VM33:2 thirdScriptError
Cannot read property 'errno' of undefined;at api request complete callback function
TypeError: Cannot read property 'errno' of undefined
at Object.complete (weapp:///zofui_sitetemp/resource/js/com.js:33:34)
at eval (weapp:///we7/resource/js/util.js:117:60)
at Function.o.complete (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:1432214)
at eval (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:127400)
at E (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:541044)
at i.eval (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:920471)
at i.emit (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:599149)
at ic (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:921195)
at eval (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:922474)
at eval (eval at n.call.document (, <anonymous>:2:584122)
搜索下 app.js里 errno 是不是没有定义?
onLaunch: function() {},
onShow: function() {},
onHide: function() {},
onError: function(e) {
util: require("we7/resource/js/util.js"),
com: require("zofui_sitetemp/resource/js/com.js"),
zan: require("zofui_sitetemp/resource/zan-ui/index.js"),
globalData: {
userInfo: null
siteInfo: require("siteinfo.js")