Error Code Description Solution
31305032 During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, the HTTP response code is neither 200 nor 302. Capture the packet to determine the HTTP response code and check if the authentication service is normal. An HTTP response code of 200 indicates the authentication is successful. If the authentication server needs to temporarily redirect the authentication request, return 302 and the next hop address so that Weixin initiates a request again to the next hop address (only one 302 redirection is allowed). If a code other than 200 and 302 is returned, or the number of 302 redirections exceeds the limit, the authentication fails and the Weixin user is redirected to the connection failure page.
31305033 During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, the number of 302 redirections exceeds the limit. Return 302 and the next hop address so that Weixin initiates a request again to the next hop address. Only one 302 redirection is allowed.
31305101 During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, an HTTP error occurs indicating "Connect Timeout", "Read Timeout", "Connect Reset", or "SSL handshake failed". To ensure a good user experience, the HTTP read and write timeout thresholds are set to 5000ms on Weixin. Please ensure that the authentication server URL responds within 5000ms. In case of the "SSL handshake failed" error, check the authentication server log and use the latest version of Weixin for debugging. The error may be caused by the following reasons: 1. The client (Weixin) has been configured to authenticate the server, but the SSL server certificate does not exist or cannot be trusted; 2. The server has been configured to authenticate the client, but the SSL client certificate does not exist or cannot be trusted; 3. The cipher suite of the SSL server does not match that of the client.
31305102 During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, the error "Unknown host" occurs, which means the failure to resolve the domain name of the authentication server URL. 1. If no DNS request record is captured on the device, check whether the mobile data switch is enabled on the phone but the domain name of the authentication server URL is local (On an iOS device, the connection is switched from the Wi-Fi network to the mobile data network if the Wi-Fi network is unavailable. Ensure "Allow Access Temporarily" is fully supported). (2) If the DNS request record is captured on the device, verify that the local DNS server works normally and responds correctly to the request of the phone.
31305104 During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, it fails to connect to the network within 5000ms, with the error "Connect Timeout" returned (This is an error sub-code under the HTTP network error for the new version of Weixin). The HTTP read and write timeout thresholds are set to 5000ms on Weixin. Please ensure that the authentication server URL responds within 5000ms.
31305105 During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, it fails to receive a response within 5000ms, with the error "Read Timeout" returned (This is an error sub-code under the HTTP network error for the new version of Weixin) The HTTP read and write timeout thresholds are set to 5000ms on Weixin. Ensure that the authentication server URL responds within 5000ms.
31305106 During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, an error occurs indicating "Unable to route to or access the target host" (This is an error sub-code under the HTTP network error for the new version of Weixin). Ensure the local network is configured correctly. In addition, use the latest version of Weixin for debugging.
31305111 During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, an error occurs indicating "Unknown host" or "HTTP network error". This error is caused mostly by the inadequate support for "Allow Access Temporarily" policy for iOS devices. On an iOS device, if the Wi-Fi network is unavailable, the connection is switched from Wi-Fi to the mobile data network. When a user initiates a request to connect to the Wi-Fi network on the portal page, ensure the "Allow Access Temporarily" policy is fully supported or whitelist the domain names used by iOS devices for testing network connectivity, such as,,,,,, and Also ensure the local network is configured correctly and the authentication service works normally.
31033XXX During the portal authentication for the connection to a Wi-Fi network via Weixin, after Weixin's request to the authentication server URL is verified successfully, a connection error occurs when Weixin requests for the "Connection Successful" page from the Weixin server. The error code format is 31033XXX, where XXX stands for the HTTP status code such as 50X, 40X, 30X series. Ensure that after the authentication server successfully executes the "Allow Access Temporarily" policy, the AP/AC device allows the access of the current user as well.
32306036 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a sniff request to access any blacklisted URL, the number of 302 redirections exceeds the limit. Return the "authUrl" and "extend" parameters by containing it in the redirect URL in the 302 response. If the 302 response does not carry the two parameters for the first time, Weixin keeps accessing the redirect URL returned by 302 until "authUrl" and "extend" are returned. A maximum of three 302 redirections are allowed.
32306035 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a sniff request to access any blacklisted URL, the "authUrl" and "extend" parameters cannot be found in the response. The 302 code probably is not returned. This is different from the case where the number of 302 redirections exceeds the limit. Ensure 302 is returned as the response to the sniff request and the redirect URL in the 302 response carries "authUrl" and "extend" parameters.
32306032 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, the HTTP response code is neither 200 nor 302. See the solution to the error code 31305032.
32306033 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a request to the authentication server URL, the number of 302 redirections exceeds the limit. See the solution to the error code 31305033.
32306101 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a request to any blacklisted URL or the authentication server URL, an error occurs indicating "Connect Timeout", "Read Timeout", "Connect Reset", or "SSL handshake failed". See the solution to the error code 31305101.
32306102 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a request to any blacklisted URL or the authentication server URL, an error occurs indicating "Unknown host" (unable to resolve the domain name of the authentication server URL). See the solution to the error code 31305102.
32306104 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a request to any blacklisted URL or the authentication server URL, it fails to connect to the network within 5000ms, with a "Connect Timeout" error returned (This is an error sub-code under the HTTP network error for the new version of Weixin). See the solution to the error code 31305104.
32306105 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a request to any blacklisted URL or the authentication server URL, it fails to receive a response within 5000ms, with the "Read Timeout" error returned (This is an error sub-code under the HTTP network error for the new version of Weixin). See the solution to the error code 31305105.
32306106 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin initiates a request to any blacklisted URL or the authentication server URL, an error occurs indicating "Unable to route to or access the target host" (This is an error sub-code under the HTTP network error for the new version of Weixin). See the solution to the error code 31305106.
32020014 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin on an Android device initiates a request to connect to the target SSID, the authentication process fails to start and the request is directly rejected by the AP. Ensure the portal-based device and the local network are configured correctly and use the latest version of Weixin for debugging.
32020016 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, when Weixin on an Android device initiates a request to connect to the target SSID, it fails to connect to the SSID within 5000ms, with an timeout error returned. Ensure the local network are configured correctly. In addition, use the latest version of Weixin for debugging.
32033XXX During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a portal-based device by scanning QR code, after the Weixin's request to the authentication server URL is verified successfully, a connection error occurs when Weixin requests for the "Connection Successful" page from the Weixin server. The error code format is 32033XXX, where XXX stands for the HTTP status code such as 50X, 40X, 30X series. Ensure that after the authentication server successfully executes the "Allow Access Temporarily" policy, the AP device allows the access of the current user as well.
04020014 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a password-based device, when Weixin on an Android device initiates a request to connect the target SSID, the authentication process fails to start and the request is directly rejected by the AP. Ensure that the local network is configured correctly. In addition, use the latest version of Weixin for debugging.
04020016 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a password-based device, when Weixin on an Android device initiates a request to connect to the target SSID, it fails to connect to the SSID within 30s, with a timeout error returned. Ensure the local network is configured correctly. In addition, use the latest version of Weixin for debugging.
04020018 During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a password-based device, when Weixin on an Android device initiates a request to connect to the target SSID, the authentication process fails. This is generally caused by an incorrect password. Ensure you have entered a correct password when registering your device with the "Wi-Fi via Weixin" platform.
04033XXX During the connection to a Wi-Fi network through a password-based device, after Weixin's request to the authentication server URL is verified successfully, a connection error occurs when Weixin requests for the "Connection Successful" page from the Weixin server. The error code format is 04033XXX, where XXX stands for the HTTP status code such as 50X, 40X, 30X series. Ensure that after the authentication server successfully executes the "Allow Access Temporarily" policy, the AP/AC device allows the access of the current user as well.