The Official Accounts Platform website allows Subscription Accounts to broadcast once per day and Service Accounts to broadcast four times per calendar month. Some Official Account operators with development capabilities can achieve more flexible broadcast capabilities through the advanced broadcast API.


1. For verified Subscription Accounts, the broadcast API can be successfully called once per day. The broadcast message can be sent to all users or users under a tag.
2. For verified Service Accounts, developers can call the advanced broadcast API 100 times per day, but users can only receive 4 broadcast messages each month, regardless of whether these messages are sent on the Official Accounts Platform website or via the API. The broadcast messages exceeding the limit (4) cannot be sent to users.
3. Developers can use the preview API to check the message style and typesetting and also send an edited message to the specified user to verify the result.
4. During the broadcast process, the Weixin backend will automatically review the article for originality. Set relevant parameters (send_ignore, etc.) in advance.
5. Developers can set up clientmsgid to avoid repeated pushes.
6. A maximum of 60 requests per minute is allowed for the broadcast API. Requests over the limit will be rejected.
7. Links to articles broadcasted from your account and other Official Accounts can be added in the main body of the article.

The process of broadcasting an article is as follows:

1. Upload the image needed in the article in advance using the "Upload Images in Article" API and get the image URL.
2. Upload the article asset. When you need to use the image, use the image URL obtained in the previous step.
3. Broadcast the article to users under a tag or users in the OpenID list. During the broadcast process, Weixin will review the originality and return the broadcast result.
4. In the above processes, you can preview the article, query the broadcast status, or delete the broadcasted message when necessary.

The process of broadcasting images, texts, and other message types is as follows:

1 To broadcast a text message, directly follow the API description below.
2 To broadcast an image or video message, get the mediaID in advance via the Media Asset Management API.


1. If is_to_all is set to true for a broadcast, the successfully sent broadcast message will be included in the history message list of the Official Account in the Weixin app.
2. To prevent exceptions, a verified Subscription Account can only broadcast once by setting is_to_all to true or on the Official Accounts Platform website (whether to all users or to a group) per day. This is to avoid having 2 broadcast messages included in the history message list in one day.
3. Similarly, a Service Account can only broadcast 4 times by setting is_to_all to true and on the Official Accounts Platform website (whether to all users or to a group) per month.
4. If is_to_all is set to false, multiple broadcasts are allowed. However, each user will only receive up to 4 broadcast messages, and these messages will not be included in the history message list.

In addition, developers should know that the media_id of permanent assets in Media Asset Management can be used where media_id is required in the API. Note that the links broadcasted using the same asset are the same, which means that deleting a broadcast will invalidate all the links.


1 Uploading Images in Article to Obtain URL (Available for verified subscription accounts and verified service accounts)

2 Uploading Articles (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

3 Broadcast by Tag (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

4 Broadcast by OpenID List (Unavailable for Subscription Accounts and Available for Verified Service Accounts)

5 Deleting Broadcasts (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

6 Preview (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

7 Querying Broadcast Message Sending Status (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

8 Broadcast Result Event Push

9 Using the clientmsgid Parameter to Avoid Repeated Push

10 Controlling Broadcast Speed

# Uploading Images in Article to Obtain URL (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

Note that the images uploaded via this API are excluded from the maximum storage limit of 5,000 images for an Official Account's media asset library. Only JPG/PGN images smaller than 1 MB are supported.

API request format

HTTP request method: POST
Calling Example (using the curl command to upload an image via FORM):
curl -F media=@test.jpg ""


Parameter Required Description
access_token Yes The credential for calling the API
media Yes The identifier of the media file in form-data, including the information such as filename, filelength, and content-type.

Response description The result returned for a successful request:

    "url":  " CNFwaRrSaKTPCUdBK9DgEHicsKwWCBRQ/0"

The above URL is the URL of the uploaded image and can be used in articles for broadcasting later.

When an error occurs, Weixin will return an error code and other information. See the error message based on the error code.

# Uploading Articles (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

API request format

HTTP request method: POST

POST data description

POST data example:

   "articles": [	 {
                        "title":"Happy Day",		 
                        "title":"Happy Day",		 
Parameter Required Description
Articles Yes Article. A broadcast can contain 1 to 8 articles.
thumb_media_id Yes The media_id of the thumbnail of an article, which can be obtained in Media Asset Management > New Assets.
author No The article's author
title Yes The article's title
content_source_url No The page to be redirected to after Read More on the article page is tapped. For security reasons, if you need to redirect to the Appstore, you can use a short URL such as or and suffix #wechat_redirect to the short URL.
content Yes The content of the article page. HTML tags are supported. Only Official Accounts with WeChat Pay permission can use "a" tags. To insert Mini Program cards, see below.
digest No The article description. If this field is left empty, the first 64 characters in the main body will be fetched by default.
show_cover_pic No Indicates whether to display the cover. 1: True; 0: False.
need_open_comment No Uint32 Indicates whether to enable comment. 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled.
only_fans_can_comment No Uint32 Indicates whether to allow followers to comment only. 0: All users; 1: Followers.

To insert a Mini Program in the broadcast article, you need to add a redirect link to the Mini Program in the "content" field when calling the "Upload Articles" API. There are three styles to choose from.

Redirect to the Mini Program by tapping the Mini Program card. Code example:

<mp-miniprogram data-miniprogram-appid="wx123123123" data-miniprogram-path="pages/index/index" data-miniprogram-title="Mini Program example" data-progarm-imageurl=""></mp-miniprogram>

Redirect to the Mini Program by tapping the text. Code example:

<p><a data-miniprogram-appid="wx123123123" data-miniprogram-path="pages/index" href="">Tap the text to redirect to the Mini Program</a></p>

Redirect to the Mini Program by tapping the image. Code example:

<p><a data-miniprogram-appid="wx123123123" data-miniprogram-path="pages/index" href=""><img src="" alt="" data-width="null" data-ratio="NaN"></a></p>


Parameter Required Description
data-miniprogram-appid Yes The AppID of the Mini Program
data-miniprogram-path Yes The path to the Mini Program to be opened
data-miniprogram-title Yes The title of the Mini Program card, not more than 35 characters.
data-miniprogram-imageurl Yes The URL to the cover image of the Mini Program card. The image size must be 1080*864 pixels.


Example of response data (The returned JSON packet for a successful request):

Parameter Description
type Media file types, including images (parameter = "image"), voice (parameter = "voice"), videos (parameter = "video"), thumbnails (parameter = "thumb"), and articles (parameter = "news").
media_id The unique identifier of an uploaded media file/article
created_at Upload time of the media file

When an error occurs, Weixin will return an error code and other information. See the error message based on the error code.

Originality review will be performed before an article is broadcasted

I. The originality review process is added for the Broadcast API

When a developer calls the Broadcast API to broadcast an article, Weixin will compare the article to be broadcasted by the developer with the articles in the Original Works Archive of the Official Accounts Platform. The review results are divided into the following types:

  1. When the article to be broadcasted does not hit any article in the Original Works Archive, it can be broadcasted.

  2. When the article to be broadcasted hits an article in the Original Works Archive:

2.1 It can be broadcasted if the original author allows reposts. When the article is broadcasted, it will be automatically restored to the original style and amarked as a repost with the source indicated.

If you want to change the original content or style, or do not want to display the original author when broadcasting the article, you can contact the original author of the Official Account to obtain authorization.

2.2 It cannot be broadcasted if the original author forbids reposts.

If you still want to repost the article, you can contact the original author of the Official Account to obtain authorization.

II. The send_ignore_reprint parameter is added in the Broadcast API

The send_ignore_reprint parameter is added in the Broadcast API. Developers can set the parameter to specify whether to continue broadcasting an article which is determined to be a repost.

If the send_ignore_reprint parameter is set to 1, when an article is determined to be a repost and the original author allows reposts, the broadcast will continue.

If the send_ignore_reprint parameter is set to 0, when an article is determined to be a repost, the broadcast will be stopped.

The send_ignore_reprint defaults to 0.

For relevant error codes of the broadcast operation, see the Common Error Codes documentation.

# Broadcast by Tag (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

API request format

HTTP request method: POST

POST data description

POST data example:

Article (get the article's media_id by the above method):




Voice/Audio (get the media_id from Media Asset Management > New Assets):


Image (get the media_id from Media Asset Management > New Assets):



Note that the media_id of the video here is specifically obtained via the POST request to the following API: The POST data is as follows (get the media_id from Media Asset Management > New Assets):

  "media_id": "rF4UdIMfYK3efUfyoddYRMU50zMiRmmt_l0kszupYh_SzrcW5Gaheq05p_lHuOTQ",
  "title": "TITLE",
  "description": "Description"

The response will be as follows


Then, POST the following data (change the media_id to the media_id obtained in the previous step), and you can broadcast the message


Card/Coupon message (get the article's media_id by the above method):

Parameter Required Description
filter Yes Sets the recipients of the article
is_to_all No Sets whether to broadcast the message to all users. The value of "true" means broadcasting the message to all users, and "false" means broadcasting the message to the users of the specified group according to the tag_id.
tag_id No The tag_id of the tag of the users to which the message is broadcasted. See User Group API in User Management. If is_to_all is set to true, tag_id is not required.
mpnews Yes Sets the article to be sent
media_id Yes The media_id of the message to be broadcasted
msgtype Yes Broadcast message types, including articles (parameter = "mpnews"), text (parameter = "text"), voices (parameter = "voice"), music (parameter = "music"), images (parameter = "image"), videos (parameter = "video"), and cards/coupons (parameter = "wxcard").
title No The message's title
description No The message description
thumb_media_id Yes The media ID of the video thumbnail
send_ignore_reprint Yes Indicates whether to continue broadcasting an article which is determined to be a repost. 1 means continuing broadcasting (repost), and 0 means stopping broadcasting (default).


Example of response data (The returned JSON packet for a successful request):

   "errmsg":"send job submission success",
   "msg_data_id": 206227730
Parameter Description
type Media file types, including images (parameter = "image"), voice (parameter = "voice"), videos (parameter = "video"), thumbnails (parameter = "thumb"), and articles (parameter = "news").
errcode Error code
errmsg Error message
msg_id Message sending task ID
msg_data_id The data ID of the message. This field is displayed only when an article is to be broadcasted. As a part of the msgid field in the Article Summary API, it can be used to obtain the data of the appropriate article in the Article Summary API. For details, see the description of the msgid field in the Article Summary API.

Note: A success response indicates the successful submission of a broadcast task rather than the completion of the task. Therefore, exceptions may still occur during the broadcasting process that cause users' failure to receive the message, such as message review and server instability. In addition, broadcast tasks generally take a long time to complete. Please be patient.

When an error occurs, Weixin will return an error code and other information. See the error message based on the error code.

# Broadcast by OpenID List (Unavailable for Subscription Accounts and Available for Verified Service Accounts)

API fequest format

HTTP request method: POST

POST data description

POST data example:

Article (get the article's media_id by the above method):



    "msgtype": "text",
    "text": { "content": "hello from boxer."}






Note that the media_id of the video here is specifically obtained via the POST request to the following API: The POST data is as follows (get the media_id from Media Asset Management > New Assets):

  "media_id": "rF4UdIMfYK3efUfyoddYRMU50zMiRmmt_l0kszupYh_SzrcW5Gaheq05p_lHuOTQ",
  "title": "TITLE",
  "description": "Description"

The response will be as follows


Then, POST the following data (change the media_id to the media_id obtained in the previous step), and you can broadcast the message



    "wxcard": {"card_id":"123dsdajkasd231jhksad"}
Parameter Required Description
touser Yes The recipients of the article. It is a list of OpenIDs, with a minimum of 2 OpenIDs and a maximum of 10000.
mpnews Yes Sets the article to be sent
media_id Yes The media_id of the article to be broadcasted
msgtype Yes Broadcast message types, including articles (parameter = "mpnews"), text (parameter = "text"), voices (parameter = "voice"), music (parameter = "music"), images (parameter = "image"), videos (parameter = "video"), and cards/coupons (parameter = "wxcard").
title No The message's title
description No The message description
thumb_media_id Yes The media ID of the video thumbnail
send_ignore_reprint Yes Indicates whether to continue broadcasting an article which is determined to be a repost. 1 means continuing broadcasting (repost), and 0 means stopping broadcasting (default).


Example of response data (The returned JSON packet for a successful request):

   "errmsg":"send job submission success",
   "msg_data_id": 206227730
Parameter Description
type Media file types, including images (parameter = "image"), voice (parameter = "voice"), videos (parameter = "video"), thumbnails (parameter = "thumb"), and articles (parameter = "news").
errcode Error code
errmsg Error message
msg_id Message sending task ID
msg_data_id The data ID of the message. This field is displayed only when an article is to be broadcasted. As a part of the msgid field in the Article Summary API, it can be used to obtain the data of the appropriate article in the Article Summary API. For details, see the description of the msgid field in the Article Summary API.

Note: A success response indicates the successful submission of a broadcast task rather than the completion of the task. Therefore, exceptions may still occur during the broadcasting process that cause users' failure to receive the message, such as message review and server instability. In addition, broadcast tasks generally take a long time to complete. Please be patient.

When an error occurs, Weixin will return an error code and other information. See the error message based on the error code.

# Deleting Broadcasts (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

Broadcasted messages can be deleted via this API at any time.

API request format

HTTP request method: POST

POST data description

POST data example:

Parameter Required Description
msg_id Yes ID of the broadcasted message
article_idx No The location of the article to be deleted in the multiple-article broadcast. The first article is numbered as 1, and so on. If this field is left empty or 0 is specified, all the articles will be deleted.


1. Only messages that have been successfully sent can be deleted.
2. Deleting a message means invalidating the details page of the message. Users who have received the message can still view the message card on their phone.
3. Only articles and video messages that have been broadcasted can be deleted.
4. If an article is broadcasted multiple times, deleting one broadcast will also delete the article and invalidate all the other broadcasts.


Example of response data (The returned JSON packet for a successful request):

Parameter Description
errcode Error code
errmsg Error message

When an error occurs, Weixin will return an error code and other information. See the error message based on the error code.

# Preview (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

Developers can use this API to send messages to specified users and view the style and typesetting of messages on their phone. To meet the needs of third-party platform developers, we've added a capability to send previews to designated Weixin IDs while keeping the capability to preview OpenIDs. However, this new capability can only be called 100 times per day, so use it as necessary.

API fequest format

HTTP request method: POST

POST data description

POST data example:

Article (use the media_id in the Broadcast by Tag API):




Voice (use the media_id in the Broadcast by Tag API):


Image (use the media_id in the Broadcast by Tag API):


Video (use the media_id in the Broadcast by Tag API):

    "mpvideo":{  "media_id":"IhdaAQXuvJtGzwwc0abfXnzeezfO0NgPK6AQYShD8RQYMTtfzbLdBIQkQziv2XJc",   


{ "touser":"OPENID", 
            "card_ext": "{"code":"","openid":"","timestamp":"1402057159","signature":"017bb17407c8e0058a66d72dcc61632b70f511ad"}"               

Note: The touser field in the above JSON data can be changed to towxname, so that developers can preview by Weixin ID instead of OpenID. When towxname and touser are both specified, towxname is preferred. The JSON data after the field is changed is as follows (take article as an example): Article:

   "towxname":"An example Weixin ID", 
Parameter Description
touser The OpenIDs of the users receiving the message in the Official Account. This field can be changed to towxname so as to preview Weixin IDs.
msgtype Broadcast message types, including articles (parameter = "mpnews"), text (parameter = "text"), voices (parameter = "voice"), music (parameter = "music"), images (parameter = "image"), videos (parameter = "video"), and cards/coupons (parameter = "wxcard").
media_id The media_id of the message to be broadcasted
content The content of the text message broadcasted


Example of response data (The returned JSON packet for a successful request):

   "errmsg":"preview success",
Parameter Description
errcode Error code
errmsg Error message
msg_id Message ID

# Querying Broadcast Message Sending Status (Available for Verified Subscription Accounts and Verified Service Accounts)

API request format

HTTP request method: POST

POST data description

POST data example:

   "msg_id": "201053012"
Parameter Description
msg_id The message ID returned after a message is broadcasted


Example of response data (The returned JSON packet for a successful request):

Parameter Description
msg_id The message ID returned after a message is broadcasted
msg_status The message status. SEND_SUCCESS: Message sent; SENDING: Sending message; SEND_FAIL: Sending failed; DELETE: Message deleted.

# Broadcast Result Event Push

As it takes some time to complete a submitted broadcast task, only a message indicating whether the broadcast task is submitted successfully will be given when the Broadcast API is called. If the task is submitted successfully, an event will be pushed to the URL (callback URL) entered by the developer on the Official Accounts Platform upon the completion of the task.

Note: Since a broadcast task takes a long time to complete, the broadcast result will be pushed when the task is about to be completed. For this reason, the pushed number of recipients may be different from the actual number.

The XML structure for a successful push is as follows, with the result of originality review being included:

Parameter Description
ToUserName The Weixin ID of the Official Account
FromUserName The Weixin ID of the Official Accounts broadcast assistant, which is mphelper.
CreateTime Timestamp of the creation time
MsgType Message type. It is event in this case.
Event Event message. It is MASSSENDJOBFINISH in this case.
MsgID ID of the message broadcasted
Status Broadcast result. Possible values are "send success", "send fail", and "err(num)". However, when the status is "send success", some users may still fail to receive the broadcasted message due to their setting to reject Official Accounts messages or system errors. err(num) indicates the specific reason for review failure, including: err(10001), //Contained ads; err(20001), //Involved politics; err(20004), //Involved social issues; err(20002), //Contained lewd content; err(20006), //Suspected of violating laws and committing crimes; err(20008), //Suspected of fraud; err(20013), //Involved copyright issues; err(22000), //Suspected of mutual promotion; err(21000), //Suspected of other situations; err(30001) //System error occurred during the originality review and the user chose not to broadcast an article determined to be a repost; err(30002) //The originality review determined that the message could not be broadcasted; err(30003) //The originality review determined the article was reposted and the user chose not to broadcast an article determined to be a repost
TotalCount The number of followers under the tag_id or in the openid_list
FilterCount The number of followers to whom the message is to be sent after filtering (the filters include filtering by specific region, filtering by gender, filtering users who set to reject messages, and users who have received 4 messages). In principle, FilterCount = SentCount + ErrorCount.
SentCount The number of followers who have received the message
ErrorCount The number of followers who did not receive the message
ResultList The review result of each single article
ArticleIdx The serial number of the broadcasted article, starting from 1.
UserDeclareState The article status declared by the user
AuditState The article status from system review
OriginalArticleUrl URL to the similar original article
OriginalArticleType Type of the similar original article
CanReprint Indicates whether repost is allowed
NeedReplaceContent Indicates whether to use the original article instead
NeedShowReprintSource Indicates whether to indicate the original author of the reposted article
CheckState Final review result
CheckState 1 - It is not determined to be reposted and can be broadcasted; 2 - It is determined to be reposted but can be broadcasted; 3 - It is determined to be reposted and cannot be broadcasted

# Using the clientmsgid Parameter to Avoid Repeated Push

  1. The clientmsgid parameter is added in the Broadcast API for developers to set on their own to avoid repeated push.

Before a message is broadcasted, the Weixin backend will check the broadcast record within 24 hours, and reject the broadcast request and return the existing msgid if this clientmsgid exists. You can call the "Query Broadcast Message Sending Status" API to view the status of the broadcast message.

  1. New error codes
Error Code Description
45065 The clientmsgid already has a broadcast record. The returned data contains the msgid of the existing broadcast task.
45066 The clientmsgid retries too frequently. Retry after 1 minute.
45067 The length of the clientmsgid exceeds the limit.
  1. API example and parameter description


Parameter Required Description
clientmsgid No The broadcast msgid on the developer side, which is limited to 64 bytes. If this is left empty, the backend will use the digest value of the broadcast scope and broadcast content as the clientmsgid value by default.


Response example in case of clientmsgid  conflict: {
    "errmsg":"clientmsgid exist",

# Controlling Broadcast Speed

Developers can use the speed limit API to control the broadcast speed.

Get broadcast speed

API request format

HTTP request method: POST

Response description The result returned for a successful request:



Parameter Required Description
speed Yes Broadcast speed level
realspeed Yes The actual value of the broadcast speed (10000 users/minute)

Set broadcast speed

API request format

HTTP request method: POST

Request example



Parameter Required Description
speed Yes Broadcast speed level

The broadcast speed level is an integer from 0 to 4. A larger number means a lower speed.

The relationship between "speed" and "realspeed" is as follows:

speed realspeed
0 800000 users/minute
1 600000 users/minute
2 450000 users/minute
3 300000 users/minute
4 100000 users/minute

Error Codes

Error Code Description
45083 The "speed" parameter value is not within 0-4
45084 The "speed" parameter is not set