Dear all,
I have an Open Platform account. In the Open Platform, I have configured two components:
* Website Application - To let users authorize my website from their desktop browsers using their WeChat account. This is an oauth2-based login that really fits what we look for.
* Third-Party Platform - To be able to operate on behalf of an Official Account and send template messages.
My web offers a service, so I want to send informational template messages to my users. For each logged user, I have both its openid (note this is specific to the website application) and its unionid. In order to send them a message, I need to figure out what its other openid is (the one specific to the third-party platform). How can I get this value?
I know I can store a cache of all the followers of the authorizer Official Account, but let's say the Official Account authorizing my Third-Party has several millions of followers. I'd need to pre-store this huge list and then handle every follow/unfollow event, all of this just to be able to get an openid from a unionid. I am sure I'm missing something.
Thank you!
Yeah, I have that storage, but only to be able to match between website app and third-party platform open ids. In other words: to help me identify the identity of a user in another application, because as far as I know the official API does provide a mechanism to do this at the moment.
Usage case:
1. User logs in (using the website application) scanning a QR code in his/her desktop browser.
2. He/she made a purchase.
3. Once the order is ready, if he/she is a follower, we want to send a notification (using the third-party platform).
This is all I need.
Only a few of my followers will log in to my page. However, I need to store the information of millions of them just because I need to look up users using unionids to identify the identitiy of a user in another platform. I know this works. And this how I have it right know. But I found it confusing.
Again, I might be missing something :(
Thank you! :)