目前官方没有明确引用哪个版本的方法,目前我使用的环境是freamwork4.7.1 OpenTl.BouncyCastle, Version= 使用中报错
顺带一提我这边也写过挺多AesGcm对称性加解密,遇到的向量都是16位的 目前如果传参无误的话,这边的nonce向量都是12位,导致我用别的解密方法也会报错,希望官方关注一下,给一个正确的版本,和能使用的demo
这边已解决,确认了官方代码是没问题的,但是描述上有个误区,就是API v3密钥,这个秘钥不是提交申请邮件自己商户号对应的秘钥,而是需要联系邮件技术人员,他们会给你一个服务商商户号的秘钥,那个秘钥才是真正用来解密回调数据的真实秘钥
4. Requirements on AEAD Algorithm Specifications Each AEAD algorithm MUST accept any nonce with a length between N_MIN and N_MAX octets, inclusive, where the values of N_MIN and N_MAX are specific to that algorithm. The values of N_MAX and N_MIN MAY be equal. Each algorithm SHOULD accept a nonce with a length of twelve (12) octets. Randomized or stateful algorithms, which are described below, MAY have an N_MAX value of zero. 5.1. AEAD_AES_128_GCM The AEAD_AES_128_GCM authenticated encryption algorithm works as specified in [GCM], using AES-128 as the block cipher, by providing the key, nonce, and plaintext, and associated data to that mode of operation. An authentication tag with a length of 16 octets (128 bits) is used. The AEAD_AES_128_GCM ciphertext is formed by appending the authentication tag provided as an output to the GCM encryption operation to the ciphertext that is output by that operation. Test cases are provided in the appendix of [GCM]. The input and output lengths are as follows: K_LEN is 16 octets, P_MAX is 2^36 - 31 octets, A_MAX is 2^61 - 1 octets, N_MIN and N_MAX are both 12 octets, and C_MAX is 2^36 - 15 octets. 5.2. AEAD_AES_256_GCM This algorithm is identical to AEAD_AES_128_GCM, but with the following differences: K_LEN is 32 octets, instead of 16 octets, and AES-256 GCM is used instead of AES-128 GCM.
如图的" mac checkin GCM failed"错误提示,是指解密时校验消息的完整性不通过,可能是密文/nonce/associated_data不完整或者传错了(示例函数入参名和json中字段名是一致的),当然也有可能是密钥不正确。