DevEco Studio版本:DevEco Studio
三方库版本:微信版本1.0.0.44; 微信sdk: wechat_ohos_opensdk1.0.0.har
1、应用内生成图片,图片大小 小于100k
2 、调用微信sdk分享api, 无法唤起微信 (WXManager.wxApi.sendReq(getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext, req))
4.但是在微信版本1.0.0.42; 微信sdk: wechat_ohos_opensdk1.0.0.har, 可以正常唤起
* 分享组件截图到微信
* @param id: 组件id
* */
shareBase64ImageToFriend(id: string, shareCallback?: () => void) {
getComponentSnapshotArrayBuffer(id, (arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer) => {
let imageObject = new wxOpenSdk.WXImageObject
let buf: buffer.Buffer = buffer.from(arrayBuffer);
imageObject.imageData = buf.toString('base64', 0, buf.length);
this.shareImageToWxFriend(imageObject, "", shareCallback)
private shareImageToWxFriend(imageObject: wxOpenSdk.WXImageObject, title: string, shareCallback?: () => void) {
let mediaMessage = new wxOpenSdk.WXMediaMessage()
mediaMessage.mediaObject = imageObject
if (title) {
mediaMessage.title = title
let req = new wxOpenSdk.SendMessageToWXReq()
req.scene = wxOpenSdk.SendMessageToWXReq.WXSceneSession
req.message = mediaMessage
WXManager.wxApi.sendReq(getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext, req)
if (shareCallback) {
控制台没有看到sdk报错, 没有明显错误日志,如果
\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 18:22:44.998 I [][OnPointerEvent:188] ac: down: 180513\
18:22:44.998 I [P:D:180513][OnPointerEvent:199] Last eventId:180463, current eventId:180513\
18:22:44.999 I [P:D:180513][OnPointerEvent:491] id:180513 recv\
18:22:44.999 I [input_transfer_station.cpp] OnInputEvent<82>: eid:86,InputId:180513,wid:320,action:2\
18:22:44.999 E <1805>GetDecorHeight: Get app window decor height failed\
18:22:45.000 I [window_session_impl.cpp] NotifyPointerEvent<3024>: Input id:180513\
18:22:45.000 I [(-2:100000:singleton)] pointdown windowId: 320\
18:22:45.000 I [(100000:100000:scope)] InputTracking id:180513, fingerId:0, type=0, inject=0, isPrivacyMode=0\
18:22:45.001 I [(100000:100000:scope)] InputTracking id:180513, touch test hitted node info: fingerId: 0\{ tag: Column, frameRect: RectT (0.00, 38.28) - [405.33 x 149.98], depth: 8 \};\
18:22:45.001 I [(100000:100000:scope)] InputTracking id:180513, touch test hitted recognizer type info: recognizer type ClickRecognizer node info: \{ tag: Column \};\
18:22:45.001 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Id:180513, click 0 down, ETF: 0, CTP: 0, state: 0\
18:22:45.001 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Consumed new event id=180513 in ace_container, lastEventInfo: id:180511\
18:22:45.001 I [window_scene_session_impl.cpp] ConsumePointerEventInner<736>: InputId:180513,wid:320,pointId:0,sourceType:2,winRect:[0,0,1216,2688],needNotifyEvent:1\
18:22:45.002 I BinderInvoker 92: created invoker 1307313152\
18:22:45.010 I [][OnPointerEvent:188] ac: move: 180514\
18:22:45.011 I [B:UK:180514][SetLastProcessedEventId:54] Last eventId:180466, current eventId:180514\
18:22:45.011 I [][MarkProcessed:71] Ffrt PE: 180468 180514\
18:22:45.099 I [][OnPointerEvent:188] ac: move, first: 180515-(2024-10-29 18:22:45.010ms), 180524, count: 10, last: ac: up: 180525\
18:22:45.099 I [P:U:180525][OnPointerEvent:491] id:180525 recv\
18:22:45.099 I [input_transfer_station.cpp] OnInputEvent<82>: eid:87,InputId:180525,wid:320,action:4\
18:22:45.100 I [window_session_impl.cpp] NotifyPointerEvent<3024>: Input id:180525\
18:22:45.101 I [(100000:100000:scope)] InputTracking id:180525, fingerId:0, type=1, inject=0, isPrivacyMode=0\
18:22:45.101 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Id:180525, click 0 up, state: 0\
18:22:45.101 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Click try accept\
18:22:45.101 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Click accepted, tag: Column\
18:22:45.103 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Get ComponentSnapshot key=share_poster_wrapper_view_id options=\{1.000000, false\} Id=3381 Tag=Column imageCount=4 checkImage=1 RsNodeId=51509542783197\
18:22:45.104 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Consumed new event id=180525 in ace_container, lastEventInfo: id:180524\
18:22:45.104 I [window_scene_session_impl.cpp] ConsumePointerEventInner<736>: InputId:180525,wid:320,pointId:0,sourceType:2,winRect:[0,0,1216,2688],needNotifyEvent:1\
18:22:45.106 I [(100000:100000:scope)] ProcessModalPageScene\
18:22:45.106 I [(100000:100000:scope)] PageChange CloseKeyboard FrameNode notNeedSoftKeyboard.\
18:22:45.107 I [(100000:100000:scope)] PageChange CloseKeyboard SoftKeyboard Closes Successfully.\
18:22:45.112 I Lottie canvas size:65.99999775606047,161.99999499428876\
18:22:45.115 I --lottie_animator AnimationItem: pull_loading is Loaded\
18:22:45.115 I --lottie_animator AnimationItem: pull_loading is play\
18:22:45.115 I [(100000:100000:scope)] animator binds to context 100000, id:340\
18:22:45.115 I [<private>(<private>)] ohos.animator setExpectedFrameRateRange, id:340\
18:22:45.115 I --lottie_animator create\
18:22:45.115 I [<private>(<private>)] ohos.animator play, id:340, AnimatorOption:[20000,0,-1,0.000000,1.000000,linear,forwards,normal]\
18:22:45.115 I --lottie_animator play\
18:22:45.126 E creat PixelMap.\
18:22:45.126 I [(-1:100000:singleton)] ComponentSnapshot successful! pixelMap.width=694 pixelMap.height=1220\
18:22:45.150 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 14752 us\
18:22:45.185 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 21131 us\
18:22:45.209 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 14648 us\
18:22:45.227 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 9748 us\
18:22:45.245 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 9032 us\
18:22:45.263 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 9143 us\
18:22:45.286 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 11546 us\
18:22:45.305 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 8043 us\
18:22:45.324 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 9808 us\
18:22:45.342 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 8134 us\
18:22:45.366 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 12538 us\
18:22:45.382 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 7728 us\
18:22:45.401 I DoEncode:(694, 1220) cost 8897 us\
18:22:45.406 I BinderInvoker 92: created invoker 2164458880\
18:22:45.406 I SendRequest 137: handle:12 desc:*.AbilityManager refcnt:4 644491008\
18:22:45.408 I --lottie_animator lottie.destroy undefined\
18:22:45.408 I --lottie_animator AnimationItem: pull_loading destroy\
18:22:45.408 I --lottie_animator finish\
18:22:45.408 I [<private>(<private>)] ohos.animator finish, id:340\
18:22:45.408 I [(100000:100000:scope)] animator stop, id:340\
18:22:45.408 I --lottie_animator finish\
18:22:45.408 I [<private>(<private>)] ohos.animator finish, id:340\
18:22:45.447 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [@194][ID: 1] The modal UIExtension is created.\
18:22:45.447 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [@531][ID: 1] OnAttachToFrameNode\
18:22:45.447 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [@312][ID: 1] The current state is 'NONE' when UpdateWant.\
18:22:45.447 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [@331][ID: 1] The ability KeyAsync 0, uIExtensionUsage: 0.\
18:22:45.448 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [@249][ID: 0] The session is created with want = <private>\
18:22:45.448 I [session.cpp] Session<98>: focusedOnShow:1\
18:22:45.448 I <2568>GeneratePersistentId: GeneratePersistentId, persistentId: 0, persistentId_: 1122865157\
18:22:45.448 W AttachObject 179: attach -2128827392 desc:*.ISession assign\
18:22:45.448 I <82>operator(): persistentId: 1122865157, bundleName: com.huawei.hmsapp.appgallery, moduleName: , abilityName: HwOpenAbility\
18:22:45.448 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [@479][ID: 1] The state is changing from 'NONE' to 'FOREGROUND'.\
18:22:45.448 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [@445][ID: 0] NotifyForeground, persistentid = 1122865157.\
18:22:45.449 I <101>operator(): Activate session with persistentId: 1122865157\
18:22:45.449 I [ability_manager_client.cpp:343]name: HwOpenAbility com.huawei.hmsapp.appgallery, persistentId: 1122865157, userId: -1.\
18:22:45.449 I [(100000:100000:scope)] modalNode->GetParent() 0 mark IsProhibitedAddChildNode when sessionId -1122865157,prohibitedRemoveByRouter: 1.\
18:22:45.449 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Focus view: ModalPage/3428 show\
18:22:45.449 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Focus view: ModalPage/3379 lost focus\
18:22:45.449 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Node(ModalPage/3379) on blur by 3\
18:22:45.449 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Node(Stack/3377) on blur by 3\
18:22:45.449 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [entry][100000]: create modal page, sessionId=1122865157, isProhibitBack=0, isAsyncModalBinding=0, isAllowedBeCovered=0, prohibitedRemoveByRouter=1\
18:22:45.452 I SendRequest 137: handle:12 desc:*.AbilityManager refcnt:4 644491008\
18:22:45.456 I [(100000:100000:scope)] [@610][ID: 0] Display area with 'RectT (0.00, 0.00) - [1216.00 x 2688.00]' notified to uiextension, persistentid = 1122865157.\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Request focus on focus view: ModalPage/3428.\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Focus view has no default focus.\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Node(ModalPage/3428) on focus\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] FocusSwitching end, startReason: 2, endReason: 2, updateReason: 2\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] current focus node info : (ModalPage/3428).\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] FrameNode(ModalPage/3428) notNeedSoftKeyboard.\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] PageChange CloseKeyboard FrameNode notNeedSoftKeyboard.\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] PageChange CloseKeyboard SoftKeyboard Closes Successfully.\
18:22:45.457 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Request focus on view root scope: ModalPage/3428 return: 1.\
18:22:45.675 I RSUIDirector::ProcessMessages messageId:89, cmdCount:1, instanceId:100000\
18:22:45.675 I RSUIDirector::PostTask messageId:89, cmdCount:1, instanceId:100000\
18:22:45.675 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Focus view: ModalPage/3379 close\
18:22:45.675 I [(100000:100000:scope)] Focus view: ModalPage/3379 lost focus\
18:22:45.676 I [EnhanceClientSerialize]Client sessionInfo sent: pid=11993, sessionId=1046884735, seqNum=******058.\
18:22:45.680 I [EnhanceClientDeserialize]Client sessionInfo updated: pid=11993, sessionId=1046884735, seqNum=******058.\
18:22:45.681 I [(100000:100000:scope)] security component has not registered, regStatus 0.\
华为工单回复, 需要鸿蒙微信, 以及微信sdk适配; 微信大佬们啥时候适配啊