilation did not take effect in DevTools 1.02.1807120. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the incorrect calculation of the style overriding rule during UI debugging. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when root directory names of subpackages contain the same suffixes. Feedback Details

# 2018.07.12

  1. A Added multi-account debugging. Details
  2. A Added debugging on iPad and in landscape mode.
  3. A Added the support for svg files in Media Asset Management.
  4. A Added the support for more text files when you use global search in the editor.
  5. U Optimized the editor menu by using the native menu to avoid being covered by other interfaces and cause incomplete display.
  6. F Fixed the problem that some requests were garbled when the network panel was remotely debugged. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed the problem that an error occured when a custom component was called via DevTools with the base library 1.6.3. Feedback Details
  8. F Fixed the problem that DevTools went blank when the simulator was quickly popped up or withdrawn during quick compilation.
  9. F Fixed the problem that Weixin DevTools went white when tapping Login during network outage.
  10. F Fixed the problem that the uploading feature of DevTools was triggered by user code. Feedback Details
  11. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when using wx.setBackgroundColor and wx.setBackgroundTextStyle in the lifecycle of a page.
  12. F Fixed the problem that JSON settings did not take effect in the plug-ins feature page. Feedback Details
  13. F Fixed the incorrect calculation of the style overriding rule during UI debugging. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed the missing of sound when the volume was dynamically set to 0 and then back to 1 in the local project file src of wx.createAudioInstance.
  15. F Fixed the problem that the subpackage size includes only the size of JS files when loading a Mini Game subpackage.
  16. F Fixed the inability to debug in base libraries earlier than 2.1.0 when subpackages were used in Mini Games. Feedback Details
  17. F Fixed the inability to use local images wx.createUserInfoButton in Mini Games.
  18. F Fixed the problem that the scene value compiled via QR codes did not meet expectation. Feedback Details
  19. F Fixed the inability of penetration when icon = 'none' in wx.showToast. Feedback Details
  20. F Fixed the failure to open the custom analysis window again. Feedback Details
  21. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when root directory names of subpackages contain the same suffixes. Feedback Details

# 2018.06.12

windows 64, windows 32, and mac

  1. A Added the entry to the TGit toolbar. Details
  2. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when a plug-in was used for remote debugging of subpackages.

# 2018.06.08

  1. A Added auto preview. Details
  2. A Added remote debugging for Network panel.
  3. A Added the mute feature for the simulator.
  4. A Added code breakpoint detection and notification
  5. A Added supported plug-in page.
  6. A Added version recommendation when uploading a plugin.
  7. A Added the Clear button and data details display in the Storage panel.
  8. A Added the Copy AppID button in project details.
  9. F Fixed the problem of automatic compilation on Windows 10 1803. Feedback Details
  10. F Fixed the problem that an exception occurred when the abstract node componentGenerics was used in a component in DevTools 1.02.1805181. Feedback Details
  11. F Fixed the problem that a message indicating that DevTools takes too long to restart was displayed during recompilation due to the use of breakpoints in the loop. Feedback Details
  12. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when a new plug-in was imported into a project, and the plug-in could be used only when the base library was switched.
  13. F Fixed the abnormal display when navigationStyle was custom.
  14. F Fixed the inability to restore the compilation after wx.setTabbarItem. Feedback Details
  15. F Fixed the loss of content in typescript source files after being debugged remotely.
  16. F Fixed the inability to format the compressed JS files.
  17. F Fixed the problem that video ads of Mini Games were abnormal in size when they were zoomed in/out in the simulator.

# 2018.05.18

windows 64, windows 32, and mac

  1. F Fixed the abnormal display of the web-view component in DevTools 1.02.1805150. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the loss of a scroll bar in the simulator of DevTools 1.02.1805150 on small-screen computers.
  3. F Fixed the loss of notch in the Mini Program simulator on iPhoneX.
  4. F Fixed the problem that DevTool version number is still the old version after overwrite installation.
  5. F Fixed the problem that the installation interface was garbled in the Windows version. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the problem that the wxmlL panel went white when a node was dynamically deleted from a custom component. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed the loss of frame after wx.setPreferredFramesPerSecond was called in a Mini Game.
  8. F Fixed the problem that the written file content was incorrect when ArrayBuffer data was written to a Mini Game via fs.writeFileSync, with encoding set to binary.
  9. F Fixed the loss of images in a plug-in when it was used.
  10. F Fixed the failure of uploading due to failed parsing of a Mini Program containing sourcemap.

# 2018.05.15

  1. A Added media asset management. Details
  2. A Added toolbar management to the right-click menu of the toolbar. Details
  3. A Added the feature of displaying the simulator and debugger in independent windows. Details
  4. A Added the ability to switch between the Mini Program mode and the plug-in mode in the toolbar.
  5. A Added plugin update notification in control panel when an update for a Mini Program plugin is available.
  6. A Added debugging of wx.createUserInfoButton in Mini Games (the base library 2.0.6 is required).
  7. A Added update notification in the debugger control panel of the plugin user when an update for a plugin is available.
  8. A Added the feature of editing and uploading the README.md document of a plug-in.
  9. A Added the ability to display ads for Mini Games.
  10. U Optimized the implementation of compilation with multiple cores.
  11. U Optimized the update logic of the base library in DevTools to obtain the latest base library in real time.
  12. F Fixed the problem that modification to deviceOrientation in game.json did not take effect in DevTools 1.02.1804251.
  13. F Fixed the inability to reset sound effects when a Mini Game was recompiled in DevTools 1.02.1804251.
  14. F Fixed the inability to display a page due to an error in addEventListener in DevTools 1.02.1804251. Feedback Details
  15. F Fixed the failure of wx.getUpdateManager in a Mini Game.
  16. F Fixed the problem that wx.onShow occasionally could not be triggered in a Mini Game.
  17. F Fixed the inconsistency between the default background color of Mini Games and that on the physical device.
  18. F Fixed the wrong location of the status bar in a Mini Game.
  19. F Fixed the failure of recompilation due to complex computing or endless loop in the business logic of a Mini Program.
  20. F Fixed the wrong location of notch in landscape mode on iPhoneX.
  21. F Fixed the disappearance of wx.showModal after page routing.
  22. F Fixed the problem that multiple intermediate pages appeared if page was added in app.json when changes were automatically saved.
  23. F Fixed the failure to call wx.createInnerAudioContext via the base library in DevTools 1.6.0.
  24. F Fixed the problem that 1970 was displayed after <picker fields="year" value="2018"/> was called. Feedback Details
  25. F Fixed the inconsistent capitalization of network response headers in DevTools and physical devices because HTTP2 is supported by DevTools but not by physical devices.
  26. F Fixed the inability to display the authorization window when wx.authorize authorization window was not processed before recompilation, which could not be solved by clearing compilation cache.
  27. F Fixed the repetitive display of community messages when multiple project windows were opened.
  28. F Fixed the inability to open projects in visitor mode by calling command lines.
  29. F Fixed the failure to trigger App.onHide when clicking Close.
  30. F Fixed the loss of the Play button in the built-in background music player window. Feedback Details
  31. F Fixed the problem that the display on the WXML panel was abnormal during rapid modification of the text node.
  32. F Fixed the problem that the value type of referrerInfo.extraData was inconsistent with that specified in the document. Feedback Details
  33. F Fixed the problem that the src in web-view was not updated. Feedback Details

# 2018.04.25

  1. A Added the ability to search for dynamic pages. Details
  2. A Added an upgrade notification for wx.getUserInfo.
  3. F Fixed the problem that physical devices have no query when using custom compilation conditions to preview in a Mini Game.
  4. F Fixed the problem that <button open-type="getUserInfo"></button> did not take effect in the base library 2.0.0. Feedback Details

# 2018.04.12

  1. F Fixed the failure to load a page in a subpackage when it was a compilation condition in Weixin DevTools 1.02.1804080. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the problem of white screen in Weixin DevTools 1.02.1804080. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the problem that [non-writable] appeared when no plug-in was in use.
  4. F Fixed the problem that windowHeight obtained in DevTools when navigationStyle was 'custom' differed from that obtained on a physical device. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the problem that wx.showModal does not overlay on top of tabBars.

# 2018.04.08

  1. A Added the option to set file tab opening policies to the editor.
  2. A Added the notch effect for iPhone X.
  3. A Added the support for debugging of App.onPageNotFound. Details
  4. A Added the support for remote debugging of Mini Programs with plug-ins.
  5. A Added the ignore field to project.config.json. Details
  6. A Added the display of plug-in information and the subpackage size on the project settings.
  7. A Added custom preprocessing commands. Details
  8. A Added the support of plug-ins in subpackages.
  9. F Fixed the problem of a memory leak caused by sync APIs.
  10. F Fixed the failure to load pages when the link in web-view contained #wechat_redirect.
  11. F Fixed the problem that a page error occurred when wx.redirectTo was called on a page with a tabBar and then wx.switchTab was called to the same tabBar.
  12. F Fixed the problem that the network request API did not carry userAgent of the appropriate simulator.
  13. F Fixed the problem that deletion of invalid projects in project management did not take effect. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed the failure to close the Weixin DevTools when only the Settings page was opened.
  15. F Fixed the failure to perceive file changes when the project directory was under node_modules.
  16. F Fixed the problem that child nodes were not displayed on the WXML panel in Weixin DevTools 1.02.1803210 in some cases. Feedback Details
  17. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred during remote debugging of CanvasContext.measureText.
  18. F Fixed the problem that nodes in a custom component could not be reviewed on the WXML panel.
  19. F Fixed the failure to view node styles when an exception occurred during the parsing of the WXSS file. Feedback Details
  20. F Fixed the problem that a new compilation condition did not take effect in some cases. Feedback Details
  21. F Fixed the problem that the socket API could send requests normally after the simulator was switched to the offline mode.
  22. F Fixed the problem that onCanplay was not called back via BackgroundAudioManager. Feedback Details

# 2018.04.12

  1. F Fixed the failure to load a page in a subpackage when it was a compilation condition in Weixin DevTools 1.02.1804080. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the problem of white screen in Weixin DevTools 1.02.1804080. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the problem that [non-writable] appeared when no plug-in was in use.
  4. F Fixed the problem that windowHeight obtained in DevTools when navigationStyle was 'custom' differed from that obtained on a physical device. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the problem that wx.showModal does not overlay on top of tabBars.

# 2018.04.08

  1. A Added the option to set file tab opening policies to the editor.
  2. A Added the notch effect for iPhone X.
  3. A Added the support for debugging of App.onPageNotFound. Details
  4. A Added the support for remote debugging of Mini Programs with plug-ins.
  5. A Added the ignore field to project.config.json. Details
  6. A Added the display of plug-in information and the subpackage size on the project settings.
  7. A Added custom preprocessing commands. Details
  8. A Added the support of plug-ins in subpackages.
  9. F Fixed the problem of a memory leak caused by sync APIs.
  10. F Fixed the failure to load pages when the link in web-view contained #wechat_redirect.
  11. F Fixed the problem that a page error occurred when wx.redirectTo was called on a page with a tabBar and then wx.switchTab was called to the same tabBar.
  12. F Fixed the problem that the network request API did not carry userAgent of the appropriate simulator.
  13. F Fixed the problem that deletion of invalid projects in project management did not take effect. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed the failure to close the Weixin DevTools when only the Settings page was opened.
  15. F Fixed the failure to perceive file changes when the project directory was under node_modules.
  16. F Fixed the problem that child nodes were not displayed on the WXML panel in Weixin DevTools 1.02.1803210 in some cases. Feedback Details
  17. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred during remote debugging of CanvasContext.measureText.
  18. F Fixed the problem that nodes in a custom component could not be reviewed on the WXML panel.
  19. F Fixed the failure to view node styles when an exception occurred during the parsing of the WXSS file. Feedback Details
  20. F Fixed the problem that a new compilation condition did not take effect in some cases. Feedback Details
  21. F Fixed the problem that the socket API could send requests normally after the simulator was switched to the offline mode.
  22. F Fixed the problem that onCanplay was not called back via BackgroundAudioManager. Feedback Details

# 2018.03.21

windows 64, windows 32, and mac

  1. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred during the verification of the TLS version. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed failure to call back wx.chooseVideo.
  3. F Fixed the problem that an error was reported when a plug-in did not contain a WXML file.
  4. F Fixed the problem of abnormal update logic of Weixin DevTools.

# 2018.03.15

  1. F Fixed the problem that the return value of wx.uploadFile was abnormal as a result of update reporting.
  2. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred during the application for a test report. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the problem that an error might occur when wx.saveFile was called for a network picture after wx.downloadFile is frequently called for the same network picture.
  4. F Fixed the problem that wx.setTabBarItem did not support the absolute path of an icon address. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the failure to display temporary pictures via onShareAppMessage.
  6. F Fixed the problem that styles of custom components in plug-ins were missing. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed the problem that a node being reviewed was not highlighted on the WXML panel. Feedback Details
  8. F Fixed the failure to listen on file changes after the DevTools was installed by overwriting the existing version. Feedback Details

# 2018.03.13

  1. A Added support for Mini Program plug-in development. Details
  2. A Added the code fragment feature to Mini Programs. Details
  3. A Added the ability to debug QR code generated by Obtain QR Code with QR code debugging feature.
  4. A Added the option to display the content of wx.uploadFile and wx.downloadFile on the Network panel.
  5. A Added wx.getImageInfo to return the orientation and type of an image.
  6. F Fixed the inability to display padding and margin during interface debugging.
  7. F Fixed the failure to verify method for wx.request. Feedback Details
  8. F Fixed the failure to sort projects by time in a descending order in the project list page.
  9. F Fixed the lack of shareInfo when the scene value of the Mini Game compilation condition was 1044.
  10. F Fixed the incorrect devicePixelRatio during webpage debugging. Feedback Details
  11. F Fixed the failure to center the text when no icon was in the tabBar. Feedback Details
  12. F Fixed the problem of incomplete upload when intelligent upload was enabled after Tencent Cloud was restored to the development environment.
  13. F Fixed the problem of creating a folder named "." via Weixin DevTools. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed incorrect options in the drop-down menu of the address bar in Official Account webpage debugging.
  15. U Optimized the problem of lagging in Weixin DevTools.

# 2018.02.27

  1. F Fixed garbled Chinese characters in the long text. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the failure to upload third-party platform Mini Program code to the appropriate user via command line or HTTP. Feedback Details

# 2018.02.08

  1. A Added the size of iPhone X.
  2. U Updated auto-completion.
  3. F Fixed the lack of login status when multiple projects were opened. Feedback Details
  4. F Fixed the failure to open Weixin DevTools in some Windows versions. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the problem that a file failed to be saved would be cleared when the disk was full. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the failure to return batteryLevel by wx.getSystemInfo.
  7. F Fixed the error that occurred during the auto format completion for some APIs. Feedback Details
  8. F Fixed the incorrect information returned by wx.navigateBackMiniProgram. Feedback Details
  9. F Fixed the inability to automatically get the focus that was outside the editor by clicking the shortcut of file redirection.
  10. F Fixed the problem of auto creation of a file by editing pages in app.json when the path of the file was outside the project path.
  11. F Fixed the failure of strict type verification for enablePullDownRefresh in app.json. Feedback Details

# 2018.02.01

  1. A Added the ability to open multiple projects.
  2. A Added remote debugging of Mini Programs (update of Weixin is required). Details
  3. A Added the ability to parse sourceMap files.
  4. A Added the support for debugging of wx.showTabBar, wx.hideTabBar, wx.setTabBarStyle, wx.setTabBarItem, and Page.onTabItemTap.
  5. F Fixed the failure to update the WXSS editor in the Weixin DevTools 1.02.1801081. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the inability to use the AppData panel when a custom component was used. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed the failure to delete the directory containing .DS_Store with a message "The directory is not empty" on Mac OS.
  8. F Fixed the problem of blank screen in some operating systems. Feedback Details
  9. F Fixed the inability to get webgl in some operating systems. Feedback Details

# 2017.12.15

  1. A Added the feature of calling Weixin DevTools via command lines to open and preview projects and upload code. Details
  2. A Added the feature of calling Weixin DevTools via HTTP to open and preview projects and upload code. Details
  3. A Added the display of Git on the editor. Details
  4. A Added the directCommit field to ext.json for third-party platform Mini Programs to directly submit Mini Programs for review. Details
  5. A Added auto-completion for properties on the WXML panel.
  6. U Updated the auto-completion of the editor.
  7. U Optimized preview and upload performance to display the files that are being compiled during preview.
  8. U Optimized Weixin DevTools to support preview of upload queue to avoid frequent upload preview.
  9. U Optimized the policy and performance of capturing screenshot of Mini Program cover in the project list.
  10. U Optimized prompt for invalid directory when creating project.

# 2017.11.30

  1. A Added the display of the utilization of the base library and the minimum base library version for online Mini Programs on the details page.
  2. A Added the display of service domain names (trusted domain names in webview) on the project details page.
  3. A Added the ability to disable the verification of service domain names in webview when the verification of security domain names is disabled.
  4. F Fixed the problem that the returned scene field was a String instead of a Number when the scene value was 1044.
  5. F Fixed the failure to return message by socket in case of network disconnection.
  6. F Fixed repeated download of installer package.
  7. F Fixed the failure to return tempFilePath when a 404 error was returned by wx.downloadFile.
  8. F Fixed the inability of editor to auto-compile Mini Program when saving files if the path of miniprogramRoot in project.config.json ended with a forward slash (/).
  9. F Fixed the failure to load sourcemap files in the debugger. Feedback Details
  10. U Optimized the interactive method of copying QR codes.
  11. U Optimized Weixin DevTools to add a Mini Program registration entry to the project creation page.

# 2017.11.16

  1. F Fixed the occurrence of white screen when the background color of the navigation bar was incorrect. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the problem that the WXML panel might go blank during Mini Program page navigation. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the failure to compute the size of code package to be uploaded.Feedback Details
  4. A Added the support of creating a quick start project of Tencent Cloud.
  5. A Added the ability to create Component by right-clicking on the editor.
  6. F Fixed the failure to display error messages when the simulator was set to the offline mode. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed the lack of parameters totalBytesWritten and totalBytesExpectedToWrite returned by downloadTask.onProgressUpdate of wx.downloadFile. Feedback Details
  8. F Fixed the problem that some processes were still running and caused a high CPU usage after the Weixin DevTools quit abnormally.
  9. F Fixed the failure to calculate the rpx when switching device. Feedback Details
  10. F Fixed the failure to reset connection status when websocket was automatically disconnected. Feedback Details
  11. F Fixed the failure to call back the webViewUrl parameter by Page.onShareAppMessage when a page was shared in web-view. Feedback Details
  12. F Fixed the inability to call the JSSDK method by the homepage when the webpage contained iframe in web-view. Feedback Details
  13. F Fixed the failure to verify the validity of links of iframe in web-view.
  14. F Fixed the inability to scroll down the style list to the bottom of the WXML panel. Feedback Details
  15. F Fixed the lagging of the debugger as a result of updates of massive nodes on the WXML panel. Feedback Details
  16. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when the nested text was displayed on the WXML panel.
  17. F Fixed the problem of success callback when a user rejected the request after wx.authorize was called. Feedback Details
  18. F Fixed the incorrect custom parameters during preview of custom compilation conditions. Feedback Details
  19. F Fixed the inconsistency between parameters obtained from destination page via the routing API and those obtained via the client. Feedback Details
  20. U Updated the visual display of the project list.
  21. U Updated Weixin DevTools to fix the location of the feature icon used to display the directory tree on the editor. Feedback Details
  22. U Updated Weixin DevTools to calculate the size of the project code before compiling and packaging the project code for preview/uploading to prevent a memory overflow.

# 2017.11.02

  1. A Added the ability to upload php code to Tencent Cloud. QuickStart Demo Address
  2. A Added the support for debugging of the web-view component. Details
  3. A Added the support for debugging of custom components by checking the option Apply new features during preview/uploading on the project configuration page. Details
  4. U Updated the storage panel to display only some projects when there are more than 300 projects.
  5. U Updated the editor to auto-complete BOM and DOM APIs.
  6. F Fixed the problem that a memory leak occurred on Weixin DevTools when wx.setStorage was called if the storage panel was not opened.
  7. F Fixed the crash of the storage panel caused by the storage of invalid values.
  8. F Fixed the inability to enter AppID in custom compilation conditions when the scene value was 1020, 1035, 1036, or 1043.
  9. F Fixed the failure to remove replaced legacy nodes from the WXML panel.
  10. F Fixed the problem that the wx.connectSocket API behaved differently from that of the client when the number of connections exceeded the limit. Feedback Details
  11. F Fixed the failure to open images suffixed with uppercase letters in the editor.
  12. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when wx.getImageInfo was called in Weixin DevTools 1.01.171019.
  13. F Fixed the failure to open files downloaded via wx.downloadFile. Feedback Details

# 2017.10.19

  1. F Fixed the failure to call back parameters via APIs in App.onLaunch as a result of updates of Weixin DevTools 1.01.171013.
  2. F Fixed the exception of the digital signature of an executable file in Weixin DevTools 1.01.171013 for Windows.
  3. F Fixed the problem that callback succeeded when SMS verification was required for getPhoneNumber.
  4. F Fixed the failure to add custom devices for Official Account webpage debugging.

# 2017.10.18

  1. F Fixed the exception of project management interface when multiple projects were selected for management. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the case insensitivity in domain name check. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the problem that the WXML panel became blank as a result of updates of Weixin DevTools 1.01.171013. Feedback Details
  4. F Fixed the problem that the editor might crash when some characters were entered for full-text search. Feedback Details

# 2017.10.16

  1. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when wx.canvasToTempFilePath was called. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the incompatibility of project.config.json with the old svr/client field during project creation. The new field is qcloudRoot/miniprogramRoot
  3. F Fixed the problem that an error 404 page was displayed when src in the image component was empty.

# 2017.10.13

  1. A Added the feature of clearing all caches.
  2. A Added the feature of clearing login statuses.
  3. A Added the feature of obtaining encryption/decryption information by entering showDecryptedInfo on the console, to allow developers to verify whether the encryption result is correct.
  4. A Added auto-completion of JS file paths in require and import statements during code editing.
  5. F Fixed the white screen of simulator during its first compilation.
  6. F Fixed the problem that an existing file with the same name as a renamed file was overwritten with the latter.
  7. F Fixed the problem that no error message was returned when checking a domain name containing a port number.
  8. F Fixed the problem that disableScroll in page.json did not take effect.
  9. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when wx.openCard was called. Feedback Details
  10. F Fixed the missing response value when wx.chooseVideo was called . Feedback Details
  11. F Fixed the failure to call wx.captureScreen.
  12. F Fixed the missing debugging logs of Official Account webpage. Feedback Details
  13. F Fixed the problem that the number of concurrent downloads was not reset after recompilation.
  14. U Optimized to directly connect to the local server without using a proxy when loading a Mini Program to simulator, to reduce the impact of unusual proxy settings on Mini Program loading.
  15. U Optimized the presentation of some content in debugger WXML and Storage.

# 2017.09.25 (1.01.170925)

  1. A Added the base library 1.5.4.
  2. A Added the feature of copying parameters by clicking on the status bar of the simulator.
  3. A Added the feature that automatically generates project.config.json files under the project directory during project creation, to make it easier to retain configuration items during import.
  4. A Added customization of shortcut keys for frequently used features.
  5. U Optimized to enable automatic completion of styles by default during project creation.
  6. U Optimized to automatically compile Mini Programs after a project is opened.
  7. F Fixed the problem that no callback was executed for wx.downloadFile in case of an invalid URL.
  8. F Fixed the problem that onShow and onHide functions were not triggered when some APIs were called.
  9. F Fixed the failure to open webpages by clicking links in the DevTools during Official Account webpage debugging.
  10. F Fixed the indenting of content in the text tags during code formating.
  11. U Optimized the behavior of the editor when a file is opened, deleted, or renamed.
  12. F Fixed the incorrect file size displayed on the editor.
  13. U Optimized the view of some UIs for an easy operation and legibility.

# 2017.09.13 (1.01.170913)

  1. A Added the base library 1.5.3.
  2. U Optimized to add shortcut keys for enabling/disabling the display of toolbar, simulator, editor, directory tree, and debugger UI.
  3. U Optimized to display folder names or paths in the file tabs tor distinguish between files when several files with the same name are edited in the editor.
  4. U Optimized to automatically enter the last submitted version no. and remarks when uploading code.
  5. U Fixed the problem that the DevTools did not support packet capture tools Fiddler and Charles.
  6. F Fixed the problem that hidden files were not excluded on Mac OS when determining whether the directory was empty during project creation.
  7. F Fixed the crash of the DevTools caused by internal errors.
  8. F Fixed the inability to display preview QR code after the toolbar was hidden.
  9. F Fixed the failure of the earlier version of base library to work after the restart of the DevTools.
  10. F Fixed the failure of the API wx.getWeRunData to issue the message indicating the WeRun was not activated.
  11. F Fixed the problem that no message was displayed in case of the failure to create a project due to the timeout of login status.
  12. F Fixed the problem that the simulated geographical location took effect only once.
  13. F Fixed the problem that the bottom of the page was partially blocked when the simulator was zoomed
  14. F Fixed the problem that unicode was not properly displayed in app.json.
  15. F Fixed the problem that no message was displayed when user clicked Tencent Cloud to restore the development environment.
  16. F Fixed the unusual style of scene value list when the zoomed simulator was switched to the background.
  17. F Fixed the incorrect display of the editor directory when user created it and right-clicked the directory.
  18. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred with the Picker component when the first value was selected.
  19. F Fixed the problem that the audio API was still playing music after recompilation.
  20. F Fixed the problem that selectedColor of tabBar specified via app.json did not take effect.
  21. F Fixed the inability to edit and save the files in an LAN on Windows.

# 2017.09.06 (1.01.170906)

  1. F Fixed the frequent occurrence of warning using wx:key. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the unavailability of the custom image sharing feature in the DevTools.
  3. F Fixed the problem that before a tab page was redirected to a new page, another tab page was displayed .Feedback Details
  4. F Fixed the failure of touch simulation to take effect in the Official Account development. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the incorrect message displayed in case of a WXSS compilation error. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the failure to create a page by right-clicking New as a result of the use of project.config.json.
  7. F Fixed the incomplete WXML files when the files were edited.
  8. F Fixed the incorrect default value of navigationBarTextStyle.
  9. F Fixed the missing nodes of wxml panel.
  10. F Fixed the problem that after an element was selected on the wxml panel, it jumped to the previously selected one.
  11. F Fixed the incorrect AppID carried by Referer of wx.request. Feedback Details
  12. F Fixed the failure to simulate response data when wx.chooseAddress was called.
  13. F Fixed the incorrect mouse gestures in wxml panel.
  14. F Fixed the inability to share custom images.
  15. F Fixed the inability to view the .sql file.
  16. F Fixed the display of old data in storage panel.
  17. F Fixed the failure to execute callbacks for network requests during the check of the domain name and TLS version.
  18. F Fixed the inability to format WXML code within the template tags in the DevTools.
  19. F Fixed the problem that the pageScrollTo did not work when called.
  20. F Fixed the problem that the smallest font size could only be 12px in the new version of DevTools.
  21. F Fixed the inability to close an error message box containing a long error message.
  22. F Fixed the inability to load a script file with its name containing a space or Chinese character.
  23. U Optimized to disable the pop-up of debugger in case of a compilation error.
  24. U Optimized to disable compilation when files outside of the client were modified via project.config.json.
  25. U Optimized to solve the lags by reusing WebViews.
  26. U Optimized to solve the conflicts of shortcut keys F8 and F10. Feedback Details
  27. F Fixed the problem that the borderStyle specified via app.json did not take effect. Feedback Details
  28. U Optimized to change the shortcut key for Replace on the editor to Ctrl+Shift+R, to avoid conflict with the shortcut key Ctrl+R for Refresh.

# 2017.09.01

  1. F Fixed the problem that the selected node jumped on the wxml panel.
  2. F Fixed the problem that the cursor was a dot on the wxml panel.
  3. F Fixed the failure to format code with the shortcut key in the editor.
  4. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when picker selected the first value.
  5. F Fixed the problem that after Page.setData was called, the selected status of radio-group was reset as a result of wxml compilation.
  6. F Fixed the exception occurring on Refer for a third-party Mini Program.
  7. F Fixed the problem that the touch simulation did not take effect in the Official Account webpage development.
  8. F Fixed the enlarged pages in the Official Account webpage development.
  9. F Fixed the repeatedly displayed logs of console panel.
  10. F Fixed the failure to record the previous input during when code is uploaded.
  11. F Fixed the failure to save files in automatic compilation.
  12. F Fixed the problem that the preview feature still worked on a mobile phone when extEnable was "false" in ext.json.
  13. F Fixed the unusual font size in pages.
  14. F Fixed the failure to detect the modifications that an external editor made to files.
  15. F Fixed the incorrect wx.getSystemInfo content during device selection.

# 2017.08.31

  1. A Added the shortcut key F8 for showing/hiding the toolbar.
  2. U Optimized to disable the auto pop-up of console panel when an error occurred.
  3. F Fixed the inability to save all files when "automatic compilation upon saving" and "auto-saving upon compilation" were enabled.
  4. F Fixed the problem that an error was reported when a project was opened with a third-party Mini Program.
  5. F Added error message for the network connection error that occurred upon the start of DevTools.
  6. F Fixed the blurred display of the simulator on some devices.
  7. F Fixed the incorrect compilation error message for wxss.
  8. F Fixed the problem that automatic compilation was triggered when files were opened with some third-party editors.
  9. F Fixed the problem that a change of the hash value would trigger page loading in webpage debugging.
  10. F Fixed the failure to display alert and confirm in webpage debugging.
  11. F Fixed the failure to zoom the Add Cards&Offers screen in webpage debugging.
  12. F Fixed the failure to select the matching website by pressing the Down arrow key on keyboard after a URL was entered in urlbar in webpage debugging.

# 2017.08.30

  1. A Added the feature of applying for test reports. Details
  2. A Added WXS feature. Details
  3. A Added the feature of publishing projects to Tencent Cloud. Details
  4. U Optimized the visual effect and interactive experience.
  5. U Updated the kernel version.

# Download of earlier version 8/30/2017 (0.22.203100)

windows 64, windows 32, and mac

# 2017.08.21

  1. F Fixed the failure of AppData panel caused by the base library 1.5.0.
  2. F Fixed the script error occurring on the API chooseInvoiceTitle.

# 2017.08.18

  • Added four APIs for obtaining invoice title, fingerprint recognition, triggering Pull to Refresh, etc.
  • Updated the API shareAppMessage to support custom images when sharing Mini Program cards.
  • Updated the button component to support sharing Mini Program cards and importing source page information in customer service sessions.
  • Optimized the reLaunch logic for launching a Mini Program at backend.

# DevTools Updates

  1. F Fixed the problem that Auto Wrap and themes did not take effect on the editor. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the incorrect UA during webpage debugging.

# DevTools Updates

  1. A Added the debugging of custom data reporting. Details
  2. F Fixed the incorrect value selected in the bindchange event in picker.
  3. F Fixed the problem that Auto Wrap and themes did not take effect on the editor. Feedback Details

# DevTools Updates (0.19.191100)

  1. A Added debugging for base library 1.4.0.
  2. A Added the performance trace tool. Details
  3. A Added the feature of changing the background color when the cursor hovered over the menu bar on Windows. Feedback Details
  4. F Fixed the problem that the scroll bar returned to the top when a tab page was switched back to the full-text search result page. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the problem that the "white screen" occurred when the DevTools was opened by case-sensitive users in some file systems if the case sensitivity was not kept across files.
  6. F Fixed the problem that indentation was not conducted as configured during WXML and WXSS code formating.
  7. F Fixed the problem that no default profile photo was set in the Weixin authorization window.
  8. F Fixed the problem that the onShareAppMessage event was executed twice when sharing was triggered using button.

# 2017.06.22

  1. F Fixed the problem that the header in wx.uploadFile did not take effect. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the failure to obtain project properties when an Official Account webpage was opened.

# 0.18.182100

  1. A Added debugging for base library 1.3.0.
  2. A Added the display of file size in the editor's status bar.
  3. A Added shortcut keys Ctrl(Command) + PageUp and Ctrl(Command) + PageDown for navigating to the files on the left and right of the editor respectively.
  4. A Added the display of image size on the right of the status bar when an image was presented.
  5. U Optimized to move deleted files in the editor to the recycle bin, instead of deleting them from the disk.
  6. U Optimized the interactions during code uploading by removing QR code scanning for confirmation and providing default project remarks.
  7. F Fixed the problem that the tabbar icon could be an SVG image. Feedback Details
  8. F Fixed the problem that login might fail when the environment variable http_proxy was set on Windows.
  9. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred if a path was added to app.json when a Page was created. Feedback Details
  10. F Fixed the problem that the networkTimeout setting did not take effect on wx.uploadFile and wx.downloadFile.
  11. F Fixed the problem that an incorrect error code was returned if the tabbar icon exceeded 40 KB when it was submitted for preview or upload. Feedback Details
  12. F Fixed the problem that app.json was empty after it was modified, closed, and re-opened when auto-saving was enabled.
  13. F Fixed the problem that Image could be used in the DevTools but could not be used in a mobile device.
  14. F Fixed the problem that in some cases, an error message indicating an invalid QR code was displayed when code was uploaded.
  15. F Fixed the problem that no message was displayed after a success upload.

# 2017.05.26

  1. A Added debugging for base library 1.2.2.
  2. F Fixed the exception caused by switch between base libraries.
  3. F Fixed the problem that Page.onShareAppMessage was called twice for in-page sharing.
  4. F Fixed the compilation exception that occurred when a code file or folder was modified by a tools other than DevTools.
  5. F Fixed the problem that the parameter are inconsistent between the DevTools and the end user side when a fail callback is triggered in the case that the HTTP status code is not 200 after wx.uploadFile is called.

# 2017.05.19

  1. A Added debugging for base library 1.2.1.
  2. U Optimized to allow auto completion of functions in App and Page.
  3. F Fixed the problem that the query was decoded twice when App.onLaunch was called during conditional compilation.
  4. F Fixed the inability to start the DevTools when an error occurred on the JSON file of the homepage and the tabBar contained an empty path.
  5. F Fixed the problem that when "Auto Completion of Style Files Upon Upload of Code" was enabled, WXSS files were always in "Uploading" status. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the DevTools exception when parameters in wx.previewImage were not strings.
  7. F Fixed the problem that refresh and drop-down buttons on the URL bar did not work during webpage debugging.
  8. F Fixed the missing Go To button on the menu bar, and the missing Back, Forward, and Select buttons on the URL bar on MAC OS during debugging of webpages. Feedback Details
  9. F Fixed the problem that when "Close Other Tabs" was selected, other tabs previously closed were restored if the user saved current file with Ctrl+S. Feedback Details
  10. F Fixed the problem that a network error was reported during automatic compilation of a file edited outside of the DevTools.
  11. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when an incompletely loaded Mini Program with a tabBar was quickly switched to another tab and then switched back.

# 2017.05.09

  1. F Fixed the problem that the RapidSSL certificate was identified as an invalid one. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the problem that files imported with @import were missing as a result of wxss file compression.
  3. F` Fixed the incorrect content height in the simulator. Feedback Details
  4. F Fixed the failure to clear data cache. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the inability to automatically create a page when the page was added to app.json. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the incorrect positioning of cursor in files and the problem that files can be opened repeatedly from "wxss" tab. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed the inability to open the DevToos in a system where file names were case-sensitive. Feedback Details

# 2017.05.08

  1. A Added debugging of wx.addCard and wx.openCard.
  2. A Added verification of https certificate in wx.request, so that the request fails when the certificate is invalid.
  3. A Added support for Forwarded Information in debugging Details
  4. A Added the switching between base libraries. Details
  5. A Added script breakpoint notification. (In case of a breakpoint, a message and operation area are available on the upper part of DevTools.)
  6. A Added notifications of new messages in the developer community.
  7. A Added detailed menu items.
  8. A Added width and height customization after a switch to an Android device.
  9. A Added the WXSS file code compression.
  10. A Added configuration of appearance and compilation in the editor settings page. Details
  11. A Added the following options in editor configuration: whether to convert tabs to spaces, and tab size. Details
  12. A Added the following options in editor configuration: auto saving upon modification, auto-saving upon compilation, and refresh Mini Program upon file changes. Details
  13. A Added a feature to editor: right-click to create a page.
  14. A Added a feature to editor: press Ctrl+n to create a temporary file.
  15. U Optimized auto-completion in the editor.
  16. U Optimized the editor to solve the slow fetching of system fonts.
  17. U Optimized the editor to allow the tab to move in the full-text search results.
  18. U Optimized the editor to allow the tab width of the file bar on the top to adapt to file names.
  19. U Optimized full-text search in the editor.
  20. U Optimized file creation in the editor.
  21. U Optimized the page switch speed in DevTools.
  22. U Optimized the operation experience on the WXML panel.
  23. F Fixed the problem that no response was returned upon timeout if no timeout threshold was set for wx.request.
  24. F Fixed the failure to create directories in some cases.
  25. F Fixed the problem that local images could be used for background-image in the wxss file in the DevTools, which was inconsistent with the end user side.
  26. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when text was dynamically added to the empty text on the WXML panel.
  27. F Fixed the inability to close the application in the QR code login page in the DevTools running on Windows.
  28. F Fixed the inability to automatically refresh the expired login QR code.
  29. F Fixed the problem that when a user clicked on the directory tree in the editor to open a file, the focus was not on the file.
  30. F Fixed the incomplete display of the menu that appeared when a user right-clicked on the bottom of the file list in editor.
  31. F Fixed the inability to search for files with a file name prefixed with a whitespace character during file navigation in the editor.
  32. F Fixed the failure to open the files in the full-text search results in editor.
  33. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred during auto-completion for wx.createCanvasContext.
  34. F Fixed the problem that no authorization dialog box was displayed and telNumber was missing in the respond values after wx.chooseAddress was called.
  35. F Fixed the problem that no callback was executed in case of incorrect URL format after wx.uploadFile and wx.downloadFile were called.
  36. F Fixed the problem that "referer" was missing in the header for wx.uploadFile and wx.downloadFile.
  37. F Fixed the memory leak that occurred when wx.request was called to check TLS version.
  38. F Fixed the inconsistency between the height and width obtained by calling wx.getSystemInfo and those on physical devices.
  39. F Fixed the problem that "speed" and "accuracy" parameters were missing in the response values for wx.getLocation.
  40. F Fixed the problem that false was returned for res.cancel in wx.showModal when the cancel button was clicked.
  41. F Fixed the problem that the behavior of wx.scanCode was inconsistent between DevTools and end user side when the network was switched to none.
  42. F Fixed the problem that the scene value obtained by calling App.onLaunch was a string, which was inconsistent with that on the end user side.
  43. F Fixed the problem that the query obtained in Page.onLoad by a parameter of custom conditional compilation was inconsistent with that obtained on the end user side.
  44. F Fixed the memory leak caused by the call of setData via polling.
  45. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred in compilation when tabBar iconPath began with "/" or "./".
  46. F Fixed the problem that a generated QR code did not carry custom parameters when Startup Page field was left empty during preview customization.
  47. F Fixed the inability to properly display the WXML panel in some cases.
  48. F Fixed the incorrect verification of TrustAsia certificate.

# 2017.03.29

  1. F Fixed the problem that some files were missing in the DevTools on Windows. Feedback Details
  2. F Fixed the failure of wx.scanCode. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the failure of the API wx.redirect upon its first call. Feedback Details
  4. F Fixed the unusual number of layers of page stack in a project without tabBars. Feedback Details
  5. F Fixed the problem that the scene value was 0 by default.

# 2017.03.28

  1. A Added Bluetooth debugging for DevTools on Mac OS.
  2. A Added debugging of APIs such as wx.reLaunch, wx.chooseAddress, wx.openSetting, wx.getClipboardData, wx.setClipboardData, wx.showLoading, wx.hideLoading, wx.startAccelerometer, wx.stopAccelerometer, wx.onNetworkStatusChange, wx.hideShareMenu, and CanvasContext.setTextAlign.
  3. A Added the feature of deleting projects on the project list page of a Mini Program.
  4. A Added debugging of new scene values in custom compilation.
  5. A Added debugging of scene values when the DevTools was switched from the background to foreground.
  6. A Added the entry to the developer community.
  7. A Added the feature of deleting selected projects from the project list.
  8. A Added the support for SVG files.
  9. U Optimized the auto-completion for WXML code in the editor.
  10. U Optimized the error message received when an error occurred with a trusted domain name.
  11. U Optimized to combine the options Clear Authorization Data on DevTools and Clear Authorization Data on Mobile into Clear Authorization Data.
  12. F Fixed the failure of the json setting on the startup page to take effect in custom compilation.
  13. F Fixed the distorted display of the DevTools when it was zoomed.
  14. F Fixed the problem that style files in a page file directory containing . could not be found.
  15. F Fixed the problem that parameters returned by Page.onLoad were decoded twice.
  16. F Fixed the problem that no error message was reported when a Mini Program had a page stack with more than 5 layers.
  17. F Fixed the problem that two identical localId values were returned in some cases when wx.chooseImage was called.
  18. F Fixed the inability of input component to realize automatic focusing in the DevTools.
  19. F Fixed the problem that the size of the DevTools window is unusual when a project is closed and then opened again.
  20. F Fixed the problem that a print window popped up when print was used in the code.
  21. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred during code compression in some cases.
  22. F Fixed the failure of wx.canvasToTempFilePath to take effect.

# 2017.02.06

  1. A Added simulation of geographical locations. Details
  2. A Added simulation of gravity sensing on mobile devices. Details
  3. A Added simulation in offline mode to the simulator.
  4. A Added the display of the path and parameters of the currently debugged page.
  5. A Added the display of a notification when the DevTools could not be started properly on a system containing proxy software.
  6. A Added the showSystemInfo() method to the console to display the running status of the DevTools.
  7. U Optimized Code Compression and Uploading feature to increase the code compression rate.
  8. U Optimized to speed up code preview and uploading.
  9. U Optimized network requests of the DevTools to allow developers to capture packets via Charles for debugging.
  10. F Fixed the problem that the Clear Cache menu was blocked by the tabbar on Mac OS.
  11. F Fixed the incorrect hierarchy when mask was true in wx.showToast.
  12. F Fixed the failure to trigger wx.stopBackgroundAudio after onBackgroundAudioStop was called.
  13. F Fixed the incorrect prompt message that indicated the appid did not exist during project creation.
  14. F Fixed the problem that the DevTools was suspended when reading unauthorized files in the project directory.
  15. F Fixed the problem that DevTools was automatically refreshed in the editor mode when Listen on file changes and automatically refresh Weixin DevTools was not checked.
  16. F Fixed the failure to automatically update Weixin DevTools (this problem will be completely fixed in next version).
  17. F Fixed the problem that the result returned via DevTools was inconsistent with that on a mobile device when authorization was canceled.
  18. F Fixed the failure to call undo after .wxml and .wxss files were formatted.
  19. F Fixed the problem that wx.previewImage did not support localid.
  20. F Fixed the problem that a webviewid error occurrred after wx.navigateback was called for a tabbar page.
  21. F Fixed the incorrect auto-completion for wx.createCanvasContext.
  22. F Fixed the problem that DevTools could not start after crash.
  23. F Fixed the failure of the console to output ES6 syntax error.
  24. F Fixed the problem that the DevTools crashed when it was closed by right-click Exit in windows 10.
  25. F Fixed the incorrect authorization button color.
  26. F Fixed the problem that an obtained localid was unavailable because the query in a URL was not processed via wx.downloadFile.
  27. F Fixed the failure to save the user information obtained to the backend when authorization was canceled.
  28. F Fixed the problem that the color was not verified via navigationBarTextStyle.

# 2017.01.04

  1. A Added Clear Authorized Data on Mobile to the Cache menu.
  2. A Added the feature of verifying file encoding when code was submitted for preview or upload.
  3. U Updated the nwjs to version 19.4 with the Chrome55 kernel.
  4. U Updated the DevTools to disable the trigger of the Pull Down to Refresh feature in scroll-view.
  5. F Fixed the problem that the initial value of the picker component was incorrect on Weixin DevTools.
  6. F Fixed the DevTools by removing the fetch API.
  7. F Fixed the problem that an error message of "webviewID does not exist" appeared when the wx.navigateBack was called.
  8. F Fixed the problem that compilation cache of the DevTools was not updated after app.wxss was added or deleted.
  9. F Fixed the problem that the DevTools crashed when the last row of a wxml file was incorrectly compiled.
  10. F Fixed the problem that no error message was displayed when the wxml tag was not closed.
  11. F Fixed the problem that clicking a search result in the editor's full-text search results did not navigate to the appropriate row of a file.
  12. F Fixed the failure of the Appdata panel to process the updates of array data.
  13. F Fixed other problems of Weixin DevTools.

# 0.11.122100

  1. A Added the support for debuging of wx.switchTab.
  2. A Added the support for debugging of wx.startRecord, wx.stopRecord, wx.playVoice, wx.pauseVoice, and wx.stopVoice APIs.
  3. A Added the support for debugging of WeChat Pay. Details
  4. A Added the support for debugging of QR code scanning.
  5. A Added a prompt message to indicate that an error occurred during submission for preview due to repeated definition of page files via app.json.
  6. A Added a prompt message to indicate that a network error occurred during image loading on the simulator.
  7. A Added the feature of setting initialization pages and parameters during compilation.
  8. A Added the feature of setting initialization pages and parameters when submitting code for preview.
  9. U Optimized the appdata panel to view data by pages and support dynamic updates and the display in the code mode.
  10. F Fixed the failure of wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState to return the result when no music was being played.
  11. F Fixed the incorrect status obtained via wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState.
  12. F Fixed the problem that the "white screen" occurred with the WXML panel in some cases.
  13. F Fixed the failure to copy properties or the problem of carriage-return characters in copied properties on the WXML panel.
  14. F Fixed the failure to align the display of a single text node on the WXML panel.
  15. F Fixed the display error that occurred on the simulator when the position of the tabBar was set to top in app.json.
  16. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when an external link was clicked on the DevTools and editor.
  17. F Fixed the failure to send request via wx.requst due to a caching error.

# DevTools Updates

  1. F Fixed repeated triggering of wx.request in some cases.
  2. F Fixed the failure to debug rpx of the WXML panel.
  3. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred on the textarea component on the editor.

# 0.11.112300

  1. A Added the console command showRequestInfo() to display details of the wx.request request.
  2. F Fixed the failure to call wx.request because an error occurred while verifying the TLS version.

# 0.11.112200

# Basic features of Weixin DevTools

  1. A Added the option to auto-complete styles during code upload, which is enabled by default and can be disabled by developers. Details
  2. A Added the option Do not check the security domain name and the TLS version to the development environment. It is disabled by default and can be enabled by developers. Details
  3. A Added the notification for a script error on the Page page.
  4. A Added the verification of TLS version in wx.request, wx.downloadFile, and wx.uploadFile to align with the client.
  5. A Added the feature of auto-saving window locations and sizes on Weixin DevTools.
  6. A Added the feature of displaying error message on the simulator.
  7. A Added the feature of expanding a tag with a double-click on the WXML panel.
  8. A Added the feature of opening the local development directory.
  9. A Added the network configuration information table of the current AppID.
  10. F Fixed Weixin DevTools by removing Promise to align with the client. Developers need to import a compatible library.
  11. F Fixed repeated publish of events in some cases.
  12. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred with the simulator when Ctrl+R or F5 were pressed on Weixin DevTools.
  13. F Fixed the problem that the "white screen" occurred with the WXML panel on macOS.
  14. F Fixed the lagging of WXML panel in the inspect mode.
  15. F Fixed the suspension of the WXML panel in some cases.
  16. F Fixed the problem that styles and panel texts overlapped each other on the WXML panel.
  17. F Fixed the inability to disable multiple style rules on the WXML panel.
  18. F Fixed failed to set content-type via wx.request.
  19. F Fixed the inability to verify trusted domain names in wx.downloadFile and wx.uploadFile.
  20. F Fixed the problem that the "white screen" occurred with the simulator in case of git checkout branch or significant changes to files.
  21. F Fixed the problem that no error message was returned when no WXML file was available.

# Editor module

  1. A Added the feature of formating code of WXML and WXSS files.
  2. A Added the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + f for code searching.
  3. A Added the right-click menu for the file tree.
  4. A Added the feature of closing files on the right.
  5. A Added the support of fuzzy search when file navigation is enabled by pressing Ctrl + p.
  6. A Added code auto-completion and document display for WXML files. Details
  7. A Added the feature of displaying GIF files.
  8. A Added the feature of opening files on the disk.
  9. A Added the feature of auto-creating appropriate page.js and page.wxml files after app.json is saved.
  10. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred while auto-completing WXML files.
  11. F Fixed the failure to click on the tabBar if there were too many files.
  12. F Fixed the failure to modify a directory name.

# 0.10.102800

# Basic features of Weixin DevTools

  1. A Added the feature of listening on file changes to refresh the simulator in real time, which is enabled by default and can be disabled by developers in projects.
  2. A Added the options of proxy settings and account switching to the login page.
  3. A Added the feature of debugging all new APIs and components.
  4. A Added more user-friendly error notifications.
  5. A Added the support for debugging of the WXML panel's rpx.
  6. A Added the feature of syncing changes on the WXML panel to the simulator in real time.
  7. A Added the support for debugging of the wx.previewImage API.
  8. F Fixed the failure to simulate fonts smaller than 12 px in the Weixin DevTools.
  9. F Fixed the invalidity of the start and end of the picker component.
  10. F Fixed the failure to control the progress bar via the video component.
  11. F Fixed the problem that an incorrect height was obtained via wx.getSystemInfo when a tabBar existed.
  12. F Fixed the problem that the count specified via wx.chooseImage was invalid.
  13. F Fixed failure to call wx.setNavigationBarTitle when Page.onLoad was called.
  14. F Fixed the problem that the WXML panel became blank and the panel lagged when selected.
  15. F Fixed the incorrect compilation as a result of Chinese script file name.
  16. F Fixed the problem that the media playback did not stop when a project was closed.

# Editor module

  1. A Added the file auto-save feature. Details
  2. A Added support for displaying and refreshing the simulator in real time during editing.
  3. A Added the shortcut key *Ctrl + * to expand and collapse the file tree.
  4. A Added the shortcut key Ctrl + w to close the current editing page.
  5. A Added the shortcut key Ctrl + p to file redirection.
  6. A Added the shortcut key Ctrl + m to open or close the simulator.
  7. A Added the bottom status bar to the editor.
  8. A Added JSON and WXML code auto-completion and prompts.
  9. F Fixed the problem that the cursor was missing.

# 0.10.101400

  1. F Fixed the unavailability of Pull Down to Refresh feature.
  2. F Fixed the failure to update Weixin DevTools immediately after the app.json file was modified.

# 0.10.101100

# Basic features of Weixin DevTools

  1. A Added ES6-to-ES5 conversion which is enabled by default and can be disabled by developers.
  2. A Added the option Compress code during upload, which is disabled by default and can be enabled by developers.
  3. A Added the support for debugging of wx.uploadFile and wx.downloadFile.
  4. A Added the support for debugging of the Pull Down to Refresh feature.
  5. A Added debugging support for formId which is returned from form under reportSubmit mode.
  6. A Added the feature of sliding the progress bar to video.
  7. A Added the support of mode=time and mode=date in picker.
  8. F Fixed the error that was reported when a map was opened.
  9. F Fixed the failure to display the map component.
  10. F Fixed the problem that drawImage was flickering in canvas.
  11. F Fixed the incorrect value of navigationBarTextStyle in the JSON file.
  12. F Fixed the problem that the value of picker was empty in a form submission event.
  13. F Fixed the problem that wx.onBackgroundAudioPause was triggered when the background music stopped.
  14. F Fixed the problem that fail and complete were called back twice when wx.request timed out.
  15. F Fixed the failure to drag Weixin DevTools to the bottom in the small screen mode.
  16. F Fixed the problem that the size was not limited via wx.setStorage.
  17. F Fixed the failure to update the modified code files to Weixin DevTools in some cases.

# Editor module

  1. A Added the feature of dragging the side bar and saving its location.
  2. A Added the shortcut key ctrl + \ or command + \ to hide the side bar.
  3. A Added the feature of dragging file tabs for sorting.
  4. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when wx.setNavitionBarTitle was called.
  5. F Fixed the problem that file changes did not take effect in some cases.