15.4.1 调用如下。 能调起微信。不能调起支付页
wxlog:send req[<PayReq: 0x282213430>], appID:wx2cb7d941b858c60f, universalLink:*****, sdkVersion:
wxlog:Error:launch app with ul only fail
wxlog:Error:lauch app fail and need degrade,
wxlog:Error:launch app fail, isUlLaunch:0,
wxlog:degrade launch app ret:0,
12.5.1 调用如下。正常调起支付页
wxlog:send req[<PayReq: 0x2838b3200>], appID:wx2cb7d941b858c60f, universalLink:****, sdkVersion:
wxlog:launch app with ul only success
wxlog:launch app with universal link, ret:1
已解决,我这边是因为我先调用了 openWXApp 这个方法