


[2023-01-05 18:17:25] Started by user coding

[2023-01-05 18:17:25] Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] node

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] Running on Jenkins in /root/workspace

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] {

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] stage

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] { (检出 ZIP 包)

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] Stage "检出 ZIP 包" skipped due to when conditional

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] }

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] // stage

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] stage

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] { (检出代码仓库)

[2023-01-05 18:17:26] [Pipeline] sh

[2023-01-05 18:17:27] + git clone ****** .

[2023-01-05 18:17:27] Cloning into '.'...

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] [Pipeline] sh

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] + git checkout master

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] Already on 'master'

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] [Pipeline] }

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] [Pipeline] // stage

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] [Pipeline] stage

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] [Pipeline] { (构建 Docker 镜像)

[2023-01-05 18:17:28] [Pipeline] sh

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] + docker login -u ****** -p ****** ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/tcb-******-wbiy/ca-idiculdb_koa-071s:koa-071s-011-20230105181723

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store

[2023-01-05 18:17:29]

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] Login Succeeded

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] [Pipeline] sh

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] + docker build -f ././/Dockerfile -t ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/tcb-******-wbiy/ca-idiculdb_koa-071s:koa-071s-011-20230105181723 ./

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] Sending build context to Docker daemon 199.2kB

[2023-01-05 18:17:29] Step 1/9 : FROM alpine:3.13

[2023-01-05 18:17:30] 3.13: Pulling from library/alpine

[2023-01-05 18:17:30] 72cfd02ff4d0: Pulling fs layer

[2023-01-05 18:17:30] 72cfd02ff4d0: Verifying Checksum

[2023-01-05 18:17:30] 72cfd02ff4d0: Download complete

[2023-01-05 18:17:31] 72cfd02ff4d0: Pull complete

[2023-01-05 18:17:31] Digest: sha256:469b6e04ee185740477efa44ed5bdd64a07bbdd6c7e5f5d169e540889597b911

[2023-01-05 18:17:31] Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:3.13

[2023-01-05 18:17:31] ---> 6b5c5e00213a

[2023-01-05 18:17:31] Step 2/9 : RUN apk add ca-certificates

[2023-01-05 18:17:31] ---> Running in 4c97e28856e2

[2023-01-05 18:17:31] fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.13/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz

[2023-01-05 18:17:31] fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.13/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz

[2023-01-05 18:17:32] (1/1) Installing ca-certificates (20220614-r0)

[2023-01-05 18:17:32] Executing busybox-1.32.1-r9.trigger

[2023-01-05 18:17:32] Executing ca-certificates-20220614-r0.trigger

[2023-01-05 18:17:32] OK: 6 MiB in 15 packages

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] Removing intermediate container 4c97e28856e2

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] ---> 96234c970895

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] Step 3/9 : RUN apk add --update --no-cache nodejs npm

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] ---> Running in 0d85873064c8

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.13/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.13/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] (1/7) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.42.0-r1)

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] (2/7) Installing brotli-libs (1.0.9-r3)

[2023-01-05 18:17:33] (3/7) Installing c-ares (1.17.2-r0)

[2023-01-05 18:17:34] (4/7) Installing libgcc (10.2.1_pre1-r3)

[2023-01-05 18:17:34] (5/7) Installing libstdc++ (10.2.1_pre1-r3)

[2023-01-05 18:17:34] (6/7) Installing nodejs (14.20.1-r0)

[2023-01-05 18:17:34] (7/7) Installing npm (14.20.1-r0)

[2023-01-05 18:17:34] Executing busybox-1.32.1-r9.trigger

[2023-01-05 18:17:34] OK: 71 MiB in 22 packages

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] Removing intermediate container 0d85873064c8

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] ---> 48e99c2db886

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] Step 4/9 : WORKDIR /app

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] ---> Running in 7a8e0f5e73d2

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] Removing intermediate container 7a8e0f5e73d2

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] ---> e8a89f35becf

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] Step 5/9 : COPY package*.json /app

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] When using COPY with more than one source file, the destination must be a directory and end with a /

[2023-01-05 18:17:35] [Pipeline] }

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] [Pipeline] // stage

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] [Pipeline] stage

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] [Pipeline] { (推送 Docker 镜像到 TCR)

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] Stage "推送 Docker 镜像到 TCR" skipped due to earlier failure(s)

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] [Pipeline] }

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] [Pipeline] // stage

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] [Pipeline] }

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] [Pipeline] // node

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] [Pipeline] End of Pipeline

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] ERROR: script returned exit code 1

[2023-01-05 18:17:36] Finished: FAILURE



2023-01-05 18:17:24 create_build_image : succ,


1 个回答

  • 荼靡

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