# Registering a Page

For each page of a Mini Program, a page instance needs to be registered by calling the Page method via the js file corresponding to the page, to specify the initial data of the page, the lifecycle callback function, the event processing function, and the like of the page.

For specific definitions and usage of the parameters, refer to Page Reference Documents.

// index.js
  data: {
    text: "This is page data."
  onLoad: function(options) {
    // Do some initialize when page load.
  onReady: function() {
    // Do something when page ready.
  onShow: function() {
    // Do something when page show.
  onHide: function() {
    // Do something when page hide.
  onUnload: function() {
    // Do something when page close.
  onPullDownRefresh: function() {
    // Do something when pull down.
  onReachBottom: function() {
    // Do something when page reach bottom.
  onShareAppMessage: function () {
    // return custom share data when user share.
  onPageScroll: function() {
    // Do something when page scroll
  onResize: function() {
    // Do something when page resize
  onTabItemTap(item) {
  // Event handler.
  viewTap: function() {
      text: 'Set some data for updating view.'
    }, function() {
      // this is setData callback
  customData: {
    hi: 'MINA'

In addition to Page, as an advanced usage, Component can also be used to create a page in the same way as a custom component. In this case, you can use features of custom components, such as behaviors.

For details, see Component Constructor.