# TCPSocket

Start from base library version 2.18.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

One TCP Socket Instance, by default IPv4 agreement

# method

# TCPSocket.connect(Object options)

Start a connection on the given socket

# TCPSocket.write(String | ArrayBuffer data)

in socket Send data on

# TCPSocket.close()

Close the connection

# TCPSocket.onClose(function callback)

Once the wire is tapped, socket Full shutdown sends out the event

# TCPSocket.offClose(function callback)

Once we cancel the wiretap socket Full shutdown sends out the event

# TCPSocket.onConnect(function callback)

Listen in when a socket The event is triggered when the connection is successfully established

# TCPSocket.offConnect(function callback)

Cancel the wiretap when a socket The event is triggered when the connection is successfully established

# TCPSocket.onError(function callback)

Listen is triggered when an error occurs

# TCPSocket.offError(function callback)

Cancel Listen Triggered when an error occurs

# TCPSocket.onMessage(function callback)

Monitor triggers the event when data is received

# TCPSocket.offMessage(function callback)

Cancels listening to trigger this event when data is received

# error

Error code Error message Introductions
-1 System error
-2 Socket interface error, refer to the system socket error code
-3 Send failed, no interface permissions
1 Send failed, parameter error, address illegal
2 Send failed, parameter error, port illegal