# Mini Program extension library

Extension components complement the capabilities of the components built into the Mini Program, including some common functional components that are continually being added. If there are more common scenarios in the business, you are welcome to put forward requirements in the page feedback,Github address

# video-swiper

Video sliding toggle components, can be similar to micro as the unlimited video list effect.

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# recycle-view

Mini Program long list component.

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# sticky

Viscous layout components. Sticky Components and CSS in position: sticky Property achieves the same effect, arranging components in their normal layout when they are in screen range, and always fixing them at the top of the screen when they roll out of screen range.

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# tabs

Tab component.

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# row/cabbage assembly

According to the idea of grid layout and the characteristic of responsive layout, the row/cabbage Two basic layout components to help developers quickly adapt to multi-screen applications.

The core concept is that the entire screen width is divided into 24 Units, the size of each unit, determined by the current screen size. for example 375px The screen width of the 1 unit = 375/24 px.

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# vtabs

Longitudinal tab components, with the <vtabs-content> Components used in combination.

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# index-list

Index list component, can achieve similar address book effect. The intra-component node is added to the top of the list.

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# Barrage

Mini Program barrage component. adopt view of transform Mobile bomb screen, covering On the native component, make sure that the component is layered.Reference use cases

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# select-text

Optional text component. This component has two usage modes: Long press the selection to appear, consistent with the browser default effectLong press the copy on, click Copy to copy all content to the clipboard, common in chat dialog box and other scenes.

Note that in order to hide the copy on by clicking on other areas, the developer can listen on the outermost layer of the page tap Event, and will optionally Object is assigned to on-document-tap

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# wxml-to-canvas

Drawing with static templates and styles in Mini Program canvas Export images that can be used to generate shared images and other scenarios.Code snippet

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# miniprogram-file-uploader

Small procedures large file upload library.

This upload library depends on FileSystemManager.readFile Interface for block reading of files, basic library version 2.10.0 And above can be obtained through isSupport Interface judgment.

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