miniprogram-ci 版本:1.8.35
运行环境:基于 node:12.22.12-alpine3.15 构建的 docker 镜像
今天开始在上传时频繁报错如下内容:20003 Error: request failed, errCode: -1, errMsg: inner get result of the cos-upload fail with errcode: -1, errmsg: system error
以往通过 errmsg 可以判断出错误原因,但今天每次报的都是 system error 无法自助解决。
CodeError: Error: request failed, errCode: -1, errMsg: inner get result of the cos-upload fail with errcode: -1, errmsg: system error
at innerUpload (/app/node_modules/miniprogram-ci/dist/ci/upload.js:2:3900)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) {
code: 20003