

小程序自己定义了一个wxss的类型,但是这个只能支持正常的css写法,对于一些习惯了sass和less的小伙伴们,简直就是一种折磨,分分钟回到解放前的感觉,所以,虽然不是我写的插件,但是也要推广一下,vscode的插件 Easy WXLESS ,可以将less文件转成wxss文件,性能还不错,写css时的愉悦感瞬间回来啦。妈妈再也不担心一层一层的复制类名了。








Easily work with LESS files in Visual Studio Code for Wechat Mini App.

"Compile-on-save" for LESS stylesheets without using a build task.

Forked from easy-less


  • Generates a .wxss file each time you save a .less file.
    e.g. styles.less --> styles.wxss

  • Compile errors integrate with the standard Errors and Warnings list.

  • Has reasonable default settings, but...

  • Configurable, as needed:

    • Configurable at global, project and per-file level (see Advanced Usage below)
    • Main file support
    • Alternative output file
    • Output supression
    • Compression
  • autoprefixer plugin included.

Default Settings

  • Compile on save occurs for every .less file in the project.
  • The .wxss file is output to the same directory as the source .less file.
  • Source maps (.wxss.map files) are not output.
  • Compression is disabled.
  • Auto-prefixer is disabled.

Basic Usage

  1. Create a .less file.
  2. Hit Ctrl/Cmd+S to save your file.
  3. A .wxss file is automatically generated.
  4. You should see a temporary "Less compiled in X ms" message in the status bar.

N.B. Also available from the command palette as "Compile LESS to CSS".

Advanced Usage

Project-Wide & Global Configuration

  • Project-wide settings are configured using the standard settings.json file (i.e. Workspace Settings).

  • settings.json must exist in the .vscode directory at the root level of your project.

  • Alternatively, settings can go in User Settings for global defaults.

  • Use the "less.compile" key.

  • Example settings.json file:

        "less.compile": {
            "compress":  true,  // true => remove surplus whitespace
            "sourceMap": true,  // true => generate source maps (.wxss.map files)
            "out":       false, // false => DON'T output .wxss files (overridable per-file, see below)

Per-File Configuration

  • Settings can also be specified per .less file as a comment on the first line.

  • Settings are comma-separated and strings are not "quoted".

  • Example:

    // out: ../dist/app.wxss, compress: true, sourceMap: false
    body, html {


main: { filepath: string | string[] }

  • Compiles a different less file instead of this one.
  • All other settings are ignored.
  • Filepath is relative to the current file.
  • Multiple main files can be specified (see FAQ).

out: { boolean | filepath: string | folderpath: string }

  • Redirects the css output to a different file.
  • This setting can be used to override a project-wide "out": false setting, where you only want certain .less files to be generated.
  • If filepath is used, but no file extension is specified, it will append .wxss
  • If folderpath is used, the less filename will be used, but with the .wxss extension
  • Filepath is relative to the current file.

sourceMap: { boolean }

  • Enables generation of source map files.
  • When enabled, a .wxss.map file will be output in the same direction as the .wxss file (except when sourceMapFileInline is set, see below).
  • The out setting is respected.

sourceMapFileInline: { boolean }

  • Inline the source map within the css
  • When enabled, the .wxss file outputted will contain an inline source-map

compress: { boolean }

  • Compresses the css output by removing surplus white-space.

relativeUrls: { boolean }

  • Specifies whether URLs in @import'ed should be rewritten relative to the importing file.

  • Has no effect on the out parameter.

  • Example of true option—given this folder structure:<br/> /main.less<br/> /css/feature/feature.less<br/> /css/feature/background.png



    // relativeUrls: true
    @import "css/feature/feature.less";


    // main: ../../main.less
    .feature {
        background-image: url(background.png)

    /main.wxss: (output)

    .feature {
        background-image: url('css/feature/background.png')

autoprefixer: { string | string[] }

  • When present, this enables the autoprefixer plugin for less (included).

  • This plugin automatically adds/removes vendor-prefixes needed to support a set of browsers which you specify.

  • The autoprefixer option is the comma-separated list of browsers for autoprefixer to use (or alternatively a string array of them).

  • Example of autoprefixer within .vscode/settings.json:

        "less.compile": {
            "autoprefixer": "> 5%, last 2 Chrome versions, not ie 6-9"
  • See browserslist documentation for further examples of browser queries.

  • NOTE: If used with the per-file configuration, the browsers listed must be unquoted and semi-colon separated (because comma is already the directive separator): e.g.<br/> // autoprefixer: > 5%; last 2 Chrome versions; not ie 6-9, sourceMap: true, out: ../css/style.wxss

ieCompat: { boolean }

  • IE8 compatibility mode (defaults to true)
  • When true: prevents inlining of data-uris that exceed 32KB
  • When false: removes restriction on data-uri size

Settings Cascade Order

Settings are read and applied in the following order:

  1. User Settings
  2. Project-wide settings.json (aka Workspace Settings)
  3. Per-file Settings


  1. How do I redirect the output to a separate file?

    Add the following line to the head of your less file:

    // out: new-file.wxss
  2. How do I redirect all css output to a specific folder?

    Specify the out parameter in the settings.json file, as a relative or absoluate path, with a trailing slash (/ or \\).

    Tip: You can use the environment variable ${workspaceRoot} to specify paths relative to the workspace:


        "less.compile": {
            "out": "${workspaceRoot}\\css\\"
  3. How do I supress compiling this less file / compile a different less file than the one being edited?

    Add a reference to the master.less file to the head of the imported less file:

    // main: master.less
  4. How do I supress the compilation of a single less file?

    Set out to false (or null) in a comment at the top of the .less file:

    // out: false
  5. How do I compile only some of the .less files in my project?

    a. Default "out" setting to false in settings.json
    b. Override out for each .less file that you want to compile:


        "less.compile": {
            "out": false

    style.less: (will be compiled to style.wxss)

    // out: true
    @import "mixins.less";
    body, html {    

    mixins.less: (no comment line, will not be compiled)

    .border-radius(@radius) {    
      -webkit-border-radius: @radius;
      -moz-border-radius: @radius;
      -ms-border-radius: @radius;
      border-radius: @radius;
  6. Is it possible to have multiple "main" .less files?

    Yes, multiple main files can be specified in these ways:

    • In settings.json, using a string array:


          "less.compile": {
              "main": ["main-one.less", "main-two.less"]
    • Per file: by specifying the main setting key more than once:

      // main: main-one.less, main: main-two.less
  7. Can I specify paths relative to the workspace, instead of relative to the less file?

    Yes, the variable ${workspaceRoot} can be used within the main or out parameters:


        "less.compile": {
            "main": ["${workspaceRoot}\\css\\main.less"]
  8. How do I generate sourcemap (*.wxss.map) files?


        "less.compile": {
            "sourceMap": true



4 个评论

  • 傅江江


  • 蛤ོ蛤ོ


  • 社区团购系统_商用369天_狮子鱼

  • Sam


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