14:11:43.354 Adreno I PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
14:11:43.356 BaseActivity D on create option menu, menuCache size:%d
14:11:43.356 BaseActivity W error, mActionBar is null or cache size:%d
14:11:43.357 MicroMsg.P...wnListView D mThis.getLeft()=%s, mThis.getTop()=%s, mThis.getRight()=%s, mThis.getBottom()=%s
14:11:43.367 com.tencent.wmpf I android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
14:11:43.369 OpenGLRenderer I Initialized EGL, version 1.4
14:11:43.370 OpenGLRenderer D Swap behavior 2
14:11:43.850 MicroMsg.W...nceAdapter D find content view error
14:11:43.867 Luggage.Th...otDelegate I [, , 13864]:====== ks3@84899043 state=CREATED delay=1999ms
14:11:43.935 libEGL E validate_display:92 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
14:11:43.936 OpenGLRenderer W Failed to make current on surface 0x6fe7ed15c0, error=EGL_BAD_DISPLAY
14:11:43.937 libEGL E validate_display:92 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
14:11:43.938 OpenGLRenderer A Failed to make current on surface 0x0, error=EGL_BAD_DISPLAY
14:11:43.938 NativeCrash V Entered signal handler.
14:11:43.939 NativeCrash V SP: 0x6ffabf4bd0
14:11:43.940 NativeCrash V Allocated child stack at 0x70983e8000
14:11:43.951 NativeCrash V Allocated child stack at 0x6ffb078000
14:11:43.955 zygote64 I Do full code cache collection, code=121KB, data=87KB
14:11:43.956 zygote64 I After code cache collection, code=119KB, data=65KB
14:11:44.214 NativeCrash V Call crash dump callback.
14:11:44.397 MicroMsg.A...rrentQueue I [, , 14013]:dispatch name[operateWXData], callbackId[100], appId[wx36a9f85f2dc5d3d4] component[101300963], queueLength:0, inFlightTasksCount:0
14:11:44.397 Luggage.WX...teWXDataLU I [, , 14013]:AuthInvoke appId:wx36a9f85f2dc5d3d4, data:{"api_name":"GetNativeVoipRoomInfo","data":{"group_id":"wxf830863afde621ebWmpfVoip1310376793694920176","plugin_version":"2.4.0","request_time":1730959904},"operate_directly":true,"plugin_appid":"wxf830863afde621eb"}
14:11:44.403 Vending.Pipeline I [, , 14048]:pausing, just return.
14:11:44.454 NativeCrashDump I type=1400 audit(0.0:4663): avc: denied { call } for scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:hal_memtrack_default:s0 tclass=binder permissive=1
14:11:44.511 WMPF.Invok...ntProvider I [, , 11898]:insert: handleCallbackInvokeChannel success
14:11:44.735 NativeCrash V Signal handler restored.
14:11:44.735 NativeCrash V Signal handler mutex released.
14:11:44.735 NativeCrash V Resend signal 6, code: -6
14:11:44.736 libc A Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 13934 (RenderThread), pid 13864 (.wmpf:container)
14:11:44.843 Vending.Pipeline I [, , 14048]:last one resolved, dequeue next.
14:11:49.659 MicroMsg.O...ceAudioMgr I [, , 14166]:amyfwang,error,deltaTime:4721
是高通 8953 的设备?这是硬件渲染时出 BUG 了,可以找厂家支持。