1. Pulling Up Invoice List from Weixin Official Account
2. Pulling Up Invoice List from Weixin Mini Program
3. Pulling Up Invoice List from Weixin Work
4. Pulling Up Invoice List from External App
5. Querying Reimbursement Invoice Information
6. Querying Reimbursement Invoice Information in Batch
7. Updating Invoice Status by Reimburser
8. Updating Invoice Statuses in Batch by Reimburser
10. List of Invoice Reimbursement Status
# 1. Pulling Up Invoice List from Weixin Official Account
API description
This API is used to pull up an invoice card list in a Weixin Official Account. After a user selects an invoice to submit for reimbursement, the developer obtains identification information for the selected invoice.
Calls to this API must follow the JS-SDK call method. Before development, read the [Weixin JS-SDK API Documentation](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki?t=resource/res_main&id=mp1421141115&token=&lang=zh_CN" target="_blank) to get familiar with the development terminology and basic API calls.
Request method
Call the chooseInvoice API.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
timestamp | string(32) | Yes | Timestamp, expressed as a 10-digit Unix timestamp. |
nonceStr | string(32) | Yes | The random string |
After the user taps OK or Cancel, a result containing the following fields is returned.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
err_msg | string | Yes | ok: Invoice selected successfully; fail: Invoice selection failed; cancel: Invoice selection canceled. |
choose_invoice_info | object | No | The list of invoices selected by the user |
The choose_invoice_info object contains the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | string | Yes | The card_id of the selected invoice card |
encrypt_code | string | Yes | The encryption code of the selected invoice card. The reimburser can obtain the information of the reimbursement invoice based on card_id and encrypt_code. |
app_id | string | Yes | The appid of the invoice issuer |
Sample code
beta: true,
debug: false,
appId: "wx00000000000000",
timestamp: 1489030247,
nonceStr: "(9J4YRV[#@",
signature: "f027317f8910000000000000000000",
jsApiList: ['chooseInvoice']
wx.ready(function () {
wx.invoke('chooseInvoice', {
'timestamp': 1489030247,
'nonceStr': "p(6N&7WOAF",
}, function(res) {
# 2. Pulling Up Invoice List from Weixin Mini Program
API description
This API is used to pull up an invoice list in a Weixin Mini Program.
See the invoice section in the Mini Program API documentation for details.
# 3. Pulling Up Invoice List from Weixin Work
API description
Weixin Work 2.1 comes with a JS-API to select electronic invoices. After a company updates its Weixin Work version to 2.1 or later, it can quickly implement electronic invoice selection in Weixin Work.
See the electronic invoice section in the Weixin Work API documentation for details.
# 4. Pulling Up Invoice List from External App
API description
For companies with self-deployed mobile office apps and reimbursement service providers who provide independent reimbursement apps to companies, Weixin provides an API that allows external apps to pull up the invoice list. Just like the API to pull up the invoice list in Weixin, external app developers can obtain invoice identification data after a user selects an invoice and taps OK.
Calls to this API must follow the JS-SDK calling method. Before development, make sure the following conditions are met:
(1) You have a verified Weixin Open Platform account.
(2) You have created an app on the Weixin Open Platform and it has passed the verification. Developers of unregistered apps can register their apps on the app registration page.
(3) You have read the basic SDK usage methods in the Weixin Open Platform Resource Center and the SDKs are correctly used in your app.
Request method
iOS apps
Refer to the OpenSDK1.7.7 file in the code package. During use, call the WXChooseInvoice class. Refer to the JS-SDK call method for information about the required signature. Sample code
—(void)getlnvoiceWithTicket: (NSString*)ticket whenComptetion: (void(^)(NSString* result, NSString*errorDesc) )comptetion{
BOOL isWXApplnstalled = [WXApi isWXApplnstalled];
if (!isWXApplnstalled) { // The result is directly returned if Weixin is not installed.
completion(nil.,@"Wechat Not installed");
_completion = completion;
WXChooselnvoiceReq *cardReq = [[WXChooselnvoiceReq alloc]initl;
cardReq. applD = WechatlnvoiceAppld;
cardReq.timeStamp = [[NSDate date]timelntervalSince1970];
NSString* timeStamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",cardReq.timeStamp];
cardReq. nonceStr = @"sfim_invoice";
NSString *cardSign = [self genCardSignWithNonceStr: cardReq.nonceStr andTimeStr:
timeStamp andApiTicket:ticket];
cardReq.cardSign = cardSign;
[WXApi sendReq:cardReq];//Send
Android apps
Refer to the JAR file in the code package. During use, call the ChooseCardFromWXCardPackage class and set the CardType to "INVOICE". Refer to the JS-SDK call method for information about the required signature.
After the user taps OK or Cancel, a result containing the following fields is returned.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
err_msg | string | Yes | ok: Invoice selected successfully; fail: Invoice selection failed; cancel: Invoice selection canceled. |
choose_invoice_info | object | No | The list of invoices selected by the user |
The choose_invoice_info object contains the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | string | Yes | The card_id of the selected invoice card |
encrypt_code | string | Yes | The encryption code of the selected invoice card. The reimburser can obtain the information of the reimbursement invoice based on card_id and encrypt_code. |
app_id | string | Yes | The appid of the invoice issuer |
# 5. Querying Reimbursement Invoice Information
API description
This API is used to query the structured information of an electronic invoice and obtain the invoice's PDF file.
Request method
Request URL: https://api.weixin.qq.com/card/invoice/reimburse/getinvoiceinfo?access_token={access_token}
Request method: POST
Request parameters
The request parameters use JSON format and contain the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | string | Yes | The card_id of the invoice card |
encrypt_code | string | Yes | The encrypted code of the invoice card. encrypt_code and card_id are used together to construct the unique identifier of an invoice card. |
The returned result is in JSON format and contains the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
errcode | Int | Yes | Error code |
errmsg | String | Yes | Error message |
If the error code is 0, the following information is returned:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | String | Yes | The invoice ID |
begin_time | Int | Yes | Start time of the invoice validity period |
end_time | Int | Yes | End time of the invoice validity period |
openid | String | Yes | User ID |
type | String | Yes | Invoice type, such as Guangdong VAT invoice. |
payee | String | Yes | Invoice payee |
detail | String | Yes | Invoice details |
user_info | Object | Yes | The primary information on an invoice |
user_info contains the following information:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
fee | Int | Yes | Tax-inclusive amount of the invoice (in cents) |
title | String | Yes | The invoice title |
billing_time | Int | Yes | The invoicing time, expressed as a 10-digit timestamp (utc+8). |
billing_no | String | Yes | The invoice number |
billing_code | String | Yes | The invoice code |
info | List | No | The product information structure, explained below. |
fee_without_tax | Int | Yes | Tax-exclusive amount (in cents) |
tax | Int | Yes | The tax amount (in cents) |
pdf_url | String | Yes | The PDF_URL corresponding to the invoice |
trip_pdf_url | String | No | URLs of other proofs of purchase, such as itineraries and water bills. |
reimburse_status | String | Yes | The invoice reimbursement status. See Notes 7.4. |
check_code | String | Yes | The verification code (required) |
buyer_number | String | No | The buyer's taxpayer ID (optional) |
buyer_address_and_phone | String | No | The buyer's address and phone number (optional) |
buyer_bank_account | String | No | The buyer's bank and bank account (optional) |
seller_number | String | No | The seller's taxpayer ID (optional) |
seller_address_and_phone | String | No | The seller's address and phone number (optional) |
seller_bank_account | String | No | The seller's bank and bank account (optional) |
remarks | String | No | Remarks |
cashier | String | No | The payee, in the lower left corner of the invoice (optional) |
maker | String | No | The invoice issuer, in the lower right corner of the invoice (optional) |
info provides the information of invoice items. The data is expressed as an Object list, and each Object in the list includes the following information:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | Yes | Item (product) name |
num | Int | No | Item quantity |
unit | String | No | Item unit |
price | Int | Yes | Unit price (in cents) |
Sample code
"card_id": "pjZ8Yt5crPbAouhFqFf6JFgZv4Lc",
"encrypt_code": "fbdt/fWy1VitQwhbKtSjNeR3BJyfpeJXfZjjGsdCXiM="
"errcode": 0,
"errmsg": "ok",
"card_id": "pjZ8Yt5crPbAouhFqFf6JFgZv4Lc",
"begin_time": 1476068114,
"end_time": 1476168114,
"user_card_status": "EXPIRE",
"openid": "obLatjnG4vRXJvSO8p914rSK8-Vo",
"type": "Guangdong VAT invoice",
"payee": "Test - Payee",
"detail": "Test - detail",
"user_info": {
"fee": 1100,
"title": "XX company",
"billing_time": 1468322401,
"billing_no": "hello",
"billing_code": "world",
"info": [
"name": "Green Giant",
"num": 10,
"unit": "Tons",
"price": 4
"accept": true,
"fee_without_tax": 2345,
"tax": 123,
"pdf_url": "pdf_url",
" reimburse_status": "INVOICE_REIMBURSE_INIT",
# 6. Querying Reimbursement Invoice Information in Batch
API description
This API is used to query the structured information of electronic invoices in batch and obtain their PDF files.
Request method
Request URL: https://api.weixin.qq.com/card/invoice/reimburse/getinvoicebatch?access_token={access_token}
Request method: POST
Request parameters
The request parameters use JSON format and contain the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
item_list | List | Yes | Invoice list |
Each object in the item_list contains the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | string | Yes | The card_id of the invoice card |
encrypt_code | string | Yes | The encrypted code of the invoice card. encrypt_code and card_id are used together to construct the unique identifier of an invoice card. |
The returned result is in JSON format and contains the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
errcode | Int | Yes | Error code |
errmsg | String | Yes | Error message |
item_list | List | Yes | Invoice information |
If the error code is 0, each object in the item_list contains the following information:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | String | Yes | The invoice ID |
begin_time | Int | Yes | Start time of the invoice validity period |
end_time | Int | Yes | End time of the invoice validity period |
openid | String | Yes | User ID |
type | String | Yes | Invoice type, such as Guangdong VAT invoice. |
payee | String | Yes | Invoice payee |
detail | String | Yes | Invoice details |
user_info | Object | Yes | The primary information on an invoice |
user_info contains the following information:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
fee | Int | Yes | Tax-inclusive amount of the invoice (in cents) |
title | String | Yes | The invoice title |
billing_time | Int | Yes | The invoicing time, expressed as a 10-digit timestamp (utc+8). |
billing_no | String | Yes | The invoice number |
billing_code | String | Yes | The invoice code |
info | List | No | The product information structure, explained below. |
fee_without_tax | Int | Yes | Tax-exclusive amount (in cents) |
tax | Int | Yes | The tax amount (in cents) |
pdf_url | String | Yes | The PDF_URL corresponding to the invoice |
trip_pdf_url | String | No | URLs of other proofs of purchase, such as itineraries and water bills. |
reimburse_status | String | Yes | The invoice reimbursement status. See Notes 7.4. |
check_code | String | Yes | The verification code (required) |
buyer_number | String | No | The buyer's taxpayer ID (optional) |
buyer_address_and_phone | String | No | The buyer's address and phone number (optional) |
buyer_bank_account | String | No | The buyer's bank and bank account (optional) |
seller_number | String | No | The seller's taxpayer ID (optional) |
seller_address_and_phone | String | No | The seller's address and phone number (optional) |
seller_bank_account | String | No | The seller's bank and bank account (optional) |
remarks | String | No | Remarks |
cashier | String | No | The payee, in the lower left corner of the invoice (optional) |
maker | String | No | The invoice issuer, in the lower right corner of the invoice (optional) |
info provides the information of invoice items. The data is expressed as an Object list, and each Object in the list includes the following information:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | Yes | Item (product) name |
num | Int | No | Item quantity |
unit | String | No | Item unit |
price | Int | Yes | Unit price (in cents) |
Sample code
"item_list": [
"card_id": "pjZ8Yt7KKEXWMpETmwG2ZZxX2m6E",
"encrypt_code": "O/mPnGTpBu22a1szmK2 "
"card_id": "pjZ8YtxSguaLUaaDqzeAf385soJM",
"encrypt_code": "O/mPnGTpBu22a1szmK2ogz "
"errcode": 0,
"errmsg": "ok",
"item_list": [
"user_info": {
"fee": 123,
"title": "Guan Ge's invoice",
"billing_time": 1504085973,
"billing_no": "1504085973",
"billing_code": "aabbccdd",
"info": [
"name": "Toothpaste",
"num": 3,
"unit": "Tube"
"price": 10000
"fee_without_tax": 2345,
"tax": 123,
"detail": "Item",
"pdf_url": "http://pdfurl",
"reimburse_status": "INVOICE_REIMBURSE_INIT",
"order_id": "1504085935",
"check_code": "check_code",
"buyer_number": "buyer_number"
"card_id": "pjZ8Yt7KKEXWMpETmwG2ZZxX2m6E",
"openid": "oZI8Fj8L63WugQsljlzzfCcw3AkQ",
"type": "Guangdong VAT invoice",
"payee": "Test - Payee",
"detail": "detail"
"user_info": {
"fee": 123,
"title": "Guan Ge's invoice",
"billing_time": 1504083578,
"billing_no": "1504083578",
"billing_code": "aabbccdd",
"info": [
"name": "Toothpaste",
"num": 3,
"unit": "Tube"
"price": 10000
"fee_without_tax": 2345,
"tax": 123,
"detail": "Item",
"pdf_url": " http://pdfurl",
"reimburse_status": "INVOICE_REIMBURSE_INIT",
"order_id": "1504083522",
"check_code": "check_code",
"buyer_number": "buyer_number"
"card_id": "pjZ8YtxSguaLUaaDqzeAf385soJM",
"openid": "oZI8Fj8L63WugQsljlzzfCcw3AkQ",
"type": "Guangdong VAT invoice",
"payee": "Test - Payee",
"detail": "detail"
# 7. Updating Invoice Status by Reimburser
API description
Reimbursing companies and reimbursement service providers can use this API to lock, unlock, or reimburse an invoice, as described below:
Lock: The electronic invoice should be locked after it enters the reimbursement process of the company. After an electronic invoice is locked, it still appears in the user's Cards & Offers, but cannot be submitted for reimbursement again.
Unlock: When the reimbursement process cannot be completed for an electronic invoice, it should be unlocked. After an electronic invoice is unlocked, it can be submitted for reimbursement again.
Reimburse: After an electronic invoice is reimbursed, this API should be used to perform the reimbursement operation. After this operation is performed, the electronic invoice is removed from the user's Cards & Offers. The user can view the electronic invoice's write-off information in the Cards & Offers messages. Note that the reimbursement operation is irreversible so call this API with caution.
Request method
Request URL: https://api.weixin.qq.com/card/invoice/reimburse/updateinvoicestatus?access_token={access_token}
Request method: POST
Request parameters
The request parameters use JSON format and contain the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | string | Yes | The card_id of the invoice card |
encrypt_code | string | Yes | The encrypted code of the invoice card. encrypt_code and card_id are used together to construct the unique identifier of an invoice card. |
reimburse_status | string | Yes | The invoice reimbursement status |
The returned result is in JSON format and contains the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
errcode | Int | Yes | Error code |
errmsg | String | Yes | Error message |
Sample code
"card_id": "pjZ8Yt5crPbAouhFqFf6JFgZv4Lc",
"encrypt_code": "fbdt/fWy1VitQwhbKtSjNeR3BJyfpeJXfZjjGsdCXiM=",
"reimburse_status": "INVOICE_REIMBURSE_INIT"
"errcode": 0,
"errmsg": "ok"
# 8. Updating Invoice Statuses in Batch by Reimburser
API description
An invoicing platform can call this API to lock, unlock, or reimburse multiple invoices. Note that once an invoice is changed to the reimbursed status, it cannot be changed back. Therefore, call this API with caution.
The reimburser must ensure that, after invoices are reimbursed, locked, or unlocked, the new statuses are promptly synced with Weixin to ensure user invoices can be used normally.
The API for batch update of invoice statuses is a transactional operation. If any invoice fails to be updated, the statuses of the other invoices in the list will not be changed. All invoices will revert to their statuses before the API was called.
Request method
Request URL: https://api.weixin.qq.com/card/invoice/reimburse/updatestatusbatch?access_token={access_token}
Request method: POST
Request parameters
The request parameters use JSON format and contain the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
openid | String | Yes | User's openid |
reimburse_status | String | Yes | The invoice reimbursement status. For more information, see Notes 7.2. |
invoice_list | List | Yes | Invoice list |
Each object in the invoice_list contains the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
card_id | String | Yes | The card_id of the invoice card |
encrypt_code | String | Yes | The encrypted code of the invoice card. encrypt_code and card_id are used together to construct the unique identifier of an invoice card. |
The returned result is in JSON format and contains the following fields:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
errcode | Int | Yes | Error code |
errmsg | String | Yes | Error message |
Sample code
"openid": "{openid}",
"reimburse_status": "{reimburse_status}",
"errcode": 0,
"errmsg": "ok"
# 9 Error Codes
Error Code | Error Message | Description |
0 | OK | Successful |
72015 | unauthorized create invoice | No permission for this operation. Check whether you have activated the permission. |
72017 | invalid invoice title | Inconsistent invoice title |
72023 | invoice has been lock | The invoice has been locked by another Official Account. Generally, this means the invoice has entered a subsequent reimbursement process and the Official Account/OA Company Account/App of the reimbursing company has locked the invoice. |
72024 | invoice status error | Incorrect invoice status |
72025 | invoice token error | Invalid wx_invoice_token |
72028 | invoice never set pay mch info | WeChat Pay merchant information is not set. |
72029 | invoice never set auth field | Authorization fields not set |
72030 | invalid mchid | Invalid mchid |
72031 | invalid params | Parameter error. The request may contain an invalid parameter name or a parameter value that fails the verification of backend. |
72035 | biz reject insert | Invoicing has been rejected for the invoice. If an order_id has been used as a parameter when calling the "Reject Invoicing" API, an error occurs when the order_id is used again to add the e-invoice to Cards & Offers. |
72036 | invoice is busy | The invoice is being modified. Try again later. |
72038 | invoice order never auth | No authorization granted for the order. There may be a mismatch among the invoicing platform appid, merchant appid, and order_id. |
72039 | invoice must be lock first | The order has not been locked. |
72040 | invoice pdf error | Invalid PDF. Provide an authentic and valid PDF. |
72042 | billing_code and billing_no repeated | Duplicate invoice ID and code |
72043 | billing_code or billing_no size error | Incorrect invoice ID and code |
72044 | scan text out of time | The invoice title QR code timed out. |
40078 | invalid card status | No authorization granted for the card_id. If this error is reported in a sandbox environment, the reason is that the Weixin account calling the API is not added to the test list. If this error is reported in an official environment, the possible reasons include: the Official Account calling the API has not activated the Cards & Offers permission; or the gap between the creation time of card_id and the time of adding the e-invoice to Cards & Offers is too small. |
# 10. List of Invoice Reimbursement Status
Status | Description |
INVOICE_REIMBURSE_INIT | Initial invoice status. Not locked. |
INVOICE_REIMBURSE_CLOSURE | Invoice written off |