# Component replication

# Message component rewriting(Customize the style of plug-in content)

From the version 1.0.7 Started to support the replacement of built-in plugins for Mini Programs, including text messages, weather messages, picture messages, music messages, news messages, and guide messages From the version 1.1.0 Start support for generic: operateCard Parameter, bottom text and speech input added customoperateCard Function of custom replication From the version 1.1.10 Start Support feedsCard Short Video Message Class Component

<view style="height: 100vh">
    "usingComponents": {
        "chat": "plugin://myPlugin/chat",
        "customQueryMessage": "../customQueryMessage/customQueryMessage",
        "customTextMessage": "../customTextMessage/customTextMessage",
        "customWeatherMessage": "../customWeatherMessage/customWeatherMessage",
        "customImageMessage": "../customImageMessage/customImageMessage",
        "customMusicMessage": "../customMusicMessage/customMusicMessage",
        "customNewsMessage": "../customNewsMessage/customNewsMessage",
        "customUnsupportedMessage": "../customUnsupportedMessage/customUnsupportedMessage",
        "customGuideCard": "../customGuideCard/customGuideCard",
        "customOperateCard": "../customOperateCard/customOperateCard",
        "customMiniprogramMessage": "../customMiniprogramMessage/初始值
        "customh5Message": "../customh5Message/customh5Message",
        "customWelcomeCard": "../customWelcomeCard/customWelcomeCard",
        "customFeedsCard": "../customFeedsCard/customFeedsCard"

# Component categories that support coverage:

  1. queryMessage: Messages sent by the user
  2. textMessage: Text Class Message
  3. weatherMessage: Weather Class Message
  4. imageMessage: Picture Class Message
  5. musicMessage: Music Class Message
  6. newsMessage: News Class Message
  7. unsupportedMessage: Class messages not supported
  8. guideCard: Boot message
  9. operateCard: Bottom Operating Area(From the version 1.1.0 Start Support)
  10. miniprogramMessage: Mini Program Class Message
  11. h5Message: h5 Class message
  12. welcomeCard: Welcome
  13. feedsCard: Short Video Class Message

Note: There is no support in the plugin to evoke an Mini Program with webview, Code reference https://github.com/weixinAI/openai-plugin-overwrite

  1. Configure a custom Mini Program in the platform, Duplicate required miniprogramMessage Components evoke other Mini Programs
  2. Configure custom in the platform h5, Duplicate required h5Message assembly
  3. Insert a hyperlink in a text message, Duplicate requiredtextMessageComponent to Hyperlink Jump

Of the above seven messages, the component 1-7 Will receive on the component a properties parameter msg

<queryMessage msg="{{item}}" recording="{{recording}}" userHeader="{{userHeader}}" ></queryMessage>
<textMessage msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></textMessage>
<weatherMessage msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></weatherMessage>
<newsMessage   msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></newsMessage>
<musicMessage  msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></musicMessage>
<imageMessage  msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></imageMessage>
<unsupportedMessage msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></unsupportedMessage>
<miniprogramMessage  msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></miniprogramMessage>
<h5Message msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></h5Message>
<welcomeCard msg="{{welcome}}" userName="{{userName}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></welcomeCard>
<guideCard guideList="{{guideList}}" controlSwiper="{{controlSwiper}}" bind:chooseGuide="choosePageGuide"> </guideCard>
<operateCard bind:bindInput="bindInutvalue" bind:inputVoiceStart="inputVoiceStart" bind:inputVoiceEnd="inputVoiceEnd" bind:back="backHome" focus="{{focus}}"></operateCard>
<feedsCard msg="{{item}}" robotHeader="{{robotHeader}}"></feedsCard>

# queryMessage of properties parameter msg The data structure of:

    content: "User-entered conversation content,"

properties Dxplaination:

properties: {
    msg: Object,
    recording: Boolean
field type describe
msg Object
recording Boolean The user holds down the voice button and starts typing as True, ending speech input when loosened false

# textMessage of properties parameter msg The data structure of:

    msg_type: "text",
    content: "Robot conversation results,"
    nothing: nothing //NLU Results

# weatherMessage of properties parameter msg The data structure of:

    cardType: "weather",
    answer: "Robot conversation results,"
    docs: Array, //Weather Results
    nothing: nothing //NLU Results

# newsMessage of properties parameter msg The data structure of:

    cardType: "news",
    answer: "Robot conversation results,"
    docs: Array, //News Results
    nothing: nothing //NLU Results

# musicMessage of properties parameter msg The data structure of:

    cardType: "voice",
    answer: "",
    docs: Array, //Music Results

# imageMessage of properties parameter msg The data structure of:

    cardType: "image",
    初始值 Object,
    nothing: nothing //NLU Results

# unsupportedMessage of properties parameter msg The data structure of:

    cardType: "unsupported",
    data: Object,//Custom JSON structure
    nothing: nothing //NLU Results

# miniprogramMessage of properties parameter msg The data structure of:

    cardType: "miniprogrampage"
    data: Object,
    nothing: nothing //NLU Results

# h5Message of properties parameter

    "cardType": "h5",
    "docs": Array,
    "Nothing": nothing //NLU Results

# guideCard of properties parameter


properties Dxplaination:

field type describe
guideList Array [ "how is the weather in Beijing?" "will it rain in shanghai today?" "What's for lunch?" "Do you know how to relieve stress?" "what is the size of France?" "World's highest peak." ]
controlSwiper Boolean Used to notify the user whether the boot module should respond to the user click event, to prevent accidental hits
bind:chooseGuide Event Notifies the robot of the menu content when the user clicks on an option in the menu

If the response user clicks on the event

this.triggerEvent("chooseGuide", "What did the user click on in the menu?")

# operateCard of properties parameter


properties Dxplaination:

field type describe
bind:bindInput Event Events that need to be triggered when a user needs to send a message
bind:inputVoiceStart Event Events to be triggered when the user needs to initiate speech input
bind:inputVoiceEnd Event Event to be triggered when the user needs to end speech input
bind:backHome Event Events that need to be triggered when the user needs to return to the home page
focus Boolean Whether the input box gets focus

Send Message Event

this.triggerEvent("bindInput", "Message to be sent by the user")

The user holds down a button and needs to trigger an event to start recording


The user sends a button that triggers the event that ends the recording


The user clicks a button that needs to trigger an event to return to the home page


Send a message, open a recording, end the recording, or by plugin.getChatComponent() Method gets the UI Finally, Through the component approach

const chat = plugin.getChatComponent()

//Events to be triggered when the user needs to initiate speech input

//Event to be triggered when the user needs to end speech input

//Events that need to be triggered when a user needs to send a message
chat.send(" Hello! ")

# welcomeCard of properties parameter

    "content": string / Array

# feedsCard of properties to hit the target item parameter

1.1.10 Version starts to support when the robot answers include a list traversal and the traversal content is<a Href = "{jump link}" Img = "{Image Address}">初始值</a>The short video class message component can be triggered in the Mini Program plug-in

    "cardType": "feedsCard",
    "data": Array,
    "Nothing": res, //NLU Results
    "query": String