
错误 TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' ?

17:44:33 IDE server has started, listening on
17:44:33 initialization finished
17:44:33 uploading project...
17:44:33 { i [StatusCodeError]: 400 - "{\"code\":40000,\"error\":\"错误 TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined\"}"
17:44:33     at new i (/Users/tinman/Library/Application Support/微信开发者工具/WeappCode/package.nw/js/common/cli/index.js:157:49969)
17:44:33     at H.callback (/Users/tinman/Library/Application Support/微信开发者工具/WeappCode/package.nw/js/common/cli/index.js:157:48818)
17:44:33     at H.e.callback.a.callback [as _callback] (/Users/tinman/Library/Application Support/微信开发者工具/WeappCode/package.nw/js/common/cli/index.js:157:47872)
17:44:33     at H.a._callback.a.callback.a.callback (/Users/tinman/Library/Application Support/微信开发者工具/WeappCode/package.nw/js/common/cli/index.js:187:5433)
17:44:33     at H.emit (events.js:193:13)
17:44:33     at H.<anonymous> (/Users/tinman/Library/Application Support/微信开发者工具/WeappCode/package.nw/js/common/cli/index.js:187:18246)
17:44:33     at H.emit (events.js:193:13)
17:44:33     at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/tinman/Library/Application Support/微信开发者工具/WeappCode/package.nw/js/common/cli/index.js:187:17088)
17:44:33     at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:281:20)
17:44:33     at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:198:15)
17:44:33   name: 'StatusCodeError',
17:44:33   statusCode: 400,
17:44:33   message:
17:44:33    `400 - "{\\"code\\":40000,\\"error\\":\\"错误 TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined\\"}"`,
17:44:33   error:
17:44:33    `{"code":40000,"error":"错误 TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined"}`,
17:44:33   options:
17:44:33    { url:
17:44:33       '',
17:44:33      resolveWithFullResponse: true,
17:44:33      proxy: false,
17:44:33      callback: [Function],
17:44:33      transform: undefined,
17:44:33      simple: true,
17:44:33      transform2xxOnly: false },
17:44:33   response:
17:44:33    IncomingMessage {
17:44:33      _readableState:
17:44:33       ReadableState {
17:44:33         objectMode: false,
17:44:33         highWaterMark: 16384,
17:44:33         buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
17:44:33         length: 0,
17:44:33         pipes: null,
17:44:33         pipesCount: 0,
17:44:33         flowing: true,
17:44:33         ended: true,
17:44:33         endEmitted: true,
17:44:33         reading: false,
17:44:33         sync: true,
17:44:33         needReadable: false,
17:44:33         emittedReadable: false,
17:44:33         readableListening: false,
17:44:33         resumeScheduled: false,
17:44:33         paused: false,
17:44:33         emitClose: true,
17:44:33         autoDestroy: false,
17:44:33         destroyed: false,
17:44:33         defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
17:44:33         awaitDrain: 0,
17:44:33         readingMore: true,
17:44:33         decoder: null,
17:44:33         encoding: null },
17:44:33      readable: false,
17:44:33      _events:
17:44:33       [Object: null prototype] {
17:44:33         end: [Array],
17:44:33         close: [Array],
17:44:33         data: [Function],
17:44:33         error: [Function] },
17:44:33      _eventsCount: 4,
17:44:33      _maxListeners: undefined,
17:44:33      socket:
17:44:33       Socket {
17:44:33         connecting: false,
17:44:33         _hadError: false,
17:44:33         _parent: null,
17:44:33         _host: null,
17:44:33         _readableState: [ReadableState],
17:44:33         readable: true,
17:44:33         _events: [Object],
17:44:33         _eventsCount: 7,
17:44:33         _maxListeners: undefined,
17:44:33         _writableState: [WritableState],
17:44:33         writable: false,
17:44:33         allowHalfOpen: false,
17:44:33         _sockname: null,
17:44:33         _pendingData: null,
17:44:33         _pendingEncoding: '',
17:44:33         server: null,
17:44:33         _server: null,
17:44:33         parser: null,
17:44:33         _httpMessage: [ClientRequest],
17:44:33         [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kHandle)]: [TCP],
17:44:33         [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
17:44:33         [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
17:44:33      connection:
17:44:33       Socket {
17:44:33         connecting: false,
17:44:33         _hadError: false,
17:44:33         _parent: null,
17:44:33         _host: null,
17:44:33         _readableState: [ReadableState],
17:44:33         readable: true,
17:44:33         _events: [Object],
17:44:33         _eventsCount: 7,
17:44:33         _maxListeners: undefined,
17:44:33         _writableState: [WritableState],
17:44:33         writable: false,
17:44:33         allowHalfOpen: false,
17:44:33         _sockname: null,
17:44:33         _pendingData: null,
17:44:33         _pendingEncoding: '',
17:44:33         server: null,
17:44:33         _server: null,
17:44:33         parser: null,
17:44:33         _httpMessage: [ClientRequest],
17:44:33         [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kHandle)]: [TCP],
17:44:33         [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
17:44:33         [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
17:44:33      httpVersionMajor: 1,
17:44:33      httpVersionMinor: 1,
17:44:33      httpVersion: '1.1',
17:44:33      complete: true,
17:44:33      headers:
17:44:33       { 'content-type': 'application/json;  charset=utf-8',
17:44:33         date: 'Thu, 21 Nov 2019 09:44:33 GMT',
17:44:33         connection: 'close',
17:44:33         'transfer-encoding': 'chunked' },
17:44:33      rawHeaders:
17:44:33       [ 'Content-Type',
17:44:33         'application/json;  charset=utf-8',
17:44:33         'Date',
17:44:33         'Thu, 21 Nov 2019 09:44:33 GMT',
17:44:33         'Connection',
17:44:33         'close',
17:44:33         'Transfer-Encoding',
17:44:33         'chunked' ],
17:44:33      trailers: {},
17:44:33      rawTrailers: [],
17:44:33      aborted: false,
17:44:33      upgrade: false,
17:44:33      url: '',
17:44:33      method: null,
17:44:33      statusCode: 400,
17:44:33      statusMessage: 'Bad Request',
17:44:33      client:
17:44:33       Socket {
17:44:33         connecting: false,
17:44:33         _hadError: false,
17:44:33         _parent: null,
17:44:33         _host: null,
17:44:33         _readableState: [ReadableState],
17:44:33         readable: true,
17:44:33         _events: [Object],
17:44:33         _eventsCount: 7,
17:44:33         _maxListeners: undefined,
17:44:33         _writableState: [WritableState],
17:44:33         writable: false,
17:44:33         allowHalfOpen: false,
17:44:33         _sockname: null,
17:44:33         _pendingData: null,
17:44:33         _pendingEncoding: '',
17:44:33         server: null,
17:44:33         _server: null,
17:44:33         parser: null,
17:44:33         _httpMessage: [ClientRequest],
17:44:33         [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kHandle)]: [TCP],
17:44:33         [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
17:44:33         [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
17:44:33         [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
17:44:33      _consuming: false,
17:44:33      _dumped: false,
17:44:33      req:
17:44:33       ClientRequest {
17:44:33         _events: [Object],
17:44:33         _eventsCount: 5,
17:44:33         _maxListeners: undefined,
17:44:33         outputData: [],
17:44:33         outputSize: 0,
17:44:33         writable: true,
17:44:33         _last: true,
17:44:33         chunkedEncoding: false,
17:44:33         shouldKeepAlive: false,
17:44:33         useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
17:44:33         sendDate: false,
17:44:33         _removedConnection: false,
17:44:33         _removedContLen: false,
17:44:33         _removedTE: false,
17:44:33         _contentLength: 0,
17:44:33         _hasBody: true,
17:44:33         _trailer: '',
17:44:33         finished: true,
17:44:33         _headerSent: true,
17:44:33         socket: [Socket],
17:44:33         connection: [Socket],
17:44:33         _header:
17:44:33          'GET /upload?cli=1&projectpath=%252FUsers%252Ftinman%252Fjenkins_workspace%252Fworkspace%252Fjojo_new_read&version= HTTP/1.1\r\nhost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n',
17:44:33         _onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
17:44:33         agent: [Agent],
17:44:33         socketPath: undefined,
17:44:33         timeout: undefined,
17:44:33         method: 'GET',
17:44:33         path:
17:44:33          '/upload?cli=1&projectpath=%252FUsers%252Ftinman%252Fjenkins_workspace%252Fworkspace%252Fjojo_new_read&version=',
17:44:33         _ended: true,
17:44:33         res: [Circular],
17:44:33         aborted: false,
17:44:33         timeoutCb: null,
17:44:33         upgradeOrConnect: false,
17:44:33         parser: null,
17:44:33         maxHeadersCount: null,
17:44:33         [Symbol(isCorked)]: false,

17:44:33         [Symbol(outHeadersKey)]: [Object] },


17:44:33      caseless: t { dict: [Object] },
17:44:33      body:
17:44:33       `{"code":40000,"error":"错误 TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined"}` } }
17:44:34 Already up to date.


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