< view class = "container" > < form bindsubmit = "bindSave" > < image class = "logo" src = "/images/wx.png" mode = "widthFix" /> < view class = "title" >微信授权页面</ view > < view class = "profile" >授权并同意使用微信账号登录当前小程序</ view > < button type = "primary" open-type = "getUserInfo" bindgetuserinfo = "bindGetUserInfo" class = "weui-btn mini-btn" >授权登录</ button > </ form > </ view > |
bindGetUserInfo: function (e) { //console.log(e); if (e.detail.errMsg == 'getUserInfo:ok' ) { this .setData({ encryptedData: e.detail.encryptedData, iv: e.detail.iv }) wx.showLoading({ title: '请稍后' , duration: 2000 }) this .userlogin(); //尝试再次登陆 } }, //登录 userlogin: function () { var that = this ; // 获取用户信息 wx.getSetting({ success: res => { if (res.authSetting[ 'scope.userInfo' ]) { // 已经授权,可以直接调用 getUserInfo 获取头像昵称,不会弹框 wx.getUserInfo({ success: res => { //console.log(res) wx.setStorageSync( 'nickName' , res.userInfo.nickName); wx.setStorageSync( 'headpic' , res.userInfo.avatarUrl); var en = res.encryptedData; var iv = res.iv; wx.login({ success: r => { var that = this ; if (r.code) { //发起网络请求 //console.log(r.code); util.req( '/login' , { "code" : r.code, "encryptedData" : en, "iv" : iv }, function (rs) { console.log(rs) if (rs.code == 0) { wx.setStorageSync( 'openid' , rs.data.openid); wx.setStorageSync( 'hyid' , rs.data.id); //会员ID wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }) } }) } else { wx.showToast({ title: '登录失败!' , }) // console.log('登录失败!' + r.errMsg) } } }) } }) } } }) }, |