// 地图控件点击事件 bindcontroltap: function (e) { // 判断点击的是哪个控件 e.controlId代表控件的id,在页面加载时的第3步设置的id var that = this ; if (e.controlId === 2 && a < 20) { //a的作用是计数scale的值并判断是否超出了scale的3-20的范围 wx.createMapContext( 'BatteryMap' ).getScale({ success: (res) => { console.log( "视野变化的scale:" , res.scale, "原先的scale:" , that.data.scale) } }) console.log( "点击+前的scale:" , that.data.scale) that.setData({ scale: that.data.scale + 1, }) console.log( "点击+后的scale:" , that.data.scale) ++a; wx.createMapContext( 'BatteryMap' ).getCenterLocation({ success: (res) => { console.log( "获取当前地图中心的经纬度" , res) that.setData({ centerLatitude: res.latitude, centerLongitude: res.longitude, longitude: res.longitude, latitude: res.latitude, }) console.log(that.data.centerLatitude, that.data.centerLongitude) that.getbatteryInfo(); }, }) //console.log("scale===" + this.data.scale) //测试打印scale是否增减 } else if (e.controlId === 3 && a > 4) { console.log( "点击-前的scale:" , that.data.scale) that.setData({ scale: that.data.scale - 1, }) console.log( "点击-后的scale:" , that.data.scale) --a; wx.createMapContext( 'BatteryMap' ).getCenterLocation({ success: (res) => { console.log( "获取当前地图中心的经纬度" , res) that.setData({ centerLatitude: res.latitude, centerLongitude: res.longitude, longitude: res.longitude, latitude: res.latitude, }) console.log(that.data.centerLatitude, that.data.centerLongitude) that.getbatteryInfo(); }, }) //console.log("scale===" + this.data.scale) //测试打印scale是否增减 // console.log("a:" + a) } else if (e.controlId === 1) { that.setData({ mapstate: false }) } }, bindregionchange: function (e) { var that = this ; if (e.type == "end" ){ wx.createMapContext( 'BatteryMap' ).getScale({ success: function (e) { console.log( "视野变化的scale:" , e.scale, "原先的scale:" , that.data.scale) that.setData({ scalechange:e.scale, }) console.log( "scalechange的值" , that.data.scalechange) if (e.scale >= 15) { wx.createMapContext( 'BatteryMap' ).getCenterLocation({ success: (res) => { console.log( "获取当前地图中心的经纬度" , res) that.setData({ centerLatitude: res.latitude, centerLongitude: res.longitude, }) console.log(that.data.centerLatitude, that.data.centerLongitude) wx.request({ url:app.data.ip + "/api/device/getAreaByLocation" , //batteryInfo接口 method: 'POST' , data: { //zoneId: that.data.checkzoneId //如果没有选择工区ID发工区列表第一个工区的电池信息 latitude: that.data.centerLatitude, longitude: that.data.centerLongitude, }, header: { "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" , "Cookie" : "JSESSIONID=" + app.globalData.JSESSIONID }, success: (res) => { var temp = 0; var charge = 0; var j = 0 console.log( "获取电池信息成功:" , res) //console.log(res.data.bInfoes.length) // if (res.data.result == true) { for (j; j < res.data.bInfoes.length; j++) { var item = "markers[" + j + "]." ; if (res.data.bInfoes[j].temp == undefined) { res.data.bInfoes[j].temp = "N/C" } if (res.data.bInfoes[j].charge == undefined) { res.data.bInfoes[j].charge = "N/C" } that.setData({ [item + "id" ]: res.data.bInfoes[j].deviceId, [item + "title" ]: "设备编号:" + res.data.bInfoes[j].deviceId + "\n温度是:" + res.data.bInfoes[j].temp + "℃\n电量是:" + res.data.bInfoes[j].charge + "V\n信息采集时间是:\n" + res.data.bInfoes[j].acqtime, [item + "latitude" ]: res.data.bInfoes[j].Latitude, [item + "longitude" ]: res.data.bInfoes[j].longitude, [item + "width" ]: 40, [item + "height" ]: 40, [item + "iconPath" ]: '../../image/markers.png' , // [item + "label.content"]: "温度是:" + res.data.bInfoes[j].temp + "电量是:" + res.data.bInfoes[j].charge + "\n" + // res.data.bInfoes[j].acqtime }) } //console.log(that.data.markers.length) // } }, fail: function (res) { // fail wx.showModal({ title: '提示' , content: "调用获取设备信息接口失败" , showCancel: false }) }, complete: function (res) { // complete } }) } }) } else { that.setData({ markers: [] }) } } }) }