

框架类型 问题类型 API/组件名称 终端类型 微信版本 基础库版本
小程序 Bug chooseVideo/chooseImage 微信iOS客户端 7.0.15以上 2.12.0以上







2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.onNetworkStatusChange api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] App onLaunch have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] page pages/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] page pages/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:44 [log] wx.getNetworkType api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:44 [log] wx.onNetworkStatusChange api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:44 [log] wx.getNetworkType success callback with msg getNetworkType:ok

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getLaunchOptionsSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getLaunchOptionsSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] page communityInfo/informationInfo/informationInfo onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] page communityInfo/informationInfo/informationInfo onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] page communityInfo/informationInfo/informationInfo onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:57:45 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:46 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:57:46 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:57:46 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] page communityInfo/informationInfo/informationInfo onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:4 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:5 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:6 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:7 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:8 [log] wx.redirectTo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:10 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:10 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:10 [log] wx.chooseVideo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:11 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:11 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.chooseVideo success callback with msg chooseVideo:ok

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:39 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.uploadFile api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:40 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:41 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:58:41 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:58:41 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:58:41 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:58:41 [log] wx.uploadFile success callback with msg uploadFile:ok

2020-10-5 11:58:41 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:4 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:8 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:8 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] page pages/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] page pages/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:9 [log] page pages/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:11 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:12 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:13 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:13 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:13 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:13 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:13 [log] wx.redirectTo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:13 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:14 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:17 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:17 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:17 [log] wx.chooseVideo api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:18 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:18 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.chooseVideo success callback with msg chooseVideo:ok

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.uploadFile api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:41 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 11:59:42 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 11:59:43 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 11:59:43 [log] wx.uploadFile success callback with msg uploadFile:ok

2020-10-5 11:59:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:3 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:3 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] page pages/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] page pages/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:8 [log] page pages/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] page pages/message/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] page pages/message/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] page pages/message/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:11 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:12 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] page pages/message/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] page messageInfo/redPackageInfo/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] page messageInfo/redPackageInfo/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:13 [log] page messageInfo/redPackageInfo/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] page messageInfo/redPackageInfo/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] page pages/message/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:16 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:17 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] page pages/message/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] page messageInfo/redPackageInfo/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] page messageInfo/redPackageInfo/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:19 [log] page messageInfo/redPackageInfo/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] page messageInfo/redPackageInfo/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] page pages/message/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:22 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:23 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:25 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] page pages/message/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:29 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] page pages/my/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:33 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] page pages/my/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] page pages/my/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:34 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:38 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:38 [log] wx.setStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] page pages/my/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] page pages/message/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:42 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] page pages/message/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] page pages/message/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:43 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] page pages/message/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] page pages/my/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:44 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] page pages/my/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:46 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:47 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:50 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:56 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:57 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:0:57 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:0:57 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:2 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:3 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:4 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:18 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.redirectTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:20 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:21 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:1:21 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:21 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:1:23 [log] wx.chooseVideo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:1:24 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:1:24 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.chooseVideo success callback with msg chooseVideo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:7 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] wx.uploadFile api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:8 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:9 [log] wx.uploadFile success callback with msg uploadFile:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:17 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:17 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] page pages/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] page pages/my/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] page pages/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:37 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:38 [log] page pages/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] page pages/community/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] page pages/community/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] page pages/community/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:40 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] page pages/community/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] page pages/activity/lists onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] page pages/activity/lists onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:43 [log] page pages/activity/lists onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:44 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.setStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.setStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:46 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:47 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:48 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:49 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:50 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] page pages/activity/lists onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:51 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:54 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:55 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:2:55 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:55 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:55 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:56 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:56 [log] page pages/community/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] page pages/community/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] page pages/activity/lists onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:2:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] page pages/activity/lists onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:0 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:8 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:9 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] page pages/displayManage/activityRules/activityRules onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] page pages/displayManage/activityRules/activityRules onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:12 [log] page pages/displayManage/activityRules/activityRules onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:13 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:13 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:13 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:16 [log] page pages/displayManage/activityRules/activityRules onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:16 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:21 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.redirectTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:23 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:24 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:24 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:24 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:25 [log] wx.chooseVideo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:26 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:26 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.chooseVideo success callback with msg chooseVideo:ok

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.uploadFile api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:52 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:3:53 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:3:54 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:3:54 [log] wx.uploadFile success callback with msg uploadFile:ok

2020-10-5 12:3:54 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:4:23 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:4:24 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:4:24 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:24 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:24 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:4:24 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:24 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:4:51 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:4:51 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:21 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:33 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:33 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:55 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] page pages/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] page pages/community/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] page pages/activity/lists onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] page pages/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] page pages/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:5:59 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:0 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:2 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.navigateTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:4 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.redirectTo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] page pages/displayManage/groupList/groupList onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:6 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:7 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:7 [log] wx.chooseVideo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:8 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:8 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.getLocation api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.chooseVideo success callback with msg chooseVideo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.getLocation success callback with msg getLocation:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:32 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] wx.uploadFile api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:33 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:34 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:34 [log] wx.uploadFile success callback with msg uploadFile:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:34 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] page pages/displayManage/upload/upload onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:49 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] page pages/displayManage/vividProject/vividProject onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:52 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] page pages/activity/lists onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] page pages/activity/lists onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] page pages/activity/lists onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] page pages/activity/lists onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] page pages/community/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] page pages/community/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:55 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] page pages/community/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] page pages/community/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:56 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] page pages/activity/lists onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:58 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] page pages/activity/lists onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:6:59 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] page pages/community/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] page pages/community/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] page pages/my/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:0 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] page pages/my/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:1 [log] page pages/my/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] page pages/my/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:2 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:3 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:5 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:6 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:8 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:8 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:13 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:14 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:15 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:16 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:17 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] page pages/activity/lists onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:18 [log] wx.getSystemInfo success callback with msg getSystemInfo:ok

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:19 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:21 [log] page pages/activity/lists onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:21 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:21 [log] page pages/community/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] page pages/community/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:22 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:23 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:23 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:23 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:23 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] page pages/my/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:25 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] page pages/my/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:27 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:28 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:28 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:28 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:28 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:28 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:28 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:28 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:29 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:29 [log] App onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getUpdateManager api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getUpdateManager return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] App onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] page pages/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] page pages/activity/lists onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] page pages/community/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] page pages/my/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] page pages/rewardActivities/index/index onUnload have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] page pages/index/index onLoad have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.showLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getSystemInfoSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request api invoke with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] page pages/index/index onShow have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.request success callback with msg request:ok with seq 0

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideNavigationBarLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.hideLoading api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.stopPullDownRefresh api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync api invoke

2020-10-5 12:7:30 [log] wx.getStorageSync return

2020-10-5 12:7:31 [log] page pages/index/index onReady have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:39 [log] page pages/index/index onHide have been invoked

2020-10-5 12:7:39 [log] App onHide have been invoked


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  • Zero


    回复 1
    • swordsman
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