# Third Party Platform Invocation Voucher

Interface name 初始值
startPushTicket Launch Bill Push Service
getPreAuthCode Get Preauthorization Code
getAuthorizerAccessToken Get Authorization Account Call Token
getAuthorizerRefreshToken Get Refresh Token
getComponentAccessToken Get the token

# Authorized account management

Interface name 初始值
getAuthorizerList Access to Authorized Account Information
getAuthorizerInfo Get Authorized Account Details
setAuthorizerOptionInfo Setting Authorized Party Options Information
getAuthorizerOptionInfo Get Authorized Party Options Information

# OpenApi Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
clearQuota Reset the number of API calls
getApiQuota Query API call quota
getRidInfo Query rid information
clearComponentQuotaByAppSecret Reset third-party platforms with AppSecret API Number of calls

# Third-party platform management

# Template Library Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getTemplatedRaftList Get Draft Box List
addToTemplate Add a draft to the Template Gallery
getTemplateList Get a list of templates
deleteTemplate Delete Code Template

# Domain Name Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
modifyThirdpartyServerDomain Setting up a Third-Party Platform Server Domain Name
getThirdpartyJumpDomainConfirmFile Get third-party platform business domain name validation file
modifyThirdpartyJumpDomain Set up a third-party platform business domain name

# Open Platform Account Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
bindOpenAccount Open Platform Account
unbindOpenAccount Unbind Open Platform Account
getOpenAccount Get an open platform account
createOpenAccount Create an Open Platform account

# Small business registration procedures

# Registered Enterprise Mini Program

Interface name Interface Chinese name
registerMiniprogram Quick Registration Enterprise Mini Program

# Multiplexing Official Account message template Registration Mini Program

Interface name Interface Chinese name
registerMiniprogramByOffiaccount Multiplexing Official Account message template Main Body Quick Registration Mini Program

# Register for Personal Mini Programs

Interface name Interface Chinese name
fastRegisterPersonalMp Quick Registration of Small Personal Programs

# Sign up for a trial Mini Program

Interface name Interface Chinese name
modifyBetaMiniprogramNickName Modify the name of the trial Mini Program
verifyBetaMiniprogram Trial Mini Program Quick Authentication
registerBetaMiniprogram Sign up for a trial Mini Program

# On behalf of the business management Mini Program

# Mini Program Login

Interface name Interface Chinese name
初始值 Mini Program Login

# Basic information management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
GetAccountBasicInfo Access to basic information
getBindOpenAccount Open Platform Account for Query Binding
checkNickName Mini Program name detection
setNickName Set Mini Program name
getNickNameStatus Query Mini Program Name Audit Status
setSignature Introduction to Setup Mini Program
getSearchStatus Get Search Status
setSearchStatus Set search status
getFetchdataSetting Data prepull and periodic data updates
setHeadImage Modify avatar
GetBindOpenAccountEntity Check whether the open platform account is the same as the main body of the Mini Program
GetOrderPathInfo Get the order page path information
applySetOrderPathInfo Request Setup Order Page Path Information

# Mini Programs Domain Name Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
modifyServerDomain Configure the Mini Program server domain name
modifyJumpDomain Configure Mini Program business domain name
modifyServerDomainDirectly Quick Configuration Mini Program Server Domain Name
getJumpDomainConfirmFile Get Business Domain Validation File
modifyJumpDomainDirectly Quick Configuration Mini Program Business Domain Name
getEffectiveServerDomain Get a list of server domain names in effect after publication
getEffectiveJumpDomain Get List of Active Business Domain Names
getPrefetchDomain Get DNS Preresolved Domain Names
setPrefetchDomain Setting up a DNS pre-resolved domain name

# Mini Program category management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getAllCategories Get all categories that can be set
getSettingCategories Get all the categories that have been set
getAllCategoriesByType Get the categories that different types of principals can set
addCategory Add a category
deleteCategory Delete category
modifyCategory Modification of Category Qualification Information
getAllCategoryName Get Category Name Information

# User Privacy Protection Guidelines Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
setPrivacySetting Guidelines for Setting Up Mini Program User Privacy Protection
初始值 Privacy Protection Guidelines for Mini Program Users
uploadPrivacySetting Guidelines on User Privacy Protection for Uploading Mini Programs

# Geographic Location Interface Request

Interface name Interface Chinese name
applyPrivacyInterface Request a Geographic Location Interface
getPrivacyInterface Get a list of geolocation interfaces

# Mini Program Member Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
bindTester Binding experiencer
unbindTester Unbind the experiencer
getTester Get the Experiencer List

# Mini Program code management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
commit Upload code and generate demo version
getCodePage Get a list of uploaded code pages
getTrialQRCode Get the QR code
submitAudit Submit Code Review
getAuditStatus Query Audit Sheet Status
undoAudit Withdraw code review
release Publish Mini programs that have been audited
revertCodeRelease Mini Program version rollback
grayRelease Phased release
getGrayReleasePlan Get Phased Release Details
setVisitStatus Setting Mini Program Service Status
revertGrayRelease Cancellation of Phased Release
getVisitStatus Query Mini Program service status
getSupportVersion Percentage of users per version
setSupportVersion Setting Minimum Base Library Version
setCodeAuditQuota Inquiry Service Provider Audit Quota
speedupCodeAudit Expedited Code Review
getVersionInfo Query Mini Program version information
getLatestAuditStatus Check the status of the latest audit sheet
uploadMediaToCodeAudit Upload Arraignment Material
getCodePrivacyInfo Get Privacy Interface Test Results

# Half-screen Mini Program management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
addEmbedded Add a half-screen Mini Program
deleteEmbedded Remove Half Screen Mini Program
deleteAuthorizedEmbedded Unauthorize Mini Program
getEmbeddedList Get a list of half-screen Mini Program calls
getOwnList Get Half Screen Mini Program Licensing List
初始值 Set up authorization mode

# Violation and grievance management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getIllegalRecords Get Mini Program Violation Penalty Records
getAppealRecords Get Mini Program Complaint Record

# Scan the code to follow Official Account message template

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getShowItem Get the set Official Account message template information
getLinkForShow Get the setting Official Account message template list
setShowItem Set the scan code of concern Official Account message template

# Scan the ordinary two-dimensional code to open the Mini Program

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getJumpQRCode Get the set QR code rules
addJumpQRCode Add or modify QR code rules
publishJumpQRCode Publish the QR code rules that have been set
deleteJumpQRCode Delete the set QR code rule
downloadQRCodeText Get the name and content of the validation file

# Small Program Live

Interface name Interface Chinese name
applyLivelnfo Application for Live Streaming

# WeChat Logistics Services

Interface name Interface Chinese name
applyMsgPlugin Apply for Open Logistics News
applyReturnPlugin Application for the opening of logistics return components
applyQueryPlugin Application to open the logistics query component

# Shopping Order

Interface name Interface Chinese name
uploadShoppingInfo Upload Shopping Details
uploadShippingInfo Upload logistics information
uploadCombinedShoppingInfo Upload Shopping Details
初始值 Upload logistics information
openShoppingOrderProductPermission Open Product Permissions for Shopping Orders
confirmProductPermission Submit Purchase Order Access Review
ShoppingInfoVerifyUploadResult Verify Shopping Order Upload Results

# We analysis

Interface name Interface Chinese name
weDataGetLoginConfig Query Login Configuration
weDataSetLoginConfig Set Login Configuration
weDataGetPermList Get a list of Merchant We Analytics permission sets
weDataSetUserPerm Set User We Analysis Permission Set
weDataQueryBindList Query User Binding List
weDataUnbindUser User unbundling
wedata_login User PC Side Login

# Small Program Traffic Main Generation Operation

# Percentage of settlement

Interface name Interface Chinese name
SetShareRatio Set the default split ratio
GetShareRatio Query the proportion of sub-accounts
SetCustomShareRatio Set Custom Split Scale
GetCustomShareRatio 初始值

# Open the flow of the main

Interface name Interface Chinese name
AgencyCheckCanOpenPublisher Test whether the main flow can be opened
AgencyCreatePublisher Open the flow of the main

# Advertising space management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
AgencyCreateAdunit Creating an Ad Unit
AgencyUpdateAdunit Update Ad Unit
AgencyGetTmplType Get Native Templates Ad Template Type
GetAgencyTmplIdList Get native template ads custom template bindings
SetCoverAdposStatus Set Cover Ad Bit Switch Status
SetCoverAdposScene Set Cover Ad Space Scene Value
GetCoverAdposStatus Get Cover Ad Space Status
GetCoverAdposScene Get Cover Ad Space Scene Set
GetAdunitList To obtain information about the ad space (except the cover ad space) or the designated ad unit
GetAdunitCode Get Ad Unit Code

# Ad blocking

Interface name Interface Chinese name
GetBlackList Get Blocked Advertisers
SetBlackList Advertisers who set up blocking
GetAmsCategoryBlackList Get Industry Shielding Information
SetAmsCategoryBlackList Set Industry Shield Information

# Advertising data

Interface name Interface Chinese name
GetAdposGenenral Get Mini Program Ad Summary Data
GetAdposDetail Get Mini Program Ad Segmentation Data
GetAgencyAdsStat Get Service Provider Ad Summary Data
GetAgencyAdsDetail Get Service Provider Ad Breakdown Data

# Settlement data

Interface name Interface Chinese name
初始值 Get Mini Program Settlement Revenue Data
GetAgencySettlement Get service provider billing revenue data

# Generation Merchant Management Official Account message template

# Official Account message template Associated Mini Program

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getLinkMiniprogram Obtain Official Account message template Associated Mini Program
linkMiniprogram Official Account message template Associated Mini Program
unlinkMiniprogram Official Account message template Disassociate Mini Program

# Scan the QR code to open the Mini Program

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getJumpQRCode Get the set QR code rules
addJumpQRCode Add or modify QR code rules
publishJumpQRCode Publish the QR code rules that have been set
deleteJumpQRCode Delete the set QR code rule

# Mass Generation Cloud Development

# Environmental management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
changeTcbEnv Transforming cloud environments
setCloudAccessToken Manage WeChat token permissions
getShareCloudbaseEnv Query Environment Share Information
getTcbEnvList Access to environmental information
createTcbEnv Creating an Environment
shareCloudbaseEnv Environment sharing

# Cloud function management

初始值 Interface Chinese name
batchuUloadCloudFunction Creating Cloud Functions
uploadCloudFunctionConfig Update Cloud Function Configuration
deleteCloudFunction Remove Cloud Functions
getCloudFunctionList Get Cloud Functions
GetTriggers Get Trigger
updateTriggers Update trigger
invokeCloudFunction Trigger Cloud Function
uploadCloudFunctionCode Update Cloud Function Code

# Database management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
初始值 Database import
dbExport Database export
getMigrationState Database Status Query
dbAggregate Database aggregation
getPermission Access to Database Operations
setPermission Modify Database Operation Permissions
dbrecordManage Database records management
dbindexManage Database Index Management

# Memory management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getUploadFileLink Get Upload File Link
deleteTcbFile Delete a file
getTcbFile Get the file list
getDownloadFileLink Get Download File Link

# Static Web Page Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
初始值 View Static Website Status
createStaticStore Opening a static website
getUploadStaticStoreFile Get Upload Static Website File Link
getStaticStoreFile Get Static Web Site File List

# General cloud development

# Access and Authority Management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
setCloudAccessToken Manage WeChat token permissions
createCloudUser Open Cloud Development
GetCloudToken Get Tencent Cloud API call certificate
checkMobileConfig Check whether to bind the phone number

# Environmental management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
changeTcbEnv Transforming cloud environments
createEnv Creating a cloud environment
getEnvInfo Get the Cloud Environment
shareEnv Environment sharing

# Message push

Interface name Interface Chinese name
setCallBackConfig Upload message push configuration
getCallBackConfig Get Message Push Configuration

# Cloud function management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
invokeCloudFunction Trigger Cloud Function
createFunction Creating Cloud Functions
getCodeSecret Get Code Protection Key
getYploadSignature Get Upload Voucher
getFuntionList Get a list of cloud functions
getFuntionLink Get Cloud Function Download Address
getUploadFuntionConfig Upload Cloud Function Configuration
getFuntionConfig Get Cloud Function Configuration

# Document management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getUploadTcbFileLink Get File Upload Link
deleteTcbCloudFile Delete a file
getDownloadTcbFileLink Get File Download Link
aggregateDatabase Database aggregation
getDatabaseMigrateStatus Database Migration Status Query
updateDatabaseRecord Database update record

# Database management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
dbcollectionManage Database collection management
addDatabaseItem Database Insert Records
addDatabaseCollection Additional collections
deleteDatabaseCollection Delete collection
getDatabaseCollection Get Collection Information
getDatabaseCount Number of records in statistical collections
deleteDatabaseItem Database Delete Records
exportDatabaseItem Database export
importDatabaseItem Database import
getDatabaseRecord Database query record
updateDatabaseIndex Update Database Index

# WeChat Pay

Interface name Interface Chinese name
GetWechatPayList Get List of Merchant Numbers for Authorization Binding
GetWechatPayAuth Apply for Merchant Number Authorization

# WeChat cloud hosting

# Environmental management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
getShareCloudbaseEnv Query Environment Share Information
shareCloudbaseEnv Environment sharing
getWxCloudBaseRunEnvs Access to environmental information
createCloudbaseEnv Creating a cloud hosting environment
unshareCloudbaseEnv Disassociating Environment Sharing

# Service management

Interface name Interface Chinese name
createCloudbaseService Creating a Service
createCloudbaseServiceVersion Create a service version
updateCloudbaseServiceVersion Rolling Update Service Version
deleteCloudbaseServiceVersion Remove Service Version
releaseCloudbaseServiceVersion Publishing services