我想要的效果是搜索到门店点击 , 点击之后地图上会出现地点对应的图标显示出来
但是现在的实际效果是 我点击了搜索到的图标之后 屏幕会移动到对应的坐标 ,但是这个坐标并不会显示图标,我再网上查了一下原因说的是markers只会初始化的时候渲染一次,可以用if来解决 , 那我是否需要每一次搜索都 wx:if 来操作呢,除了这个方法还会有其他的方法吗 引用的是高德
//index.js var amapFile = require( '../../libs/amap-wx.js' ) const config = require( '../../libs/config.js' ) const key = config.Config.key; const myAmapFun = new amapFile.AMapWX({ key: key }); var markersData = []; Page({ data: { markers: [], //标记点 latitude: '' , //纬度 longitude: '' , //经度 textData: {}, //显示详情 show: true , tips: {}, //搜索值 currentLocation: '' , //获取当前经纬坐标 city: '' , //定位当前城市 search: '' }, //点击标记点时触发 // makertap: function(e) { // var id = e.markerId; // var that = this; // that.showMarkerInfo(markersData, id); // }, onLoad: function () { var that = this ; markersData.push({ address: "天府大道北段1700号新世纪环球中心4F层" , height: 32, iconPath: undefined, id: 0, latitude: "30.570162" , longitude: "104.064716" , name: "街电(泰香米泰国餐厅新世纪环球中心)" , width: 22 }) // myAmapFun.getPoiAround({ // success: function(data) { // markersData.push({ // address: "天府大道北段1700号新世纪环球中心4F层", // height: 32, // iconPath: undefined, // id: 0, // latitude: "30.570162", // longitude: "104.064716", // name: "街电(泰香米泰国餐厅新世纪环球中心)", // width: 22 // }) // // console.log(data.markers) // // markersData = data.markers; // // console.log(markersData) // that.setData({ //多个地点显示 // markers: markersData // }); // // that.setData({ // // latitude: markersData[0].latitude // // }); // // that.setData({ // // longitude: markersData[0].longitude // // }); // }, // fail: function(info) { // wx.showModal({ // title: info.errMsg // }) // } // }) }, // 高德搜索框 bindInput: function (e) { var that = this ; var keywords = e.detail.value; that.setData({ search: e.detail.value }) that.searchApi(keywords, 1) }, // 搜索下拉框点击选中门店 bindSearch: function (e) { var keywords = e.target.dataset.keywords; this .searchApi(keywords, 2) }, onReady: function (options) { var that = this ; //获取当前坐标 wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84' , altitude: true , success(res) { that.setData({ currentLocation: res.longitude.toString() + "," + res.latitude.toString(), latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude }) } }) //获取当前城市 myAmapFun.getRegeo({ location: this .data.currentLocation, extensions: "base" , success: function (data) { that.setData({ city: data[0].regeocodeData.addressComponent.city }) } }) }, searchApi: function (keywords, type) { var that = this myAmapFun.getInputtips({ keywords: keywords, radius: 3000, sortrule: 'distance' , location: that.data.currentLocation, city: that.data.city, success: function (data) { if (data && data.tips) { if (type === 1) { that.setData({ tips: data.tips }); } else { that.setData({ search: '' }) that.setData({ textData: { name: data.tips[0].name, desc: data.tips[0].address }, show: false , markers: { address: data.tips[0].address, height: 32, iconPath: '../../images/place.png' , id: 0, latitude: data.tips[0].location.split( ',' )[1], longitude: data.tips[0].location.split( ',' )[0], name: data.tips[0].name, width: 22 }, latitude: data.tips[0].location.split( ',' )[1], longitude: data.tips[0].location.split( ',' )[0], }) // markersData = [] markersData.push(that.data.markers) console.log(markersData) } } } }) } }) |