# Public error code

Error code Description in English Description in Chinese
-1 system error The system is busy, please wait for the developer to try again
0 ok Request successful
45009 reach max api daily quota limit Interface call exceeds limit
40001 invalid credential, access_Token is invalid or not latest Obtain access_Token time AppSecret Error, or access_Token Invalid. Please take the developer more seriously. AppSecret Or check to see if the interface is being called for the appropriate public account
48001 api unauthorized api The function is not authorized, please confirm that the official account has obtained the interface and can be found on the official website of the public platform - View interface permissions in the Developer Center page
41001 access_Token missing lack access_Token parameter
42001 access_Token expired access_Token Timeout, please check access_Token Of the validity period, please refer to the Basic Support - Obtain access_Token Middle, right. access_Token Detailed mechanism explaination of the
41002 appid missing lack appid parameter
40013 invalid appid Illegitimate appid
61016 function category of API need be confirmed by component
61007 api is unauthorized to component Solution View61007
48004 api forbidden for irregularities, view detail on mp.WeChat.qq.com api The interface is blocked, please log in mp.WeChat.qq.com View Details
40066 invalid url Illegal url , the submitted page is marked as blocked by the sitemap
45011 api minute-quota reach limit, must slower, retry next minute API Call too often, please wait and try again
61004 access clientip is not registered Add IP to the white list and try again
45002 content size out of limit Message Content Exceeded Limit
43003 require https Need HTTPS request
41018 missing component_appid
43001 require GET method Need GET request
43002 require POST method Need POST request
50002 user limited User restricted, may be user account frozen or logged off
40164 invalid ip, not in whitelist
40014 invalid access_Token Illegal access_Token Please take the developer seriously. access_Token Or to see if the interface is being called for the appropriate public account
61014 must use component Token for component api Please follow the documentation to use component_access_Token Call API
45035 access clientip is not registered, not in ip-white-list

# Other error codes

Error code Description in English Description in Chinese
1003 The POST parameter is illegal
20002 The product id does not exist.
40002 invalid grant_type Illegal type of certificate
40003 invalid openid Illegal OpenID Please confirm the developer. OpenID Whether (the user) has been concerned about the Official Account message template, Or whether it's something else. Official Account message template of OpenID
40004 invalid media type Illegal type of media file
40005 invalid file type Upload material file format is not correct
40006 invalid meida size Upload Material File Size Exceeds Limit
40007 invalid media_id Illegal media documents id
40008 invalid message type Illegal message type
40009 invalid image size The image size is too large
40010 invalid voice size Illegal voice file size
40011 invalid video size Illegal video file size
40012 invalid thumb size Illegal thumbnail file size
40015 invalid menu type Illegal menu types
40016 invalid button size Number of illegal buttons
40017 invalid button type Illegal button type
40018 invalid button name size Illegal button name length
40019 invalid button key size An illegal button. KEY length
40020 invalid button url size An illegal button. URL length
40021 invalid menu version Illegal menu version number
40022 invalid sub_menu level Illegal submenu progression
40023 invalid sub button size Number of illegal submenu buttons
40024 invalid sub button type Illegal submenu button type
40025 invalid sub button name size Illegal submenu button name length
40026 invalid sub button key size Illegal submenu button KEY length
40027 invalid sub button url size Illegal submenu button URL length
40028 invalid menu api user Illegal Custom Menu Use User
40029 invalid code Invalid oauth_code
40030 invalid refresh_Token Illegal refresh_Token
40031 invalid openid list Illegal openid list
40032 invalid openid list size Illegal openid List length
40033 invalid charset. please check your request, if include xxxxxx will create fail! Invalid request character, cannot contain xxxxxx The character of the format
40034 invalid template size
40035 invalid args size Illegal parameters
40036 invalid template_id size Illegal template_id length
40037 invalid template_id Illegal template_id
40038 invalid packaging type Illegal request format
40039 invalid url size Illegal URL length
40040 invalid plugin Token
40041 invalid plugin id
40042 invalid plugin session
40043 invalid fav type
40044 invalid size in link.title
40045 invalid size in link.description
40046 invalid size in link.iconurl
40047 invalid size in link.url
40048 invalid url domain Invalid URL
40049 invalid score report type
40050 invalid timeline type Illegal grouping id
40051 invalid group name Group name is illegal.
40052 invalid action name
40053 invalid action info, please check document
40054 invalid sub button url domain Illegal submenu button url domain name
40055 invalid button url domain Illegal Menu Button url domain name
40056 invalid serial code
40057 invalid tabbar size
40058 invalid tabbar name size
40059 invalid msg id
40060 invalid article idx When a single text is deleted, the specified article_idx illegal
40062 invalid title size
40063 invalid message_ext size
40064 invalid app type
40065 invalid msg status
40067 invalid tvid
40068 contain mailcious url
40069 invalid hardware type
40070 invalid sku info
40071 invalid card type
40072 invalid location id
40073 invalid card id
40074 invalid pay template id
40075 invalid encrypt code
40076 invalid color id
40077 invalid score type
40078 invalid card status
40079 invalid time
40080 invalid card ext
40081 invalid template_id
40082 invalid banner picture size
40083 invalid banner url size
40084 invalid button desc size
40085 invalid button url size
40086 invalid sharelink logo size
40087 invalid sharelink desc size
40088 invalid sharelink title size
40089 invalid platform id
40090 invalid request source (bad client ip)
40091 invalid component ticket
40092 invalid remark name
40093 not completely ok, err_item will return location_id=-1,check your required_fields in json.
40094 invalid component credential
40095 bad source of caller
40096 invalid biztype
40097 invalid args Parameter error
40098 invalid poiid
40099 invalid code, this code has consumed.
40100 invalid DateInfo, Make Sure OldDateInfoType==NewDateInfoType && NewBeginTime<=OldBeginTime && OldEndTime<= NewEndTime
40101 missing parameter
40102 invalid industry id
40103 invalid industry index
40104 invalid category id
40105 invalid view type
40106 invalid user name
40107 invalid card id! 1,card status must verify ok; 2,this card must have location_id
40108 invalid client version
40109 too many code size, must <= 100
40110 have empty code
40111 have same code
40112 can not set bind openid
40113 unsupported file type
40114 invalid index value
40115 invalid session from
40116 invalid code
40117 invalid button media_id size Group name is illegal.
40118 invalid sub button media_id size media_id Size is illegal.
40119 invalid use button type button Type error
40120 invalid use sub button type son button Type error
40121 invalid media type in view_limited Illegal media_id type
40122 invalid card quantity
40123 invalid task_id
40124 too many custom field!
40125 invalid appsecret Illegal AppID , ask the developer to check AppID To avoid abnormal characters and pay attention to case
40126 invalid text size
40127 invalid user-card status! Hint: the card was given to user, but may be deleted or expired or set unavailable !
40128 invalid media id! must be uploaded by api(cgi-bin/material/add_material)
40129 invalid scene
40130 invalid openid list size, at least two openid
40131 out of limit of ticket
40132 invalid username WeChat is illegal.
40133 invalid encryt data
40135 invalid not supply bonus, can not change card_id which supply bonus to be not supply
40136 invalid use DepositCodeMode, make sure sku.quantity>DepositCode.quantity
40137 invalid image format Unsupported image formats
40138 emphasis word can not be first neither remark
40139 invalid sub merchant id
40140 invalid sub merchant status
40141 invalid image url
40142 invalid sharecard parameters
40143 invalid least cost info, should be 0
40144 1)maybe share_card_list.num or consume_share_self_num too big; 2)maybe card_id_list also has self-card_id;3)maybe card_id_list has many different card_id;4)maybe both consume_share_self_num and share_card_list.num bigger than 0
40145 invalid update! Can not both set PayCell and CenterCellInfo(include: center_title, center_sub_title, center_url).
40146 invalid openid! card may be marked by other user!
40147 invalid consume! Consume time overranging restricts.
40148 invalid friends card type
40149 invalid use time limit
40150 invalid card parameters
40151 invalid card info, text/pic hit antispam
40152 invalid group id
40153 self consume cell for friends card must need verify code
40154 invalid voip parameters
40155 please don't contain other home page url Do not add other Official Account message template Home Page Links for
40156 invalid face recognize parameters
40157 invalid picture, has no face
40158 invalid use_custom_code, need be false
40159 invalid length for path, or the data is not json string
40160 invalid image file
40161 image file not match
40162 invalid lifespan
40163 code been used oauth_Code is used.
40165 invalid weapp pagepath
40166 invalid weapp appid
40167 there is no relation with plugin appid
40168 unlinked weapp card
40169 invalid length for scene, or the data is not json string
40170 args count exceed count limit
40171 product id can not empty and the length cannot exceed 32
40172 can not have same product id
40173 there is no bind relation
40174 not card user
40175 invalid material id
40176 invalid template id
40177 invalid product id
40178 invalid sign
40179 Function is adjusted, rules are not allowed to add or update
40180 invalid client tmp token
40181 invalid opengid
40182 invalid pack_id
40183 invalid product_appid, product_appid should bind with wxa_appid
40184 invalid url path
40185 invalid auth_token, or auth_token is expired
40186 invalid delegate
40187 invalid ip
40188 invalid scope
40189 invalid width
40190 invalid delegate time
40191 invalid pic_url
40192 invalid author in news
40193 invalid recommend length
40194 illegal recommend
40195 invalid show_num
40196 invalid smartmsg media_id
40197 invalid smartmsg media num
40198 invalid default msg article size, must be same as show_num
40199 waybill_id not found way bill ID Not exist, no waybill found
40200 invalid account type
40201 invalid check url
40202 invalid check action
40203 invalid check operator
40204 can not delete wash or rumor article
40205 invalid check keywords string
40206 invalid check begin stamp
40207 invalid check alive seconds
40208 invalid check notify id
40209 invalid check notify msg
40210 invalid check wxa path pages The path parameter in
40211 invalid scope_data
40212 invalid query paegs The query format follows the URL standard, that is, k1 = v1 & k2 = v2.
40213 invalid href tag
40214 invalid href text
40215 invalid image count
40216 invalid desc
40217 invalid video count
40218 invalid video id
40219 pages is empty Pages does not exist or the argument is empty
40220 data_list is empty
40221 invalid Content-Encoding
40222 invalid request idc domain
40227 empty media title, please check the media Title is empty
41003 refresh_Token missing lack refresh_Token parameter
41004 appsecret missing lack secret parameter
41005 media data missing Lack of multimedia file data, transfer material without video or picture content
41006 media_id missing lack media_id parameter
41007 sub_menu data missing Missing submenu data
41008 missing code lack oauth code
41009 missing openid lack openid
41010 missing url deficiency url parameter
41011 missing required fields! please check document and request json!
41012 missing card id
41013 missing code
41014 missing ticket_class
41015 missing show_time
41016 missing screening_room
41017 missing seat_number
41019 missing platform_secret
41020 missing platform_ticket
41021 missing component_access_token
41024 missing "display" field
41025 poi_list empty
41026 missing image list info, text maybe empty
41027 missing voip call key
41028 invalid form id
41029 form id used count reach limit
41030 invalid page The page path is incorrect and you need to ensure that it exists in the current version of Mini Program and is consistent with app.json
41031 the form id have been blocked!
41032 not allow to send message with submitted form id, for punishment
41033 disabled register type Only Mini Programs created through the api are allowed to use
41034 not allow to send message with submitted form id, for punishment
41035 not allow to send message with prepay id, for punishment
41036 appid ad cid
41037 appid ad_mch_appid
41038 appid pos_type
42002 refresh_Token expired refresh_Token to exceed the time limit
42003 code expired oauth_code to exceed the time limit
42004 plugin Token expired
42005 api usage expired
42006 component_access_Token expired
42007 access_Token and refresh_Token exception Users change their WeChat password, Access token and refreshtoken Invalidated, need to be reauthorized
42008 voip call key expired
42009 client tmp Token expired
43004 require subscribe Needs the attention of the receiver
43005 require friend relations Need a good friend
43006 require not block
43007 require bizuser authorize
43008 require biz pay auth
43009 can not use custom code, need authorize
43010 can not use balance, need authorize
43011 can not use bonus, need authorize
43012 can not use custom url, need authorize
43013 can not use shake card, need authorize
43014 require check agent
43015 require authorize by wechat team to use this function!
43016 require verify Mini Program not authenticated
43017 require location id!
43018 code has no been mark!
43019 require remove blacklist Recipients need to be removed from the blacklist
43100 change template too frequently
43101 user refuse to accept the msg The user refuses to accept the message, and if the user has previously subscribed, the user has cancelled the subscription relationship
43102 the Tempalte is not subscriptiontype
43103 the api only can cancel the subscription
43104 this appid does not have permission
43105 news has no binding relation with template_id
43106 not allow to add template, for punishment
44001 empty media data Multimedia file is empty
44002 empty post data POST The packet is empty.
44003 empty news data Text message content is empty
44004 empty content Text message content is empty
44005 empty list size Blank list
44006 empty file data
44007 repeated msg id
44997 image url size out of limit
44998 keyword string media size out of limit
44999 keywords list size out of limit
45000 msg_id size out of limit
45001 media size out of limit Multimedia file size exceeds limit
45003 title size out of limit Title Field Exceeded Limit
45004 description size out of limit Description field exceeds limit
45005 url size out of limit Link Field Exceeds Limit
45006 picurl size out of limit Image Link Field Exceeded Limit
45007 playtime out of limit Voice playback time exceeds limit
45008 article size out of limit Text message exceeded limit
45010 create menu limit The number of menus created exceeds the limit
45012 template size out of limit Template size exceeds limit
45013 too many template args
45014 template message size out of limit
45015 response out of time limit or subscription is canceled Time of recovery exceeded limit
45016 can't modify sys group System grouping, does not allow modification of
45017 can't set group name too long sys group Group name is too long
45018 too many group now, no need to add new Number of groups exceeded the maximum
45019 too many openid, please input less
45020 too many image, please input less
45021 some argument may be out of length limit! please check document and request json!
45022 bonus is out of limit
45023 balance is out of limit
45024 rank template number is out of limit
45025 poiid count is out of limit
45026 template num exceeds limit
45027 template conflict with industry
45028 has no masssend quota
45029 qrcode count out of limit
45030 limit cardid, not support this function
45031 stock is out of limit
45032 not inner ip for special acct in white-list
45033 user get card num is out of get_limit
45034 media file count is out of limit
45036 User receive announcement limit
45037 user out of time limit or never talked in tempsession
45038 user subscribed, cannot use tempsession api
45039 card_list_size out of limit
45040 reach max monthly quota limit
45041 this card reach total sku quantity limit!
45042 limit card type, this card type can NOT create by sub merchant
45043 can not set share_friends=true because has no Abstract Or Text_Img_List has no img Or image url not valid
45044 icon url size in abstract is out of limit
45045 unauthorized friends card, please contact administrator
45046 operate field conflict, CenterCell, PayCell, SelfConsumeCell conflict
45047 out of response count limit The number of downlink lines in the customer service interface exceeds the upper limit
45048 menu use invalid type
45049 ivr use invalid type
45050 custom msg use invalid type
45051 template msg use invalid link
45052 masssend msg use invalid type
45053 exceed consume verify code size
45054 below consume verify code size
45055 the code is not in consume verify code charset
45056 too many tag now, no need to add new
45057 can't delete the tag that has too many fans
45058 can't modify sys tag
45059 can not tagging one user too much
45060 media is applied in ivr or menu, can not be deleted
45061 maybe the update frequency is too often, please try again
45062 has agreement ad. please use mp.weixin.qq.com
45063 accesstoken is not xiaochengxu
45064 no permission to use weapp in menu Create menu contains unassociated Mini Programs
45065 clientmsgid exist identical clientmsgid That already exists in the data with an existing group of tasks msgid
45066 same clientmsgid retry too fast identical clientmsgid Retry speed is too fast, please try again at 1 minute interval
45067 clientmsgid size out of limit clientmsgid Length over limit
45068 file size out of limit
45069 product list size out of limit
45070 the business account have been created
45071 business account not found
45072 invalid command The command field has the wrong value
45073 not Inner vip for sns in white list
45074 material list size out of limit, you should delete the useless material
45075 invalid keyword id
45076 invalid count
45077 number of business account reach limit
45078 nickname is illegal!
45079 nickname is forbidden!(matched forbidden keyword)
45080 need sending message to user, or recving message from user in the last 30 seconds before typing Send down the input status, you need to have a message interaction with the user within 30 seconds
45081 you are already typing Already in the input state, can not be repeatedly issued
45082 need icp license for the url domain
45083 the speed out of range
45084 No speed message
45085 speed server err
45086 invalid attrbute 'data-miniprogram-appid'
45087 customer service message from this account have been blocked!
45088 action size out of limit
45089 expired
45090 invalid group msg ticket
45091 account_name is illegal!
45092 no voice data
45093 no quota to send msg
45094 not allow to send custom message when user enter session, for punishment
45095 not allow to modify stock for the advertisement batch
45096 invalid qrcode
45097 invalid qrcode prefix
45098 msgmenu list size is out of limit
45099 msgmenu item content size is out of limit
45100 invalid size of keyword_id_list
45101 hit upload limit
45102 this api have been blocked temporarily.
45103 This API has been unsupported
45104 reach max domain quota limit
45154 the consume verify code not found
45155 the consume verify code is existed
45156 the consume verify code's length not invalid
45157 invalid tag name
45158 tag name too long
45159 invalid tag id
45160 invalid category to create card
45161 this video id must be generated by calling upload api
45162 invalid type
45163 invalid sort_method
45164 invalid offset
45165 invalid limit
45166 invalid content
45167 invalid voip call key
45168 keyword in blacklist
45501 part or whole of the requests from the very app is temporary blocked by supervisor
46001 media data no exist There is no media data, media_id Does not exist
46002 menu version no exist Non-existent menu version
46003 menu no exist Menu data that does not exist
46004 user no exist Non-existent user
46005 poi no exist
46006 voip file not exist
46007 file being transcoded, please try later
46008 result id not exist
46009 there is no user data
46101 this api have been not supported since 2020-01-11 00:00:00, please use new api(subscribeMessage)!
47001 data format error analysis JSON/XML Content error
47002 data format error, do NOT use json unicode Encode (xxxxxxxxxxxx), please use utf8 encoded text!
47003 argument invalid! Template parameters are inaccurate, may be empty or do not meet the rules, errmsg will indicate which field is wrong
47004 submit pages count more than each quota The number of pages per submission is more than 1000 (Note: the number of pages per submission should be less than or equal to 1000)
47005 tabbar no exist
47006 submit pages count reach daily limit, please try tomorrow The number of pages submitted on the day reached the quota limit. Please try again tomorrow
47101 search results count more than limit The total number of search results exceeded 1,000.
47102 next_page_info error next_page_Error in info parameter
47501 activity_id error parameter activity_id error
47502 target_state error parameter target_state error
47503 version_type error parameter version_type error
47504 activity_id expired time activity_id
48002 user block receive message Fans Reject Messages (Fans in Official Account message template Option, turning off the “ Receive message ” )
48003 user not agree mass-send protocol
48005 forbid to delete material used by auto-reply or menu api Disable deletion of material referenced by auto-reply and custom menus
48006 forbid to clear quota Because of reaching the limit api The number of cleanup calls is prohibited because the maximum number of clearances is reached
48007 forbid to use other's voip call key
48008 no permission for this msgtype No send permission for this type of message
48009 this api is expired
48010 forbid to modify the material, please see more information on mp.weixin.qq.com
48011 disabled template id
48012 invalid Token
48013 This video is not a new interface upload, can not be used for video message group
48014 This video is in an abnormal state, please check and try again
48015 This account does not have the right to leave a message.
48016 This account does not meet the smart configuration "watch more" video condition
49001 not same appid with appid of access_token
49002 empty openid or transid
49003 not match openid with appid
49004 not match signature
49005 not existed transid
49006 missing arg two_dim_code
49007 invalid two_dim_code
49008 invalid qrcode
49009 missing arg qrcode
49010 invalid partner id
49300 not existed feedbackid
49301 feedback exist
49302 feedback status already changed
50001 api unauthorized or user unauthorized The user is not authorized to api
50003 user unexpected, maybe not in white list
50004 user not allow to use access token, maybe for punishment
50005 user is unsubscribed Users are not concerned Official Account message template
50006 user has switched off friends authorization
51000 enterprise father account not exist
51001 enterprise child account not belong to the father
51002 enterprise verify message not correct
51003 invalid enterprise child list size
51004 not a enterprise father account
51005 not a enterprise child account
51006 invalid nick name
51007 not a enterprise account
51008 invalid email
51009 invalid pwd
51010 repeated email
51011 access deny
51012 need verify code
51013 wrong verify code
51014 need modify pwd
51015 user not exist
51020 tv info not exist
51021 stamp crossed
51022 invalid stamp range
51023 stamp not match date
51024 empty program name
51025 empty action url
51026 program name size out of limit
51027 action url size out of limit
51028 invalid program name
51029 invalid action url
51030 invalid action id
51031 invalid action offset
51032 empty action title
51033 action title size out of limit
51034 empty action icon url
51035 action icon url out of limit
52000 pic is not from cdn
52001 wechat price is not less than origin price
52002 category/sku is wrong
52003 product id not existed
52004 category id is not exist, or doesn't has sub category
52005 quantity is zero
52006 area code is invalid
52007 express template param is error
52008 express template id is not existed
52009 group name is empty
52010 group id is not existed
52011 mod_action is invalid
52012 shelf components count is greater than 20
52013 shelf component is empty
52014 shelf id is not existed
52015 order id is not existed
52016 order filter param is invalid
52017 order express param is invalid
52018 order delivery param is invalid
52019 brand name empty
53000 principal limit exceed
53001 principal in black list
53002 mobile limit exceed
53003 idcard limit exceed
53010 nickname invalid Name format is illegal
53011 check nickname too frequently Name Detection Hit Frequency Limit
53012 nickname ban The use of the name is prohibited
53013 nickname has been occupied Official Account message template: Name and existing Official Account message template Name RepetitionMini Program: This name repeats the name of an existing Mini Program
53014 Official Account message template:Official Account message template Already have {name A +}, the same subject as the account can apply for {name A}Mini Program: The Mini Program already has {name A +}, the same subject as the account can apply for {name A}
53015 Official Account message template: The name is duplicated with the name of the existing Mini Program, and the same principal as the Mini Program account can be applied for.Mini Program: The name is the same as the name of the existing Official Account message template The name is repeated, with the Official Account message template The same number applies.
53016 Official Account message template: This name is the same as the name of multiple Mini programs, and the application is not supported.Mini Program: This name is associated with a number of Official Account message template Name is repeated, the application is not supported
53017 Official Account message template: The Mini Program already has {name A +}, the same subject as the account can apply for {name A}Mini Program: Official Account message template Already have {name A +}, the same subject as the account can apply for {name A}
53018 nickname hit alias Name hit microphone
53019 nickname protected by infringement Name during the term of protection
53100 order not found
53101 order already paid
53102 already has checking order, can not apply
53103 order can not do refill
53200 modify signature quota limit exceed This month's feature introduction changes have been used up
53201 signature in black list, can not use Function introduction content hit blacklist keywords
53202 modify avatar quota limit exceed The number of changes this month has been completed.
53203 can't be modified for the time being
53204 signature invalid
53300 Monthly limit exceeded
53301 Total number of configurable categories exceeded
53302 This category is not allowed in the current account body type
53303 The parameters submitted are not legal
53304 Repeat with existing categories
53305 Contains categories that have failed IPC validation
53306 Modifying categories is only allowed to modify category qualifications, not category ID
53307 Only the category that failed the audit is allowed to modify
53308 Categories in the audit are not allowed to delete
53309 Social red envelopes are not allowed to be deleted
53310 The category exceeds the upper limit, but you can add apply_Reason Parameter Request More Categories
53311 Need to submit information
60005 empty jsapi name
60006 user cancel the auth
61000 invalid component type
61001 component type and component appid is not match
61002 the third appid is not open KF
61003 component is not authorized by this account
61005 component ticket is expired
61006 component ticket is invalid
61008 component req key is duplicated
61009 code is invalid
61010 code is expired
61011 invalid component
61012 invalid option name
61013 invalid option value
61015 must use biz account token for not component api
61017 function category is not authorized
61018 already confirm
61019 not need confirm
61020 err parameter
61021 can't confirm
61022 can't resubmit
61023 refresh_token is invalid
61024 must use api(api_component_token) to get token for component acct
61025 read-only option
61026 register access deny
61027 register limit exceed
61028 component is unpublished
61029 component need republish with base category
61030 component cancel authorization not allowed
61051 invalid realname type
61052 need to be certified
61053 realname exceed limits
61054 realname in black list
61055 exceed quota per month
61056 copy_wx_verify is required option
61058 invalid ticket
61061 overseas access deny
61063 admin exceed limits
61064 admin in black list
61065 idcard exceed limits
61066 idcard in black list
61067 mobile exceed limits
61068 mobile in black list
61069 invalid admin
61070 name, idcard, wechat name not in accordance
61100 invalid url
61101 invalid openid
61102 share relation not existed
61200 product wording not set
61300 invalid base info
61301 invalid detail info
61302 invalid action info
61303 brand info not exist
61304 invalid product id
61305 invalid key info
61306 invalid appid
61307 invalid card id
61308 base info not exist
61309 detail info not exist
61310 action info not exist
61311 invalid media info
61312 invalid buffer size
61313 invalid buffer
61314 invalid qrcode extinfo
61315 invalid local ext info
61316 key conflict
61317 ticket invalid
61318 verify not pass
61319 category invalid
61320 merchant info not exist
61321 cate id is a leaf node
61322 category id no permision
61323 barcode no permision
61324 exceed max action num
61325 brandinfo invalid store mgr type
61326 anti-spam blocked
61327 comment reach limit
61328 comment data is not the newest
61329 comment hit ban word
61330 image already add
61331 image never add
61332 warning, image quanlity too low
61333 warning, image simility too high
61334 product not exists
61335 key apply fail
61336 check status fail
61337 product already exists
61338 forbid delete
61339 firmcode claimed
61340 check firm info fail
61341 too many white list uin
61342 keystandard not match
61343 keystandard error
61344 id map not exists
61345 invalid action code
61346 invalid actioninfo store
61347 invalid actioninfo media
61348 invalid actioninfo text
61350 invalid input data
61351 input data exceed max size
61400 kf_account error
61401 kf system alredy transfer
61450 System error (system error)
61451 Parameter error (invalid parameter)
61452 Invalid customer service account (invalid kf_account)
61453 The account number already exists. (kf_account exsited)
61454 Customer service account length exceeds the limit ( Only allowed 10 In English, not including @ and @ Posterior Official Account message template WeChat ID )(invalid kf_acount length)
61455 Customer Service Account Name Contains Illegal Characters ( English only + digital )(illegal character in kf_account)
61456 Number of accounts exceeded the limit (10 A customer service account )(kf_account count exceeded)
61457 Invalid avatar file type (invalid file type)
61500 date format error Wrong date format
61501 date range error
61502 this is game miniprogram, data api is not supported
61503 data not ready, please try later
62001 trying to access other's app
62002 app name already exists
62003 please provide at least one platform
62004 invalid app name
62005 invalid app id
63001 some arguments is empty Some parameters are empty
63002 invalid signature Invalid signature
63003 invalid signature method
63004 no authroize
63149 gen ticket fail
63152 set ticket fail
63153 shortid decode fail
63154 invalid status
63155 invalid color
63156 invalid tag
63157 invalid recommend
63158 branditem out of limits
63159 retail_price empty
63160 priceinfo invalid
63161 antifake module num limit
63162 antifake native_type err
63163 antifake link not exists
63164 module type not exist
63165 module info not exist
63166 item is beding verified
63167 item not published
63168 verify not pass
63169 already published
63170 only banner or media
63171 card num limit
63172 user num limit
63173 text num limit
63174 link card user sum limit
63175 detail info error
63176 not this type
63177 src or secretkey or version or expired_time is wrong
63178 appid wrong
63179 openid num limit
63180 this app msg not found
63181 get history app msg end
63182 openid_list empty
65001 unknown deeplink type
65002 deeplink unauthorized
65003 bad deeplink
65004 deeplinks of the very type are supposed to have short-life
65104 invalid categories
65105 invalid photo url
65106 poi audit state must be approved
65107 poi not allowed modify now
65109 invalid business name
65110 invalid address
65111 invalid telephone
65112 invalid city
65113 invalid province
65114 photo list empty
65115 poi_id is not exist
65116 poi has been deleted
65117 cannot delete poi
65118 store status is invalid
65119 lack of qualification for relevant principals
65120 category info is not found
65201 room_name is empty, please check your input
65202 user_id is empty, please check your input
65203 invalid check ticket
65204 invalid check ticket opt code
65205 check ticket out of time
65301 this menu is not conditionalmenu Does not exist. Menu Corresponding personalized menu
65302 no such user There is no corresponding user
65303 there is no selfmenu, please create selfmenu first No default menu, can not create a personalized menu
65304 match rule empty MatchRule Message is empty
65305 menu count limit Limited number of personalized menus
65306 conditional menu not support Accounts that do not support personalized menus
65307 conditional menu is empty Personalization menu information is empty
65308 exist empty button act Contains no response type button
65309 conditional menu switch is closed Personalized menu switch is off
65310 region info: country is empty Fill in the province or city information, country information can not be empty
65311 region info: province is empty Fill in the city information, the province information can not be empty
65312 invalid country info Illegal State Information
65313 invalid province info Illegal Provincial Information
65314 invalid city info Illegal City Information
65315 not fans
65316 domain count reach limit The menu of the official account sets too many domain name jumps (up to the jump to 3 Links to domain names)
65317 contain invalid url Illegal URL
65318 must use utf-8 charset
65319 not allow to create menu
65400 please enable new custom service, or wait for a while if you have enabled
65401 invalid custom service account
65402 the custom service account need to bind a wechat user
65403 illegal nickname
65404 illegal custom service account
65405 custom service account number reach limit
65406 custom service account exists
65407 the wechat user have been one of your workers
65408 you have already invited the wechat user
65409 wechat account invalid
65410 too many custom service accounts bound by the worker
65411 a effective invitation to bind the custom service account exists
65412 the custom service account have been bound by a wechat user
65413 no effective session for the customer
65414 another worker is serving the customer
65415 the worker is not online
65416 param invalid, please check
65417 it is too long from the starttime to endtime
65450 homepage not exists
68002 invalid store type
68003 invalid store name
68004 invalid store wxa path
68005 miss store wxa path
68006 invalid kefu type
68007 invalid kefu wxa path
68008 invalid kefu phone number
68009 invalid sub mch id
68010 store id has exist
68011 miss store name
68012 miss create time
68013 invalid status
68014 invalid receiver info
68015 invalid product
68016 invalid pay type
68017 invalid fast mail no
68018 invalid busi id
68019 miss product sku
68020 invalid service type
68021 invalid service status
68022 invalid service_id
68023 service_id has exist
68024 miss service wxa path
68025 invalid product sku
68026 invalid product spu
68027 miss product spu
68028 can not find product spu and spu in order list
68029 sku and spu duplicated
68030 busi_id has exist
68031 update fail
68032 busi_id not exist
68033 store no exist
68034 miss product number
68035 miss wxa order detail path
68036 there is no enough products to refund
68037 invalid refund info
68038 shipped but no fast mail info
68039 invalid wechat pay no
68040 all product has been refunded, the order can not be finished
68041 invalid service create time, it must bigger than the time of order
68042 invalid total cost, it must be smaller than the sum of product and shipping cost
68043 invalid role
68044 invalid service_available args
68045 invalid order type
68046 invalid order deliver type
68500 require store_id
68501 invalid store_id
71001 invalid parameter, parameter is zero or missing
71002 invalid orderid, may be the other parameter not fit with orderid
71003 coin not enough
71004 card is expired
71005 limit exe count
71006 limit coin count, 1 <= coin_count <= 100000
71007 order finish
71008 order time out
72001 no match card
72002 mchid is not bind appid
72003 invalid card type, need member card
72004 mchid is occupied by the other appid
72005 out of mchid size limit
72006 invald title
72007 invalid reduce cost, can not less than 100
72008 invalid least cost, most larger than reduce cost
72009 invalid get limit, can not over 50
72010 invalid mchid
72011 invalid activate_ticket.Maybe this ticket is not belong this AppId
72012 activate_ticket has been expired
72013 unauthorized order_id or authorization is expired
72014 task card share stock can not modify stock
72015 unauthorized create invoice
72016 unauthorized create member card
72017 invalid invoice title
72018 duplicate order id, invoice had inserted to user
72019 limit msg operation card list size, must <= 5
72020 limit consume in use limit
72021 unauthorized create general card
72022 user unexpected, please add user to white list
72023 invoice has been lock by others
72024 invoice status error
72025 invoice token error
72026 need set wx_activate true
72027 invoice action error
72028 invoice never set pay mch info
72029 invoice never set auth field
72030 invalid mchid
72031 invalid params
72032 pay gift card rule expired
72033 pay gift card rule status err
72034 invlid rule id
72035 biz reject insert
72036 invoice is busy, try again please
72037 invoice owner error
72038 invoice order never auth
72039 invoice must be lock first
72040 invoice pdf error
72041 billing_code and billing_no invalid
72042 billing_code and billing_no repeated
72043 billing_code or billing_no size error
72044 scan text out of time
72045 check_code is empty
72046 pdf_url is invalid
72047 pdf billing_code or pdf billing_no is error
72048 insert too many invoice, need auth again
72049 never auth
72050 auth expired, need auth again
72051 app type error
72052 get too many invoice
72053 user never auth
72054 invoices is inserting, wait a moment please
72055 too many invoices
72056 order_id repeated, please check order_id
72057 today insert limit
72058 callback biz error
72059 this invoice is giving to others, wait a moment please
72060 this invoice has been cancelled, check the reimburse_status please
72061 this invoice has been closed, check the reimburse_status please
72062 this code_auth_key is limited, try other code_auth_key please
72063 biz contact is empty, set contact first please
72064 tbc error
72065 tbc logic error
72066 the card is send for advertisement, not allow modify time and budget
72067 BatchInsertAuthKey_Expired
72068 BatchInsertAuthKey_Owner
72071 Discern_GaoPeng_Error
72072 Discern_Type_Error
72073 Fee_Error
72074 HAS_Auth
72075 HAS_SEND
72080 NO_FOUND
72081 No_Pull_Pdf
72088 Search_Title_Fail
72093 Verify_3rd_Fail
73000 sys error make out invoice failed
73001 wxopenid error
73002 ddh orderid empty
73003 wxopenid empty
73004 fpqqlsh empty
73005 not a commercial
73006 kplx empty
73007 nsrmc empty
73008 nsrdz empty
73009 nsrdh empty
73010 ghfmc empty
73011 kpr empty
73012 jshj empty
73013 hjje empty
73014 hjse empty
73015 hylx empty
73016 nsrsbh empty
73100 kaipiao plat error
73101 nsrsbh not cmp
73103 invalid wxa appid in url_cell, wxa appid is need to bind biz appid
73104 reach frequency limit
73105 Kp plat make invoice timeout, please try again with the same fpqqlsh
73106 Fpqqlsh exist with different ddh
73107 Fpqqlsh is processing, please wait and query later
73108 This ddh with other fpqqlsh already exist
73109 This Fpqqlsh not exist in kpplat
73200 get card detail by card id and code fail
73201 get cloud invoice record fail
73202 get appinfo fail
73203 get invoice category or rule kv error
73204 request card not exist
73205 In the upgrade of friends' coupons, creation is currently paused. please create other types of card coupons
73206 In the upgrade of friends' coupons, the recharge of coupons is currently suspended. Please create other types of card coupons.
73207 In the upgrade of friends' coupon play method, the opening of coupon account is suspended at present.
73208 In the upgrade of a friend's coupon play, it is not currently supported to modify inventory.
73209 In the upgrade of a friend's coupon play, it is not supported to modify the validity period.
73210 The current batch does not support the modification of the stock
73211 Configuration web link jump is no longer supported, please select Mini Program instead
73212 unauthorized backup member
73213 invalid code type
73214 the user is already a member
73215 The ability to pay through voucher is offline, please use WeChat to pay voucher API directly:https://pay.weixin.qq.com/Wiki/doc/appiv3/wxpay/marketing/convention/chapter1_1.shtml
73216 Illegal button names, please select one: Use Gift Card/Use immediately/Go get some takeout.
73217 The gift card itself does not set the appname and path, and it is not allowed to modify the interface settings
73218 Unauthorized use of gift card landing page jump Mini Program function
74000 not find this wx_hotel_id info
74001 request some param empty
74002 request some param error
74003 request some param error
74004 datetime error
74005 checkin mode error
74007 carid from error
74008 this hotel routecode not exist
74009 this hotel routecode info error contract developer
74010 maybe not support report mode
74011 pic deocde not ok maybe its not good picdata
74021 verify sys erro
74022 inner police erro
74023 unable to detect the face
74040 report checkin 2 lvye sys erro
74041 report checkou 2 lvye sys erro
75001 some param emtpy please check
75002 param illegal please check
75003 sys error kv store error
75004 sys error kvstring store error
75005 product not exist please check your product_id
75006 order not exist please check order_id and buyer_appid
75007 do not allow this status to change please check this order_id status now
75008 product has exist please use new id
75009 notify order status failed
75010 buyer bussiness info not exist
75011 you had registered
75012 store image key to kv error, please try again
75013 get image fail, please check you image key
75014 this key is not belong to you
75015 this key is expired
75016 encrypt decode key fail
75017 encrypt encode key fail
75018 bind buyer business info fail please contact us
75019 this key is empty, user may not upload file
80000 System error, please try again later
80001 Parameter format validation error
80002 Signature failure
80003 Order was not generated for this date
80004 The user has not tied the card
80005 Names are inconsistent
80006 ID is inconsistent
80007 Failed to get city information
80008 Page not found
80009 Children's identity is inconsistent
80010 Children unbound
80011 Contract number inconsistent.
80012 This area does not exist.
80013 Caller appid does not match bureau configuration
80014 Failed to get message account
80066 Illegal plugin version
80067 Cannot find the plugin used
80082 You do not have permission to use this plugin.
80101 Merchants not logged in
80111 The code does not exist.
80112 Code concurrency conflict
80113 Invalid code
80201 report_Invalid type
80202 service_Invalid type
80300 The application does not exist.
80301 The application does not belong to this account.
80302 The activation section overlaps
80303 Code format error
80304 This code is not activated.
80305 Activation failure
80306 Code Index Out of Scope of Application
80307 The application already exists.
80308 Subtask not completed
80309 Subtask file expired
80310 The subtask does not exist.
80311 Failed to get file
80312 Failed to encrypt data
80313 The encrypted data key does not exist, please contact the interface person to apply
81000 can not set page_id in AddGiftCardPage
81001 card_list is empty
81002 card_id is not giftcard
81004 banner_pic_url is empty
81005 banner_pic_url is not from cdn
81006 giftcard_wrap_pic_url_list is empty
81007 giftcard_wrap_pic_url_list is not from cdn
81008 address is empty
81009 service_phone is invalid
81010 biz_description is empty
81011 invalid page_id
81012 invalid order_id
81013 invalid TIME_RANGE, begin_time + 31day must less than end_time
81014 invalid count! count must equal or less than 100
81015 invalid category_index OR category.title is empty OR is_banner but has_category_index
81016 is_banner is more than 1
81017 order status error, please check pay status or gifting_status
81018 refund reduplicate, the order is already refunded
81019 lock order fail! the order is refunding by another request
81020 Invalid Args! page_id.size!=0 but all==true, or page_id.size==0 but all==false.
81021 Empty theme_pic_url.
81022 Empty theme.title.
81023 Empty theme.title_title.
81024 Empty theme.item_list.
81025 Empty theme.pic_item_list.
81026 Invalid theme.title.length .
81027 Empty background_pic_url.
81028 Empty default_gifting_msg.
81029 Duplicate order_id
81030 PreAlloc code fail
81031 Too many theme participate_activity
82000 biz_template_id not exist
82001 result_page_style_id not exist
82002 deal_msg_style_id not exist
82003 card_style_id not exist
82010 biz template not audit OK
82011 biz template banned
82020 user not use service first
82021 exceed long period
82022 exceed long period max send cnt
82023 exceed short period max send cnt
82024 exceed data size limit
82025 invalid url
82026 service disabled
82027 invalid miniprogram appid
82100 wx_cs_code should not be empty.
82101 wx_cs_code is invalid.
82102 wx_cs_code is expire.
82103 user_ip should not be empty.
82200 The public platform account does not match the service ID
82201 This car park already exists, please do not add it
82202 The parking information does not exist, please import
82203 Parking prices are incorrect.
82204 Appid does not match code
82205 wx_park_Code field is empty
82206 wx_park_Code is invalid or has expired
82207 Phone field is empty
82208 Incorrect closing time format
82300 The appid does not support open city service plug-in
82301 Failed to add plugin
82302 City Service Plugin not added
82303 Invalid file
82304 Temporary File Expired
83000 there is some param not exist
83001 system error
83002 create_url_sence_failed
83003 appid maybe error or retry
83004 create appid auth failed or retry
83005 wxwebencrytoken errro
83006 wxwebencrytoken expired or no exist
83007 wxwebencrytoken expired
83008 wxwebencrytoken no auth
83009 wxwebencrytoken not the mate with openid
83200 no exist service
83201 uin has not the service
83202 params is not json or not json array
83203 params num exceed 10
83204 object has not key
83205 key is not string
83206 object has not value
83207 value is not string
83208 key or value is empty
83209 key exist repeated
84001 invalid identify id
84002 user data expired
84003 user data not exist
84004 video upload fail!
84005 video download fail! please try again
84006 name or id_card_number empty
85001 user not exist or user cannot be searched Wechat number does not exist or WeChat account is set to unsearchable.
85002 number of tester reach bind limit The number of Mini Program binding experience reached the limit
85003 user already bind too many weapps The Mini Program experiencers bound to WeChat account reach the upper limit.
85004 user already bind WeChat ID is bound
85005 appid not bind weapp
85006 tag is in invalid format Label format error
85007 page is in invalid format Page Path Error
85008 category is in invalid format The current Mini Program does not have a category that has been approved, please add a category and try again after success.
85009 already submit a version Under auditing There is already a version under review
85010 missing required data item_list Project is empty.
85011 title is in invalid format Error in title
85012 invalid audit id Invalid audit id
85013 invalid ext_json, parse fail or containing invalid path Invalid custom configuration
85014 template not exist Invalid template number
85015 This is not a Mini Program account.
85016 exceed valid domain count Domain Names Exceeded Limit , the total cannot exceed 1000
85017 no domain to modify after filtered, please confirm the domain has been set in miniprogram or open No new domain name, please confirm that the Mini Program has added the domain name or whether the domain name has not been added in the third party platform
85018 The domain name is not set on a third-party platform.
85019 no version is Under auditing No Reviewed Version
85020 status not allowed Audit Status Not Met Release
85021 status not allowed
85022 invalid action
85023 item size is not in valid range The number of items filled in the audit list is not 1-5 within
85024 need complete material
85025 this phone reach bind limit
85026 this wechat account reach bind limit
85027 this idcard reach bind limit
85028 this contractor reach bind limit
85029 nickname has used
85030 invalid nickname size(4-30)
85031 nickname is forbidden
85032 nickname is complained
85033 nickname is illegal
85034 nickname is protected
85035 nickname is forbidden for different contractor
85036 introduction is illegal
85038 store has added
85039 store has added by others
85040 store has added by yourseld
85041 credential has used
85042 nearby reach limit
85043 invalid template, something wrong? Template error
85044 package exceed max limit Code package exceeds size limit
85045 some path in ext_json not exist ext_json There are paths that don't exist
85046 pagepath missing in tabbar list tabBar Lacking in path
85047 pages are empty pages Field is empty
85048 parse ext_json fail ext_json Parse failure
85049 reach headimg or introduction quota limit
85050 verifying, don't apply again
85051 data too large version_desc or preview_info overlimit
85052 app is already released
85053 please apply merchant first
85054 poi_id is null, please upgrade first
85055 map_poi_id is invalid
85056 mediaid is invalid
85057 invalid widget data format
85058 no valid audit_id exist
85059 overseas access deny
85060 invalid taskid
85061 this phone reach bind limit
85062 this phone in black list
85063 idcard in black list
85064 template not found Template not found
85065 template list is full Template library is full
85066 illegal prefix Link error
85067 input data error
85068 test url is not the sub prefix The test link is not a sublink
85069 check confirm file fail Validation file failed
85070 prefix in black list The URL hit the blacklist and could not be added
85071 prefix added repeated This link has been added, please do not repeat it
85072 prefix owned by other The link is already occupied.
85073 prefix beyond limit QR code rules are full
85074 not published The program is not published, The Mini Program must publish the code before it can publish the QR code jump rules
85075 can not access Personal Type Mini Program Can't Set QR Code Rules
85077 some category you choose is no longger supported, please choose other category Mini Program Category Information Invalid (Category contains the official list, please re-select the category)
85078 operator info error
85079 miniprogram has no online release Mini Program does not have an online version, can not be grayscale
85080 miniprogram commit not approved The audit submitted by the Mini Program has not been approved
85081 invalid gray percentage Invalid Release Percentage
85082 gray percentage too low The current release ratio needs to be higher than previously set
85083 search status is banned The search tag bit is blocked and cannot be modified
85084 search status invalid Illegal status Value, can only be filled 0 or 1
85085 submit audit reach limit pleasetry later The number of Mini Program arraignments has reached the maximum this month, please click to viewSelf-Help Temporary Application Quota
85086 must commit before submit audit Upload code in advance before submitting code for review
85087 navigationtominiprogram appid list empty Mini Program is used api NavigateToMiniProgram, please declare the jump appid Resubmit after the list
85088 no qbase privilege
85089 config not found
85090 wait and commit for this exappid later
85091 search status was turned off The search switch of the Mini Program is turned off. Please visit the settings page to turn on the switch and try again
85092 invalid preview_info format preview_Info format error
85093 invalid preview_info size preview_info Number of videos or pictures exceeded
85094 need add ugc declare Need to provide information on audit mechanism
85101 The Mini Program could not send this motion type or the motion type does not exist
85102 Numerical anomaly
86000 should be called only from third party Not called by a third-party Mini Program
86001 component experience version not exists There is no code submitted by third parties.
86002 miniprogram have not completed init procedure The Mini Program has not yet set a nickname, avatar, or profile. Please set up and resubmit
86003 component do not has category mall
86004 invalid wechat
86005 wechat limit frequency
86006 has no quota to send group msg
86007 Small Business Prohibited
86008 The service provider was penalized, limiting the ability of all code arraignment
86009 Service provider's ability to add Mini Program code arraignment is limited
86010 Service provider iteration Mini Program code arraignment ability is limited
87006 this is game miniprogram, submit audit is forbidden Small games cannot be submitted
87007 session_key is not existd or expired
87008 invalid sig_method
87009 invalid signature Invalid signature
87010 invalid buffer size
87011 wxa has a gray release plan, forbid revert release The current network has been released in grayscale and cannot be reverted
87012 forbid revert this version release This version does not rollback, possible reasons: 1: No online version is used for rollback 2: This version is a reverted version and cannot be reverted 3: This version is the version before the rollback function is online and cannot be rolled back
87013 no quota to undo code Maximum number of withdrawals (5 per day, per month) 10 Sub)
87014 risky content
87015 query timeout, try a content with less size
87016 some key-value in list meet length exceed
87017 user storage size exceed, delete some keys and try again
87018 user has stored too much keys. delete some keys and try again
87019 some keys in list meet length exceed
87080 need friend
87081 invalid openid
87082 invalid key
87083 invalid operation
87084 invalid opnum
87085 check fail
88000 without comment privilege
88001 msg_data is not exists
88002 the article is limit for safety
88003 elected comment upper limit
88004 comment was deleted by user
88005 already reply
88007 reply content beyond max len or content len is zero
88008 comment is not exists
88009 reply is not exists
88010 count range error. cout <= 0 or count > 50
88011 the article is limit for safety
89000 account has bound open account has bound Open the Official Account message template/Mini Program has bound open platform account
89001 not same contractor not same contractor,Authorizer Different from open platform accounts.
89002 open not exists open not Exists, the Official Account message template/The mini program is not bound to WeChat open platform account.
89003 open is not created by api The open platform account is not through api Created, not allowed to operate
89004 The Open Platform account. Official Account message template/The Mini Program has reached its limit (100 (a)
89005 without add video ability, the ability was banned
89006 without upload video ability, the ability was banned
89007 wxa quota limit
89008 overseas account can not link
89009 wxa reach link limit
89010 link message has sent
89011 can not unlink nearby wxa
89012 can not unlink store or mall
89013 wxa is banned
89014 support version error
89015 has linked wxa
89016 reach same realname quota
89017 reach different realname quota
89018 unlink message has sent
89019 webview domain not change No changes to the business domain name, no need to repeat the settings
89020 open's webview domain is null! Need to set open's webview domain first! Have not set the Mini Program business domain name, please set the Mini Program business domain name in the third party platform before calling this interface
89021 request domain is not open's webview domain! The requested saved domain name is not an Mini Program business domain or subdomain that has been set up in a third-party platform
89022 delete domain is not exist!
89029 webview domain exceed limit The number of business domain names exceeds the limit, and up to 100 business domain names can be added
89030 operation reach month limit
89031 user bind reach limit
89032 weapp bind members reach limit
89033 empty wx or openid
89034 userstr is invalid
89035 linking from mp
89231 not support Single Individual Mini Programs do not support calling setwebviewdomain interface
89235 hit black contractor
89236 this plugin can not apply The plugin cannot apply
89237 plugin has send apply message or already bind This plugin has been added
89238 plugin count reach limit Application or use of plugins has reached the limit
89239 plugin no exist The plugin does not exist
89240 only applying status can be agreed or refused
89241 only refused status can be deleted, please refused first
89242 appid is no in the apply list, make sure appid is right
89243 can not delete apply request in 24 hours The application is in "pending confirmation" status and cannot be deleted
89244 plugin appid is no in the plugin list, make sure plugin appid is right This plugin does not exist appid
89245 Mini program forbidden to link
89246 plugins with special category are used only by specific apps
89247 Inner error, retry after some while Internal system error
89248 invalid code type
89249 task running
89250 Inner error, retry after some while Internal error
89251 legal person checking The template message has been sent to wait for the face verification of the legal person.
89253 front checking Corporate & Enterprise Information Consistency Check
89254 lack of some component rights
89255 enterprise code invalid The code parameter is invalid, please check the code length and content is correctAttention to code_The value of type is different, and the code length is different.
89256 no component info Token Wrong information.
89257 no such version The plugin version does not support Quick Update
89258 code is gray online The current Mini Program account exists in the version of the grayscale release, which is not operable to update quickly.
89259 zhibo plugin is not allow to delete
89300 invalid trade Order Invalid
89401 The system is not stable, please try again later, if you fail many times, please feedback through the community
89402 The Mini Program is not in the queue for review, please check whether it has been submitted for review or has been completed
89403 This order belongs to the platform does not support urgent category, please wait for the normal audit process
89404 This order has been accelerated, please do not submit it again
89405 This month's expedited quota has been used up, please improve the quality of the arraignment to get more quota
89501 Official Account message template There is an unprocessed confirmation request, please try again later.
89502 Please be patient while the administrator confirms
89503 This call requires administrator confirmation, please wait patiently
89504 Waiting for the administrator to confirm, please be patient
89505 Waiting for administrator confirmation, please wait and try again
89506 The IP call request has been rejected by the administrator of the Official Account message template, please try again in 24 hours, it is recommended to communicate with the administrator to confirm before calling.
89507 The request for the IP call has been rejected by the official account administrator. Please try again in an hour. It is recommended that you communicate with the administrator to confirm before the call.
90001 invalid order id
90002 invalid busi id
90003 invalid bill date
90004 invalid bill type
90005 invalid platform
90006 bill not exists
90007 invalid openid
90009 mp_sig error
90010 no session
90011 sig error
90012 order exist
90013 balance not enough
90014 order has been confirmed
90015 order has been canceled
90016 order is being processed
90017 no privilege
90018 invalid parameter
91001 not fast register Not multiplexing. Official Account message template Interface Quick Creation Mini Program Nor is it Mini Program created through Mini Program api, a fast registered enterprise
91002 has published You can't change your name after the Mini Programs are released
91003 invalid change stat Name change is illegal.
91004 invalid nickname Nicknames are illegal.
91005 nickname protected nickname 15 God's protection.
91006 nickname used by username Nickname hit WeChat
91007 nickname used Nickname is already occupied
91008 nickname protected Nicknamehit 7 Days of Infringement Protection Period
91009 nickname need proof Need to submit material
91010 Other errors
91011 Can not find the nickname change audit sheet information
91012 Other errors
91013 lock name too more Too many names.
91014 diff master plus + rule The same type of joint body is inconsistent
91015 diff master Different types of original names are inconsistent
91016 name more owner Name occupier 2
91017 other diff master plus + rule Different types of joint names are inconsistent
91018 After the organization type Mini Program is released, the infringement is emptied and the nickname needs to be changed by authentication.
91019 The Mini Program is under review.
92000 The operating qualification has been added, do not add more
92002 The number of nearby locations has reached online and cannot continue to add
92003 The site is occupied by other Mini programs.
92004 Nearby functions are blocked.
92005 Location is under review
92006 Place is showing Mini programs
92007 Failed Location Audit
92008 The Mini Program is not displayed in this place.
93009 Mini Program not listed or not visible
93010 Location does not exist
93011 Personal Type Mini Program Not Available
93012 Non-ordinary type Mini programs (store Mini programs, small shop Mini programs, etc.) are not available
93013 Failed to get address details from Tencent Map
93014 The same qualification certificate number is repeated
93015 Nearby Categories Under Review
93016 Maximum number of service labels (official maximum 5, custom maximum 4)
93017 The name of the service label or customer service does not meet the requirements
93018 Mini Program appid filled in in the service capability is not the same subject Mini Program
93019 Add nearby locations after applying for a category
93020 qualification_List invalid
93021 company_Name field is empty
93022 Credential field is empty
93023 The address field is empty
93024 qualification_List field is empty
93025 The path corresponding to the service appid does not exist
94001 missing cert_serialno
94002 use not register wechat pay
94003 invalid sign
94004 user do not has real name info
94005 invalid user token
94006 appid unauthorized
94007 appid unbind mchid
94008 invalid timestamp
94009 invalid cert_serialno, cert_serialno's size should be 40
94010 invalid mch_id
94011 timestamp expired
94012 The binding relationship between appid and merchant number does not exist
95001 wxcode decode fail
95002 wxcode recognize unautuorized
95101 get product by page args invalid
95102 get product materials by cond args invalid
95103 material id list size out of limit
95104 import product frequence out of limit
95105 mp is importing products, api is rejected to import
95106 api is rejected to import, need to set commission ratio on mp first
101000 invalid image url
101001 certificate not found
101002 not enough market quota
200002 Input error
200011 This account has been blocked and cannot be operated
200012 The number of individual templates has reached the maximum limit of 25
200013 This template has been blocked and cannot be selected
200014 template tid Parameter error
200016 start Parameter error
200017 limit Parameter error
200018 category ids deficiency
200019 category ids illegal
200020 Keyword list kidList Parameter error
200021 Scene description sceneDesc Parameter error
300001 Prohibited from creating/Update products (such as product creation is blocked) or Prohibit editing and updating the room
300002 Name length does not comply with the rule
300003 Price input is irregular (eg, the current price is larger than the original price, the incoming price is not numerical, etc.)
300004 The name of the product contains illegal content
300005 Product images contain illegal content
300006 Image upload failure (e.g. mediaID expired)
300007 The link does not exist.
300008 Failed to add goods
300009 Failure to withdraw goods
300010 The product is not in the right state (eg in the process of being reviewed)
300011 Operation illegal (API does not allow operation of non-API-created goods)
300012 No Arraignment Quota (500 per day)
300013 Failed arraignment
300014 Cannot be deleted during audit (non-zero means failure)
300017 Goods not brought
300021 Product Added Successfully, Review Failed
300022 This room does not exist.
300023 Room Status Intercept (current room state does not allow this operation)
300024 The product does not exist.
300025 Product Review Not Approved
300026 The number of rooms is full.
300027 Failed to import goods
300028 Room Name Violation
300029 Anchor Nickname Violation
300030 The microphone is illegal.
300031 Live Studio Cover Chart Non Compliant
300032 Live broadcast sharing map violations
300033 Add Items Over Live Studio Cap
300034 Anchor WeChat nickname length does not meet the requirements
300035 Anchor WeChat ID does not exist
300036 Anchor WeChat ID not real-name authentication
600001 invalid file name
600002 no permission to upload file
600003 invalid size of source
928000 The notes exist.
928001 Note does not exist
930555 sysem error
930556 delivery timeout
930557 delivery system error
930558 delivery logic error
930559 invaild openid Invalid sandbox environment openid
930560 shopid need bind first
930561 args error Parameter error
930562 order already exists
930563 order not exists The order does not exist.
930564 quota run out, try next day Sandbox environment calls without quota
930565 order finished
930566 not support, plz auth at mp.WeChat.qq.com
930567 shop arg error
930568 not personal account Individual type Mini Programs are not supported
930569 already open It's already opened. It doesn't need to be opened.
930570 cargo_first_class or cargo_second_class invalid
930571 The merchant does not have internal testing permissions. Please apply for permissions first: https://wj.qq.com/s2/7243532/fcfb/
931010 fee already set
6000100 unbind download url
6000101 no response data
6000102 response data too big
9001001 POST Data parameters are not valid
9001002 Remote service not available
9001003 Ticket illegal
9001004 Failed to get user information
9001005 Getting Merchant Information Failed
9001006 Obtain OpenID failure
9001007 Missing upload file
9001008 The file type for uploading material is not legal
9001009 The file size of the uploaded material is not legal
9001010 Failed to upload
9001020 The account is illegal.
9001021 Equipment activation rate is lower than 50% , cannot add equipment
9001022 The number of equipment applications is not legal, must be greater than 0 The number of
9001023 Equipment already under review ID Apply
9001024 One Time Query Equipment ID The number cannot exceed 50
9001025 equipment ID illegal
9001026 page ID illegal
9001027 Page Not Found
9001028 Delete a page once ID The number cannot exceed 10
9001029 The page has been applied to the device, please remove the application relationship first and then delete
9001030 One Query Page ID The number cannot exceed 50
9001031 The time interval is illegal.
9001032 Error saving device binding parameter to page
9001033 store ID illegal
9001034 Equipment remarks information is too long
9001035 Equipment application parameters are not valid
9001036 Query Start Value begin illegal
9002008 params invalid
9002009 shop id not exist
9002010 ssid or password should start with "WX"
9002011 ssid can not include chinese
9002012 passsword can not include chinese
9002013 password must be between 8 and 24 characters
9002016 device exist
9002017 device not exist
9002026 the size of query list reach limit
9002041 not allowed to modify, ensure you are an certified or component account
9002044 invalid ssid, can not include none utf8 characters, and should be between 1 and 32 bytes
9002052 shop id has not be audited, this bar type is not enable
9007003 protocol type is not same with the exist device
9007004 ssid not exist
9007005 device count limit
9008001 card info not exist
9008002 card expiration time is invalid
9008003 url size invalid, keep less than 255
9008004 url can not include chinese
9200001 order_id not exist
9200002 order of other biz
9200003 blocked
9200211 payment notice disabled
9200231 payment notice not exist
9200232 payment notice paid
9200233 payment notice canceled
9200235 payment notice expired
9200236 bank not allow
9200295 freq limit
9200297 suspend payment at current time
9200298 3rd resp decrypt error
9200299 3rd resp system error
9200300 3rd resp sign error
9201000 desc empty
9201001 fee not equal items'
9201002 payment info incorrect
9201003 fee is 0
9201004 payment expire date format error
9201005 appid error
9201006 payment order id error
9201007 openid error
9201008 return_url error
9201009 ip error
9201010 order_id error
9201011 reason error
9201012 mch_id error
9201013 bill_date error
9201014 bill_type error
9201015 trade_type error
9201016 bank_id error
9201017 bank_account error
9201018 payment_notice_no error
9201019 department_code error
9201020 payment_notice_type error
9201021 region_code error
9201022 department_name error
9201023 fee not equal finance's
9201024 refund_out_id error
9201026 not combined order_id
9201027 partial sub order is test
9201029 desc too long
9201031 sub order list size error
9201032 sub order repeated
9201033 auth_code empty
9201034 bank_id empty but mch_id not empty
9201035 sum of other fees exceed total fee
9202000 other user paying
9202001 pay process not finish
9202002 no refund permission
9202003 ip limit
9202004 freq limit
9202005 user weixin account abnormal
9202006 account balance not enough
9202010 refund request repeated
9202011 has refunded
9202012 refund exceed total fee
9202013 busi_id dup
9202016 not check sign
9202017 check sign failed
9202018 sub order error
9202020 order status error
9202021 unified order repeatedly
9203000 request to notification url fail
9203001 http request fail
9203002 http response data error
9203003 http response data RSA decrypt fail
9203004 http response data AES decrypt fail
9203999 system busy, please try again later
9204000 getrealname token error
9204001 getrealname user or token error
9204002 getrealname appid or token error
9205000 finance conf not exist
9205001 bank conf not exist
9205002 wei ban ju conf not exist
9205010 symmetric key conf not exist
9205101 out order id not exist
9205201 bill not exist
9206000 3rd resp pay_channel empty
9206001 3rd resp order_id empty
9206002 3rd resp bill_type_code empty
9206003 3rd resp bill_no empty
9206200 3rd resp empty
9206201 3rd resp not json
9206900 connect 3rd error
9206901 connect 3rd timeout
9206910 read 3rd resp error
9206911 read 3rd resp timeout
9207000 boss error
9207001 wechat pay error
9207002 boss param error
9207003 pay error
9207004 auth_code expired
9207005 user balance not enough
9207006 card not support
9207007 order reversed
9207008 user paying, need input password
9207009 auth_code error
9207010 auth_code invalid
9207011 not allow to reverse when user paying
9207012 order paid
9207013 order closed
9207028 vehicle not exists
9207029 vehicle request blocked
9207030 vehicle auth error
9207031 contract over limit
9207032 trade error
9207033 trade time invalid
9207034 channel type invalid
9207050 expire_time range error
9210000 query finance error
9291000 openid error
9291001 openid appid not match
9291002 app_appid not exist
9291003 app_appid not app
9291004 appid empty
9291005 appid not match access_token
9291006 invalid sign
9299999 backend logic error
9300001 begin_time can not before now
9300002 end_time can not before now
9300003 begin_time must less than end_time
9300004 end_time - begin_time > 1year
9300005 invalid max_partic_times
9300006 invalid activity status
9300007 gift_num must >0 and <=15
9300008 invalid tiny appid
9300009 activity can not finish
9300010 card_info_list must >= 2
9300011 invalid card_id
9300012 card_id must belong this appid
9300013 card_id is not swipe_card or pay.cash
9300014 some card_id is out of stock
9300015 some card_id is invalid status
9300016 membership or new/old tinyapp user only support one
9300017 invalid logic for membership
9300018 invalid logic for tinyapp new/old user
9300019 invalid activity type
9300020 invalid activity_id
9300021 invalid help_max_times
9300022 invalid cover_url
9300023 invalid gen_limit
9300024 card's end_time cannot early than act's end_time
9300501 Delivery side error Express side logic error, detailed reasons need to see delivery_resultcode, Please check the coding method first. Python suggests json.dumps(b, ensure_ascii=False), php suggestions json_Encode($arr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)
9300502 Delivery side sys error Delivery System Error
9300503 Specified delivery id is not registerred delivery_id Does not exist
9300504 Specified delivery id has beed banned service_type Does not exist
9300505 Shop banned
9300506 Order can't cancel way bill ID Track already exists and cannot be canceled
9300507 invalid token, can't decryption or decryption result is different from the plaintext Token incorrect
9300508 order id has been used
9300509 speed limit, retry too fast
9300510 invalid service type
9300511 invalid branch id
9300512 invalid waybill template format Template format error, rendering failed
9300513 out of quota
9300514 add net branch fail, try update branch api
9300515 wxa appid not exist
9300516 wxa appid and current bizuin is not linked or not the same owner
9300517 invalid update_type, please use [bind] or [unbind] update_type Incorrect, please use "bind" Or "unbind"
9300520 invalid delivery id
9300521 the orderid is in our system, and waybill is generating
9300522 this Orders is repeated
9300523 quota is not enough go to charge please
9300524 order already canceled The order has been cancelled (usually repeated cancellation)
9300525 biz id not bind Bizid is not bound
9300526 arg size exceed limit Incorrect parameter field length
9300527 delivery does not support quota
9300528 invalid waybill_id
9300529 biz_id already binded The account has been linked.
9300530 biz_id is not exist Unbound biz_ID does not exist
9300531 invalid biz_id or password Bizid invalid Or a wrong password.
9300532 bind submit, and is checking Binding submitted, under review
9300533 invalid Tags_list
9300534 invalid appid, not same body add_When source=2, wx_Appid and the current Mini Program are different bodies
9300535 invalid shop arg Thumbnail of goods in the shop field The url, the product name is empty or illegal, or the number of products is 0
9300536 invalid wxa_appid add_When source=2, wx_Invalid appid
9300537 freq limit
9300538 input task empty
9300539 too many task
9300540 task not exist
9300541 delivery callback error
9300601 id_card_no is invalid
9300602 name is invalid
9300603 plate_no is invalid
9300604 auth_key decode error
9300605 auth_key is expired
9300606 auth_key and appinfo not match
9300607 user not confirm
9300608 user confirm is expired
9300609 api exceed limit
9300610 car license info is invalid
9300611 varification type not support
9300701 input param error
9300702 this code has been used
9300703 invalid date
9300704 not currently available
9300705 code not exist or expired
9300706 code not exist or expired
9300707 wxpay error
9300708 wxpay overlimit
9300801 Invalid WeChat ID
9300802 Service number not open shopping guide function
9300803 WeChat has been bound to the shopping guide
9300804 The WeChat account is not a shopping guide
9300805 WeChat has been tied to other accounts for the shopping guide
9300806 There is no binding relationship between fans and shopping guides
9300807 Invalid label value, not optional label value
9300808 Tag value does not exist
9300809 Display tag value does not exist
9300810 Shopping guide nickname is too long, up to 16 characters
9300811 Only images for the domain name mmbiz.qpic.cn are supported
9300812 Reach the limit of the number of guides binding
9300813 Reach the limit of the number of fans binding guide
9300814 The number of sensitive words exceeds the upper limit
9300815 Quick Replies Over the Limit
9300816 Number of text messages over the limit
9300817 The number of small cards exceeds the upper limit
9300818 The number of images exceeds the limit.
9300819 medians Mistake
9300820 Check the label category exceeds the limit
9300821 Appid in the Mini Program card does not meet the requirements
9300822 The name of the label category is invalid
9300823 Query chat history time parameter is incorrect
9300824 Autoresponder is too long.
9300825 Group ID error
9300826 Under maintenance
9301001 invalid parameter
9301002 call api service failed
9301003 internal exception
9301004 save data error
9301006 invalid appid
9301007 invalid api config
9301008 invalid api info
9301009 add result check failed
9301010 consumption failure
9301011 frequency limit reached
9301012 service timeout
9400001 The development Mini Program has opened Mini Program live broadcast permission, does not support the release version. If you need to send a version, please untie and develop Mini Program before you operate.
9401001 Commodities already exist.
9401002 The product does not exist.
9401003 The category already exists.
9401004 Category does not exist
9401005 SKU already exists
9401006 SKU does not exist
9401007 Property already exists
9401008 The property does not exist.
9401020 Illegal parameters
9401021 No Product Authority
9402001 limit too large
9402002 single send been blocked
9402003 all send been blocked
9402004 invalid msg id
9402005 send msg too quick
9402006 send to single user too quick
9402007 send to all user too quick
9402008 send type error
9402009 can not send this msg
9402010 content too long or no content
9402011 path not exist
9402012 contain evil word
9402013 path need html suffix
9402014 not open to personal body type
9402015 not open to violation body type
9402016 not open to low quality provider
9402101 invalid product_id
9402102 device_id count more than limit
9402202 concurrent limit Do not submit frequently until the last operation is completed.
9402301 user not book this ad id
9403000 Error message type!
9403001 The content of the message field is too long!
9403002 The content of the message field is illegal!
9403003 Send too many WeChat account!
9403004 There is an incorrect WeChat account!
9410000 live room not exsits The list is empty.
9410001 Inner error: get room fail Failed to get the room
9410002 Inner error: get goods fail Failed to get goods
9410003 Inner error: get replay url fail Get Playback Failed
800059 error: xxxx, file not found The file cannot be found in the path passed in pagePath of tabBar in the