# storage.setUserStorage

This API must be called from the server. For more information, see Server APIs.

A backend API used to report user data. Mini Games can use this API to report key-value data to users’ CloudStorage.

# Request Address

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/set_user_storage?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&signature=SIGNATURE&openid=OPENID&sig_method=SIG_METHOD

# Request Parameters

Attribute Type Default Required Description
access_token string Yes The credentials used to call the API.
openid string Yes The unique identifier of the user.
signature string Yes [The signature of the user login status. For more information, see User Login Status Signature Algorithms.
sig_method string Yes The hash method for the signature of the user login status, e.g. hmac_sha256. For more information, see User Login Status Signature Algorithms.
kv_list Object Yes The data to report.

kv_list is composed as follows

Attribute Type Default Required Description
key string Yes The data key.
value string Yes The data value.

# Return Value

# Object

A JSON data package is returned.

Attribute Type Description
errcode number Error code
errmsg number Error message

Valid values of errcode

Value Description Minimum Version
0 Request successful
-1 System is busy. Try again later.
87016 Reporting failed because a key-value pair is too long.
87017 Reporting failed because the data volume stored for the user exceeds the limit.
87018 Reporting failed because the number of key-value pairs stored for the user exceeds the limit.
87019 Reporting failed because a key is too long.

# Sample Code

curl -d '{ "kv_list":[{"key":"score","value":"100"},{"key":"gold","value":"3000"}] }' 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/set_user_storage?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&signature=SIGNATURE&openid=OPENID&sig_method=SIG_METHOD'

# Limits on Hosted Data

If these restrictions are triggered during data reporting, the set data will fail and you will receive a response package with an error code.

  1. The WeChat users identified by the OpenIds cannot have hosted data in excess of 128 key-value pairs.
  2. No item in the key-value list can have a key+value length in excess of 1024 bytes.
  3. No item in the key-value list can have a key length in excess of 128 bytes.