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onScaleRegion(e) { let etype = e.type; // 只捕捉移动后的点的信息 if (etype === 'end' ) { // 获取可视区域的东北和西南的坐标 this .getRegion() } } |
getRegion() { let that = this this .mapCtx = wx.createMapContext( 'map' ) that.mapCtx.getRegion({ success: function (res) { let northeast = app.request.qqMapTransBaiduMap(res.northeast.latitude, res.northeast.longitude) let southwest = app.request.qqMapTransBaiduMap(res.southwest.latitude, res.southwest.longitude) that.mapCtx.getScale({ success: (scale) => { // 调用后台接口,更新markers that.getData(northeast, southwest, scale.scale) } }) } }) }, |
getData(northeast, southwest, scale) { let that = this let param = { beginLat: southwest.lat, beginLng: southwest.lng, endLat: northeast.lat, endLng: northeast.lng, level: that.getLevel(scale) } if (param.level === 'list' ) { param.lat = that.data.latitude param.lng = that.data.longitude } app.request.get( '/xxx' , param).then(data => { wx.showToast({ title: 'test' , mask: true }) let arr = (data.records || []).map((item, index) => { let result = app.request.baiduMapTransQQMap(item.lat, item.lng) return { id: index, latitude: result.lat, longitude: result.lng, iconPath: '../../image/pos.png' , width: 30, height: 30, callout: { content: item.storeName, padding: 5, borderRadius: 5, display: 'BYCLICK' , textAlign: 'center' , bgColor: '#FFFFFF' } } }) that.setData({ markers: arr }) }) }, |