# Open Interface Documentation

# Configuration information

For example:

  • APPID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • EncodingAESKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Interface information

# 1. ObtainsignatureInterface:


Interface type:

POST request

Dxplaination of parameters:

field type Yes Required describe
username string no User nickname
avatar string no User avatar
userid string yes User ID(It can be any value.)

Return value:

field type describe
signature string The signature of the request interface, about 500 bytes in length
expiresIn number Expiration date

Return format:

    signature: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWUsImp0aSI6IjI2NTQ0NzYzLTk1NzctNDZlNS1iOTFlLTA3NjAyMzhiMjUwNSIsImlhdCI6MTU4NjA5Nzc4MSwiZXhwIjoxNTg2MTAxMzgxfQ.qugHipCyBnONQRGY2fadm1LH-bLi0TrVqam3vZTpRcI
    expiresIn: 7200

signature Can also be obtained locally by jwt signature

const signature = jwt.encode(
        username: "some people,
        userid: "alsjdasf12",

Request Example:


# 2. Intelligent Dialogue Interface:


Interface type:

POST request

Dxplaination of parameters:

field type Yes Required describe
signature string yes Obtained in the previous step signature Return value
query string yes Messages sent by the user
env string no The default isonline, debugThe test environment,onlineIt's the online environment.
first_priority_skills Array[string] no Limit Skill Hit Range For example:["Skill 1"], only match all Q & A content in hit "Skill 1"
second_priority_skills Array[string] no Limit Skill Hit Range For example:["Skill 2"], only match all Q & A content in the hit "Skill 2," more than first_priority_Skills Hit Priority Low

Request Example:


Return value:

field type describe
ans_node_id int32 Skill id
ans_node_name string classification/Name of Skill
title string Standard question/Intended Name
answer string The answer to the hit
answer_type string Type of response
msg array Answer Details(Abandoned)
confidence float Respond to Confidence Index
options Array<Option≶ List of Recommended Questions(This field appears only when there is a recommendation)
from_user_name string The user initiating the query, corresponding to the userid of the signing interface
to_user_name string A robot that accepts a query
status string When the robot returns, Possible values: FAQ, NOMATCH, CONTEXT_FAQ、GENERAL_FAQ、FAQ_RECOMMEND
msg_id string Message id
query string Messages sent by the user

Recommended Question Option field explaination:

field type describe
ans_node_name string Recommended classification
title string Recommendation criteria
answer string Recommended Answers
confidence float Referral Information Index

Return format:

    "ans_node_id": 17130001,
    "ans_node_name": "Fist guessing,"
    "answer": "Let the game begin,"
    "answer_open": 1,
    "answer_type": "text",
    "article": "",
    "confidence": 1,
    "create_time": "1652946752175",
    "dialog_session_status": "NONE",
    "dialog_status": "NONE",
    "event": "",
    "from_user_name": "dTo6FS96YzJ",
    "intent_confirm_status": "",
    "is_default_初始值 false,
    "list_options": false,
    "msg": [
            "ans_node_id": 17130001,
            "ans_node_name": "Fist guessing,"
            "article": "",
            "confidence": 1,
            "content": "2",
            "debug_info": "",
            "event": "",
            "list_options": false,
            "msg_type": "text",
            "opening": "",
            "request_id": 130,
            "resp_title": "Start guessing,"
            "scene_status": "",
            "session_id": "",
            "status": "FAQ",
            "take_options_only": false
    "msg_id": "31904d53",
    "opening": "",
    "request_id": 130,
    "ret": 0,
    "scene_status": "",
    "session_id": "",
    "skill_id": "",
    "skill_name": "Fist guessing,"
    "slot_info": [],
    "slots_info": [],
    "status": "FAQ",
    "take_options_only": false,
    "title": "Start guessing,"
    "to_user_name": "oEUI4g02QjGf54nLxtexWl01UkytI2",
    "msgtype": "text",
    "query": "Start guessing,"
    "rid": "31904d53"

The dialogue platform question and answer strategy has a total of three paragraphs:

  1. The first paragraph "accurate hit": the user problem score is greater than the robot account threshold, this time for accurate name,statusThe field is FAQ、CONTEXT_FAQ、GENERAL_FAQ of equal value
  2. The second paragraph "problem recommendation": the user's problem score is less than the robot account threshold, but greater than the product of the threshold and the recommendation threshold.statusThe field isFAQ_RECOMMEND, and at this timeoptionsThere will be a corresponding recommendation
  3. The third paragraph "Miss": The user question score is less than the product of the bot account threshold and the recommendation threshold. At this time for a miss,statusThe field isNOMATCH

# Error code:

    errcode: 1001,
    errmsg: "TOKEN is not valid"
Error code describe
1001 Token invalid
1002 The robot failed the audit.
1003 Signature missing userid field
1004 Signature field is empty
1005 Signature expired or invalid
1006 Signature check failed, userid field missing