# Get a list of service orders purchased by users

# Interface call request specification

New interface recommended “Get User Service Validity

Http request method: POST
https://api.weixin.qq.com/product/service/get_order_list?access_Token = xxxxxxxxx

# Request Parameter Sample

    "start_create_time": "2020-03-25 12:05:25",
    "end_create_time": "2020-04-25 12:05:25",
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 10

# Return Package Example

    "errcode": 0,
    " service_order_list":
            " service_order_id": 12345,
            " service_id":   12,
            " service_name": "One key move,"
            "create_time":  "2020-08-05 00:00:00",
            "expire_time":  "2020-08-05 12:00:00",
            " service_type": 2,
            "specification_id": "move_goods",
            "total_price": 100,
            "status": 1

# Request Parameter Dxplaination


# Return parameter specification

parameter type Introductions
Errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
service_order_list[].service_order_id number Service Order ID
service_order_list[].service_id number Service ID
service_order_list[].service_name string Name of service
service_order_list[].craete_time string Time of creation
service_order_list[].expire_time string Expiration Time
service_order_list[].service_type number Type of service
service_order_list[].specification_id string Specifications English name
service_order_list[].total_price number Total Order Price
service_order_list[].status number Order Status

# Enumerate - service _type

Enumeration value describe
2 product
3 order

# Enumerate - status

Enumeration value describe
1 In force
2 Expired
3 Deactivated
4 Unpaid

# Return code

Return code Type of error
-1 System exception
-2 Token is too long