如果index.js里面定义了Component({}),那么要将方法写到这里面去。如果再写到page({})里面去会无效。参考:https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/app-service/page.html 里面的“使用 Component 构造器构造页面”相关说明。
按钮点击无效,也没报错怎么回事?只提示Component "pages/index/index" does not have a method "tapEnter" to handle event "tap". [代码]<[代码][代码]button[代码] [代码]type[代码][代码]=[代码][代码]"primary"[代码] [代码]bindtap[代码][代码]=[代码][代码]"tapEnter"[代码] [代码]class[代码][代码]=[代码][代码]"button-1"[代码][代码]> 进入 </[代码][代码]button[代码][代码]>[代码][代码]tapEnter: [代码][代码]function[代码][代码]() {[代码][代码] [代码][代码]wx.navigateTo({[代码][代码] [代码][代码]url: [代码][代码]'../inputname/inputname'[代码][代码] [代码][代码]})[代码][代码]}[代码]
2020-09-12page({ //把你的写的函数代码放在这里面就不会报错了 }) PS:吐槽一下官方,几个月了,这样的问题都不给回复了一下!
代码id:function(e)和name:function后提示应为标识符,不知哪里出错?1.界面[图片] 2. 代码login.wxml<view wx:if="{{role}}"> <view class="box"> <view class="title"> 完善身份信息 </view> <view class="warn">*完善身份信息,体验更多服务</view> <view class='info'> <view class="colum"> <text decode="{{true}}" class="list">姓  名:</text> <input class="input" bindblur='name'></input> </view> <image src='../../img/icon-success.png' wx:if="{{allow_name}}" class="image">允许</image> </view> <view class='info' style='margin-top:100rpx;'> <view class="colum"> <view class='list'>身份证号:</view> <input class='input' bindblur='id'></input> </view> <image src='../../img/icon-success.png' wx:if="{{allow_id}}" class="image">允许</image> </view> </view> <view class='button'> <button bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber_cancel" class='button_item'> 取消</button> <button bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber" openType="getPhoneNumber" class='button_item'> 允许</button> </view> </view> login.wxsspage { background: #7F7F7F; } .box { background:#fff; text-align:center; font-size:28rpx; color:#999; margin:0 auto; margin-top:290rpx; padding:44rpx; width:265px; height:170px; } .box .title { color: #333; font-size: 34rpx; margin-bottom: 30rpx; font-weight: 600; } .warn{ color: red; } .button { display:flex; margin:0 66rpx; border-radius:0px; width:618rpx; justify-content:space-around; } .button_item{ color:#27A036; width:330rpx; border-radius: 0px; } .info{ display:flex; justify-content:space-around; padding:30rpx 80rpx; width: 463rpx; height: 100rpx; position: absolute; } .colum{ width: 510rpx; height: 537rpx; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-left: -80rpx; position: absolute; /* border: 1rpx solid black; */ } .list{ width:200rpx; height: 60rpx; font-size: 30rpx; margin:25rpx auto; /* border: 1rpx solid black; */ } .input{ width: 300rpx; height: 60rpx; border: 1rpx solid #999; margin:20rpx auto; } .image{ width:60rpx; height:50rpx; margin-left:220rpx; position:absolute; margin-top:25rpx; /* border: 1rpx solid black; */ } login.js身份证号id:function(e){ //提示应为标识符 var ts = this; var code = e.detail.value console.log(code) //身份证号合法性验证 //支持15位和18位身份证号 //支持地址编码、出生日期、校验位验证 var city = { 11: "北京", 12: "天津", 13: "河北", 14: "山西", 15: "内蒙古", 21: "辽宁", 22: "吉林", 23: "黑龙江 ", 31: "上海", 32: "江苏", 33: "浙江", 34: "安徽", 35: "福建", 36: "江西", 37: "山东", 41: "河南", 42: "湖北 ", 43: "湖南", 44: "广东", 45: "广西", 46: "海南", 50: "重庆", 51: "四川", 52: "贵州", 53: "云南", 54: "西藏 ", 61: "陕西", 62: "甘肃", 63: "青海", 64: "宁夏", 65: "新疆", 71: "台湾", 81: "香港", 82: "澳门", 91: "国外 " }; var tip = ""; var pass = true; var reg = /^\d{6}(18|19|20)?\d{2}(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\d{3}(\d|X)$/; if (!code || !code.match(reg)) { tip = "身份证号格式错误"; pass = false; }else if (!city[code.substr(0, 2)]) { tip = "地址编码错误"; pass = false; }else { //18位身份证需要验证最后一位校验位 if (code.length == 18) { code = code.split(''); //∑(ai×Wi)(mod 11) //加权因子 var factor = [7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2]; //校验位 var parity = [1, 0, 'X', 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]; var sum = 0; var ai = 0; var wi = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 17; i++) { ai = code[i]; wi = factor[i]; sum += ai * wi; } var last = parity[sum % 11]; if (parity[sum % 11] != code[17]) { tip = "校验位错误"; pass = false; } } } console.log(pass) if (pass) { ts.setData({ allow_id: true }); wx.setStorageSync("idcard", code)} if (!pass) console.log("tip"+tip); // return pass; }, 姓名 name:function(e){//提示应为标识符 var ts = this; var name = e.detail.value var reg = /^[\u4E00-\u9FA5\uf900-\ufa2d·s]{2,6}$/; if(name.match(reg)){console.log("111");ts.setData({allow_name:true});wx.setStorageSync("name", name)} console.log(name) },