
1. Development Preparation

2. Workflow

3. Pull Up Invoice List (in Weixin)

3.1 API Description

3.2 Request Method

3.3 Response

3.4 Sample Code

4. Pull Up Invoice List (Third-party Apps)

4.1 API Description

4.2 Request Method

4.3 Response

5. Query Invoice Information and Obtain PDF File

5.1 API Description

5.2 Request Method

5.3 Response

6. Notes

6.1 Error Codes

6.2 Invoice Statuses

6.3 Obtain api_ticket

6.3.1 Request Method

6.3.2 Response

6.3.3 Sample Code

6.4 Invoice Signature Method

# 1. Development Preparation

Before starting development, ensure that you have completed the following preparation:

(1) You have a Weixin Service Account that has passed verification.

(2) You have a printer that can access the Internet.

(3) You have a cloud-based backend that can send commands to the printer.

# 2. Workflow

# 3. Pull Up Invoice List (in Weixin)

# 3.1 API Description

This API is used to pull up the invoice card list in Weixin (see the figure below). After the user selects the invoice to print, the developer obtains identification information for the selected invoice.

The call of this API must follow the JS-SDK call method. Before development, read the JS-SDK Documentation to get familiar with the development terminology and basic API calls.

# 3.2 Request Method

Refer to the sample code and provide the following parameters to pull up the invoice list page.

Parameter Type Required Description
timestamp string(32) Yes Signature generation time, expressed as a 10-digit Unix timestamp.
nonceStr string(32) Yes The random string used to generate the signature. See 6.3 for the signature generation method.
signType string(32) Yes Signature type. See 6.3 for the signature generation method.
cardSign string(64) Yes The invoice signature, which is the signature generated according to the documentation. For details, see 6.3.

# 3.3 Response

After the user taps OK or Cancel, a result containing the following fields is returned.

Response Field Type Value Description
err_msg choose_invoice string ok Invoice selected successfully.
fail Invoice selection failed.
cancel Selection canceled.
choose_invoice_info object Object list The list of invoices selected by the user.

The choose_invoice_info object structure is as follows:

{ card_id = @"", encrypt_code = @"" app_id=@"" }

Each field is described below:

Field Type Description
card_id string The card_id of the selected invoice card.
encrypt_code string The encryption code of the selected invoice card. The printing service provider can use the card_id and encrypt_code to obtain the information and PDF file of the invoice the user wants to print.
app_id string The appid of the invoice issuer.

After obtaining the card_id and encrypt_code, the developer can obtain the structured information and PDF file for each invoice by referring to the "Query Invoice Information and Obtain PDF File" section.

# 3.4 Sample Code

            beta: true,
            debug: false,
            appId: "wx00000000000000",
            timestamp: 1489030247,
            nonceStr: "(9J4YRV[#@",
            signature: "f027317f8910000000000000000000",
            jsApiList: ['chooseInvoice']
   wx.ready(function () {
            wx.invoke('chooseInvoice', {
                        'timestamp': 1489030247, // The card signature timestamp.
                              'nonceStr':   "p(6N&7WOAF", // The random string for card signature.
                          'signType': 'SHA1', //The signature method. Default value: 'SHA1'.
                         'cardSign':   "a72043eed36c74300000000000000000" // The card signature.
                      },  function(res) {

# 4. Pull Up Invoice List (third-party apps)

# 4.1 API Description

Weixin also provides an API that allows third-party apps to pull up the invoice list. Just like the API to pull up the invoice list in Weixin, the developer can obtain invoice identification data after a user selects an invoice and taps OK.

The call of this API must follow the JS-SDK calling method and certain conditions must be met. Before development, make sure the following conditions are met:

  1. You have a verified Weixin Open Platform account.

  2. You have created an app on the Weixin Open Platform and it has passed the verification. Developers of unregistered apps can register their apps on the app registration page.

  3. You have downloaded the Weixin e-invoice reimbursement SDK (the iOS and Android download addresses are provided in the resource download section of the e-invoice documentation).

  4. You have read the basic SDK usage methods in the Weixin Open Platform Resource Center and the SDKs are correctly used in your app.

# 4.2 Request Method

iOS apps

Refer to the OpenSDK1.7.7 file in the code package. During use, call the WXChooseInvoice class. Refer to the JS-SDK call method for information about the required signature.

Android apps

Refer to the JAR file in the code package. During use, call the WXChooseCard class and set the CardType to "INVOICE". Refer to the JS-SDK call method for information about the required signature.

# 4.3 Response

The response is identical to the response to the Pull Up Invoice List (in Weixin) API. See section 3.3.

# 5. Query Invoice Information and Obtain PDF File

# 5.1 API Description

After the reimburser has obtained the identification parameters for the electronic invoices selected by the user as described above, this API can be used to query the structured information of the electronic invoices and obtain the invoice PDF files.

# 5.2 Request Method

Request URL:{access_token}

Request method: POST

Request parameters:

The request parameters use JSON format. Included parameters are as below:

Parameter Type Required Description
card_id string Yes The card_id of the invoice card.
encrypt_code string Yes The encrypted code of the invoice card. encrypt_code and card_id are used together to construct the unique identifier of an invoice card.

# 5.3 Response

Data format: JSON

Parameter Type Required Description
errcode Int Yes Error code
errmsg String Yes Error message

If the error code is 0, the following information is returned:

Parameter Type Required Description
card_id String Yes Invoice ID.
begin_time Int Yes Start time of the invoice validity period
end_time Int Yes End time of the invoice validity period
openid String Yes User ID
type String Yes Invoice type, such as Guangdong VAT invoice.
payee String Yes Invoice payee
detail String Yes Invoice details
user_info Object Yes The primary information on an invoice

user_info contains the following information:

Parameter Type Required Description
fee Int Yes Tax-inclusive amount of the invoice (in cents)
title String Yes The invoice title
billing_time Int Yes The invoicing time, expressed as a 10-digit timestamp (utc+8).
billing_no String Yes The invoice number
billing_code String Yes The invoice code
info List No The product information structure, explained below.
fee_without_tax Int Yes Tax-exclusive amount (in cents)
tax Int Yes The tax amount (in cents)
pdf_url String Yes The PDF_URL corresponding to the invoice
trip_pdf_url String Yes URLs of other proofs of purchase, such as itineraries and water bills.
reimburse_status String Yes The invoice reimbursement status. See Notes 6.2.
check_code String Yes The verification code (required)
buyer_number String No The buyer's taxpayer ID (optional)
buyer_address_and_phone String No The buyer's address and phone number (optional)
buyer_bank_account String No The buyer's bank and bank account (optional)
seller_number String No The seller's taxpayer ID (optional)
seller_address_and_phone String No The seller's address and phone number (optional)
seller_bank_account String No The seller's bank and bank account (optional)
remarks String No Remarks.
cashier String No The recipient, in the lower left corner of the invoice (optional)
maker String No The invoice issuer, in the lower right corner of the invoice (optional)

info provides the information of invoice items. The data is expressed as an Object list, and each Object in the list includes the following information:

Parameter Type Required Description
name String Yes Item (product) name
num Int Yes Item quantity.
unit String Yes Item unit.
price Int Yes Unit price (in cents)

# 6. Notes

# 6.1 Error Codes

The error codes used in the Weixin e-invoice reimbursement solution are defined as below:

Error Code Description
0 Successful
72015 You do not have the permission to perform invoice operations.
72017 Inconsistent invoice title
72023 The invoice has been locked by another Official Account.
72024 Incorrect invoice status

# 6.2 Invoice Statuses

The invoice status codes used when obtaining invoice information via the API are defined as below:

Status Description
INVOICE_REIMBURSE_INIT Initial invoice status. The invoice is not locked and can be submitted for reimbursement.
INVOICE_REIMBURSE_LOCK Invoice locked. The invoice cannot be submitted for reimbursement for multiple times.
INVOICE_REIMBURSE_CLOSURE Invoice written off. The invoice has been removed from the user's Cards & Offers.

# 6.3 Obtain api_ticket

<span id = "21>

# 6.3.1 Request Method

Request URL:

Request method: GET

# 6.3.2 Response

Response format: JSON

Parameter Type Required Description
errcode Int Yes Error code
errmsg String Yes Error message
ticket String Yes Temporary ticket used for invoice signature, i.e. the Api_ticket that will be used in subsequent invoice signatures.
expires_in Int Yes Validity period, in seconds. Within the validity period, the tickets of repeated requests are not refreshed.

# 6.3.3 Sample Code



# 6.4 Invoice Signature Method

When using the JS-SDK and App SDK, signatures are required to ensure that data is not tampered with during transmission. The signature implementation method is as follows:

Parameters used in the signature

Parameter Description
cardType Enter "INVOICE".
timestamp The timestamp used when pulling up the invoice list (utc+8).
appid The appid that calls the API.
nonceStr Random string
api_ticket The temporary ticket obtained with the acess_token. For details, see 6.3.

Signature method

Sort the values of api_ticket, appid, timestamp, nonceStr, and cardType in lexicographical order. Then, concatenate all the parameter strings and perform SHA-1 encryption to obtain cardSign.

For example, if api_ticket=aaa, appid=aab, timestamp=abc, nonceStr=bbc, and cardType=cde, the concatenated string is aaaaababcbbccde. Then, you perform SHA-1 encryption on this string to obtain cardSign.