# storage.removeUserStorage

Call this API at the server side. For more information, see Server API.

Deletes key-value data already reported to WeChat.

# Request Address

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/remove_user_storage?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&signature=SIGNATURE&openid=OPENID&sig_method=SIG_METHOD

# Request Parameters

Attribute Type Default Required Description
access_token string Yes Credentials to call API
openid string Yes The unique identifier of the user.
signature string Yes [The signature of the user login status. For more information, see User Login Status Signature Algorithms.
sig_method string Yes The hash method for the signature of the user login status, e.g. hmac_sha256. For more information, see User Login Status Signature Algorithms.
key string Yes The key list of the data to delete.

# Return Value

# Object

JSON data package that is returned

Attribute Type Description
errcode number Error code
errmsg number Error message

Valid values of errcode

Value Description Minimum Version
0 Request successful
-1 System is busy. Try again later.

# Sample Code

curl -d '{ "key":["gold", "score"] }' \