滑动时提示,does not have a method "" to handle event,方法都写了,methods里面也放了一份,就是找不到,有谁知道是什么原因呢,谢谢!
(global.webpackJsonp = global.webpackJsonp || []).push([
["pagesReserve/appointPage/appointPage"], {
"17bb": function (e, t, a) {
(function (l) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.default = void 0, a("f571");
var o = a("3a48"),
e = {
data: function () {
return {
$imgurl: this.$imgurl,
baseinfo: [],
id: 0,
date_: "",
date: "",
start: "",
table: [],
NowSelect: [],
otherSelect: [],
NowSelectStr: "",
weekday: ["", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六", "星期天"],
index1: 0,
index2: 0,
index3: 0,
index4: 0,
index5: 0,
selected: [],
seats: [],
navs: [],
navRTop: 0,
navbarRInitTop: 0,
isFixed: false,
lbars: [],
lbarsLeft: 0,
lbarsInitLeft: 0,
touchStart1: function (e) {
startX = e.touches[0].pageX; // 获取触摸时的原点
moveFlag = true;
// 触摸移动事件
touchMove1: function (e) {
endX = e.touches[0].pageX; // 获取触摸时的原点
if (moveFlag) {
if (endX - startX > 50) {
console.log("move right");
moveFlag = false;
if (startX - endX > 50) {
console.log("move left");
moveFlag = false;
// 触摸结束事件
touchEnd1: function (e) {
moveFlag = true; // 回复滑动事件
onPullDownRefresh: function () {
this.proTable(), this.getSelected(), l.stopPullDownRefresh();
onLoad: function (e) {
var t = this,
a = e.id,
n = e.tableid;
if (t.tableid = n, t.id = a, e.appoint_date) {
var r = new Date(e.appoint_date).getDay();
r = e.appoint_date + " (" + t.weekday[r] + ")";
var i = e.startdate ? e.startdate : o.getDates(1)[0].year + "-" + o.getDates(1)[0].month + "-" + o.getDates(1)[0].day;
t.start = e.startdate ? e.startdate : i, t.date_ = e.appoint_date ? e.appoint_date : i,
t.date = e.appoint_date ? r : i + " (" + o.getDates(parseInt(e.afterdays) + 1)[parseInt(e.afterdays)].week + ")",
e.NowSelectStr && (t.NowSelectStr = e.NowSelectStr), this._baseMin(this), t.proTable(),
methods: {
proTable: function () {
var o = this;
url: o.$baseurl + "doPageproTable",
data: {
tableid: o.tableid,
uniacid: o.$uniacid
success: function (e) {
var t = e.data.data;
if (o.table = t, "" != o.NowSelectStr) {
for (var a = o.NowSelectStr.split(","), n = [], r = [], i = 0; i < a.length; i++) n = a[i].split("a"),
r[i] = {}, r[i].row = t.rowstr[parseInt(n[0]) - 1], r[i].column = t.columnstr[parseInt(n[1]) - 1];
o.selected = r, o.NowSelect = a;
title: e.data.data.name
fail: function (e) {}
selectThis: function (e) {
var t = this,
a = e.currentTarget.dataset.num,
n = t.NowSelect;
for (var r = [], i = [], o = 0; o < n.length; o++) r = n[o].split("a"), i[o] = {},
i[o].row = t.table.rowstr[parseInt(r[0]) - 1], i[o].column = t.table.columnstr[parseInt(r[1]) - 1];
var l = n.join(",");
t.selected = i, t.NowSelect = n, t.NowSelectStr = l;
removeThis: function (e) {
for (var t = this, a = e.currentTarget.dataset.num, n = t.NowSelect, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) n[r] == a && n.splice(r, 1);
for (var i = [], o = [], l = 0; l < n.length; l++) i = n[l].split("a"), o[l] = {},
o[l].row = t.table.rowstr[parseInt(i[0]) - 1], o[l].column = t.table.columnstr[parseInt(i[1]) - 1];
var d = n.join(",");
t.selected = o, t.NowSelect = n, t.NowSelectStr = d;
bindDateChange: function (e) {
for (var t = [], a = 0; a < 1; a++) {
var n = o.dateLater(e.detail.value, a);
return this.date_ = e.detail.value, this.date = t[0].year + "-" + t[0].month + "-" + t[0].day + " (" + t[0].week + ")",
this.getSelected(), t;
getSelected: function () {
var a = this;
url: a.$baseurl + "doPagegetSelected",
data: {
date: a.date_,
id: a.id,
uniacid: a.$uniacid
success: function (e) {
var t = e.data.data.split(",");
a.otherSelect = t;
fixedY: function (o) {
var t = this;
var query = wx.createSelectorQuery()
query.selectAll(o).boundingClientRect(function (rect) {
// console.log(rect[0].currentTarget.offsetTop)
t.seats = rect;
// for(var i in rect){
// // var space = rect[i].offsetTop;
// var space = rect[i].scrollTop;
// rect[i].style.top = space + 'px';
// void function () {
// var goTo = 0;
// var roll = setInterval(function () {
// var height = document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop + space;
// var top = parseInt(rect[i].style.top);
// if (height != top) {
// goTo = height - parseInt((height - top) * 0.9);
// rect[i].style.top = goTo + 'px';
// }
// //else{if(roll) clearInterval(roll);}
// }, 1);
// }()
// }
query.exec(function (res) {
// that.setData({
// menuTop: res[0]
// })
}, 3000)
touchStart1: function (e) {
startX = e.touches[0].pageX; // 获取触摸时的原点
moveFlag = true;
// 触摸移动事件
touchMove1: function (e) {
endX = e.touches[0].pageX; // 获取触摸时的原点
if (moveFlag) {
if (endX - startX > 50) {
console.log("move right");
moveFlag = false;
if (startX - endX > 50) {
console.log("move left");
moveFlag = false;
// 触摸结束事件
touchEnd1: function (e) {
moveFlag = true; // 回复滑动事件
onShow: function (e) {
var t = this;
if (t.navbarRInitTop == 0) {
wx.createSelectorQuery().selectAll('.navbar_r').boundingClientRect((rect) => {
t.navs = rect;
t.navbarRInitTop = rect[0].top;
// if (rect && rect.top > 0) {
// t.nav = rect;
// var navbarInitTop = rect.top;
// t.navbarInitTop = navbarInitTop
// }
}, 500)
onPageScroll: function (e) {
var that = this;
var scrollTop = e.scrollTop;
var navs = that.navs;
for (var i in navs) {
//t.navs = rect[i];
// t.navbarInitTop[i]
var isSatisfy = scrollTop >= that.navbarRInitTop;
if (isSatisfy) {
void function () {
var goTo = 0;
var roll = setInterval(function () {
if (goTo != scrollTop) {
that.navRTop = (scrollTop - that.navbarRInitTop+16) + 'px';
goTo = scrollTop;
} else {
if (roll) clearInterval(roll);
}, 1);
// var isSatisfy = scrollTop >= that.navbarInitTop;
// if (isSatisfy) {
// void function () {
// var goTo = 0;
// var roll = setInterval(function () {
// if (goTo != scrollTop) {
// that.navTop = scrollTop + 'px';
// goTo = scrollTop;
// } else {
// if (roll) clearInterval(roll);
// }
// }, 1);
// }()
// }
that.isFixed = isSatisfy
touchStart1: function (e) {
startX = e.touches[0].pageX; // 获取触摸时的原点
moveFlag = true;
// 触摸移动事件
touchMove1: function (e) {
endX = e.touches[0].pageX; // 获取触摸时的原点
if (moveFlag) {
if (endX - startX > 50) {
console.log("move right");
moveFlag = false;
if (startX - endX > 50) {
console.log("move left");
moveFlag = false;
// 触摸结束事件
touchEnd1: function (e) {
moveFlag = true; // 回复滑动事件
t.default = e;
}).call(this, a("543d").default);
2272: function (e, t, a) {},
"95fa": function (e, t, a) {
var n = function () {
r = [];
a.d(t, "a", function () {
return n;
}), a.d(t, "b", function () {
return r;
a32d: function (e, t, a) {
var n = a("2272");
a4da: function (e, t, a) {
(function (e) {
function t(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
a("020c"), a("921b"), t(a("66fd")), e(t(a("dee5")).default);
}).call(this, a("543d").createPage);
dee5: function (e, t, a) {
var n = a("95fa"),
r = a("eb71");
for (var i in r) "default" !== i && function (e) {
a.d(t, e, function () {
return r[e];
var o = a("2877"),
l = Object(o.a)(r.default, n.a, n.b, !1, null, null, null);
t.default = l.exports;
eb71: function (e, t, a) {
var n = a("17bb"),
r = a.n(n);
for (var i in n) "default" !== i && function (e) {
a.d(t, e, function () {
return n[e];
t.default = r.a;
["a4da", "common/runtime", "common/vendor"]