- iphone 13 ios15.6 canvasToTempFilePath 意外退出?
iphone 13 ios15.6 画布后,导出图片,canvasToTempFilePath 意外退出
2022-08-22 - iphone 13 拍照,添加画布,在图片上添加文字,导出图片,多次拍照,会出现 意外退出小程序 ?
html--------------------------------------------- <sec-title title="小区门牌"></sec-title> <view class="hourse-photo"> <view class="xiang" v-for="(item,i) in houseNumberList" :key="item.photoName"> <image class="upload-del" @click.stop="handDelImg('number',item.src,houseNumberList)" src="../../static/upload-del.png" mode=""> </image> <image class="upload-img" :src="item.src" mode="scaleToFill" @click.stop="imgPreview(i,houseNumberList)"></image> </view> <view @click.stop="handUploads('number','小区门牌')" v-if="houseNumberList.length <66" class="xiang"> <image class="upload-img" :src="'../../static/camera.png'" mode=""></image> </view> <!-- overflow:visible; --> <!-- <view style='width:0px;height:0px;position: absolute;top: -999999rpx;'> <canvas :style="{'width':canvasWidth,'height': canvasHeight}" canvas-id="firstCanvas"></canvas> </view> --> <view style='width:0px;height:0px;overflow:hidden;position: fixed;top: -999999rpx;'> <canvas :style="{'width':canvasWidth,'height': canvasHeight}" canvas-id="firstCanvas"></canvas> </view> </view> js--------------------------------- wake(res, callback) { const that = this; let iUp = 0; uni.getImageInfo({ src: res.tempFilePaths[0], success: function(ress) { // console.log("wake getImageInfo success", ress); // that.canvasWidth = ress.width / 2 + 'px'; // that.canvasHeight = ress.height / 2 + 'px'; // let ctx = uni.createCanvasContext('firstCanvas'); /** 创建画布 */ // //将图片src放到cancas内,宽高为图片大小 // ctx.drawImage(res.tempFilePaths[0], 0, 0, ress.width / 2, ress.height / 2) // ctx.setFontSize(20) // 字体大小 // // ctx.setFillStyle('#0071bd') //字体颜色 // ctx.setFillStyle('#fff') //字体颜色 // ctx.rotate(24 * Math.PI / 180); // let textToWidth = ress.width / 4.5 * 0.5; // let textToHeight = ress.height / 3 * 0.3; // let textToLongWidth = ress.height / 3 * 0.3; // let textToLongHeight = ress.height / 2.5 * 0.3; // const { // addressName, // lat, // long // } = that // const wateAddress = `${addressName}` // // const latAndLong = `${String(lat).substr(0,5)},${String(long).substr(0,5)}` // const latAndLong = `${String(long).substr(0,10)},${String(lat).substr(0,9)}` // ctx.fillText(that.addressName, textToWidth, textToHeight) // ctx.fillText(latAndLong, textToLongWidth, textToLongHeight) // console.log(" wakeCanvas ctx canvasDraw",ctx) // ctx.draw(false, () => { // setTimeout(() => { // console.log("wakeCanvas ctx ctx.draw",ctx) // that.canvasDraw(callback) // }, 1000); // }); console.log("wake getImageInfo success", ress); setTimeout(() => { that.wakeCanvas(ress,res,that,callback); }, 1000); }, fail: function(ress) { console.log("wake getImageInfo fail", ress); iUp++; if(iUp <= 5 ){ that.wake(res, callback); }else{ uni.hideLoading(); uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '图片上传失败,请重新拍摄上传!' }) } }, complete: function(ress) { console.log("wake getImageInfo complete", ress); if( ress.errMsg === "getImageInfo:ok"){ console.log("wake getImageInfo complete ress.errMsg === getImageInfo:ok ----- ", ress.errMsg); }else{ // uni.hideLoading(); // that.$toast('图片详细信息获取失败,请重新操作') if(iUp > 5 ){ that.wake(res, callback); } } }, }) // let ress = await uni.getImageInfo({src: res.tempFilePaths[0]}) // // let ress = (await uni.getImageInfo({src}))[1]; // that.canvasWidth = ress.width / 2 + 'px'; // that.canvasHeight = ress.height / 2 + 'px'; // let ctx = uni.createCanvasContext('firstCanvas'); /** 创建画布 */ // //将图片src放到cancas内,宽高为图片大小 // ctx.drawImage(res.tempFilePaths[0], 0, 0, ress.width / 2, ress.height / 2) // ctx.setFontSize(20) // 字体大小 // // ctx.setFillStyle('#0071bd') //字体颜色 // ctx.setFillStyle('#fff') //字体颜色 // ctx.rotate(24 * Math.PI / 180); // let textToWidth = ress.width / 4.5 * 0.5; // let textToHeight = ress.height / 3 * 0.3; // let textToLongWidth = ress.height / 3 * 0.3; // let textToLongHeight = ress.height / 2.5 * 0.3; // const { // addressName, // lat, // long // } = that // const wateAddress = `${addressName}` // // const latAndLong = `${String(lat).substr(0,5)},${String(long).substr(0,5)}` // const latAndLong = `${String(long).substr(0,10)},${String(lat).substr(0,9)}` // ctx.fillText(that.addressName, textToWidth, textToHeight) // ctx.fillText(latAndLong, textToLongWidth, textToLongHeight) // ctx.draw(false, () => { // setTimeout(() => { // that.canvasDraw(callback) // }, 1000); // }); }, // new dyj wakeCanvas(ress,res,that,callback){ const timeWakeCanvasKs = that.getNowTime(); console.log("timeWakeCanvasKs ________",timeWakeCanvasKs); that.canvasWidth = ress.width / 2 + 'px'; that.canvasHeight = ress.height / 2 + 'px'; let ctx = uni.createCanvasContext('firstCanvas', that); // console.log("wakeCanvas ctx",ctx) //将图片src放到cancas内,宽高为图片大小 ctx.drawImage(res.tempFilePaths[0], 0, 0, ress.width / 2, ress.height / 2) ctx.setFontSize(20) // 字体大小 // ctx.setFillStyle('#0071bd') //字体颜色 ctx.setFillStyle('#fff') //字体颜色 ctx.rotate(24 * Math.PI / 180); let textToWidth = ress.width / 4.5 * 0.5; let textToHeight = ress.height / 3 * 0.3; let textToLongWidth = ress.height / 3 * 0.3; let textToLongHeight = ress.height / 2.5 * 0.3; const { addressName, lat, long } = that const wateAddress = `${addressName}` // const latAndLong = `${String(lat).substr(0,5)},${String(long).substr(0,5)}` const latAndLong = `${String(long).substr(0,10)},${String(lat).substr(0,9)}` ctx.fillText(that.addressName, textToWidth, textToHeight) ctx.fillText(latAndLong, textToLongWidth, textToLongHeight) // console.log("wakeCanvas ctx canvasDraw",ctx) ctx.draw(false, () => { const timeWakeCanvasJs = that.getNowTime(); console.log("timeWakeCanvasJs ________",timeWakeCanvasJs); setTimeout(() => { console.log("wakeCanvas ctx canvasDraw ctx.draw",ctx) const timeWakeCanvasDcq = that.getNowTime(); console.log("timeWakeCanvasDcq ________",timeWakeCanvasDcq); that.canvasDraw(callback) }, 1000); }); // ctx.draw(false); // setTimeout(() => { // const timeWakeCanvasDcq = that.getNowTime(); // console.log("timeWakeCanvasDcq ________",timeWakeCanvasDcq); // that.canvasDraw(callback) // }, 1000); }, canvasDraw(callback) { const that = this let iUp = 0; uni.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'firstCanvas', success: (res1) => { console.log("canvasDraw canvasToTempFilePath success", res1); // console.log(res1.tempFilePath, // '带水印的图片'); callback(res1.tempFilePath) }, fail: (ress) => { console.log("canvasDraw canvasToTempFilePath fail", ress); iUp++; if(iUp <= 5 ){ that.canvasDraw(callback) }else{ uni.hideLoading(); uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '图片上传失败,请重新拍摄上传!' }) } }, complete: (ress) => { console.log("canvasDraw canvasToTempFilePath complete", ress); if( ress.errMsg === "canvasToTempFilePath:ok"){ // console.log("canvasDraw canvasToTempFilePath complete ress.errMsg === canvasToTempFilePath:ok ----- " , ress.errMsg); // callback(ress.tempFilePath) }else{ if(iUp > 5 ){ that.canvasDraw(callback) } // uni.hideLoading(); // this.$toast('图片水印绘制失败,请重新操作') } }, }, this); }, // 拍照上传 去掉横岗后面 handUploads(type, name) { // if (!this.addressName) { // return this.$toast('请先授权定位') // } if (!this.long) { return this.$toast('请先授权定位') } const that = this const timeKs = that.getNowTime(); console.log("timeKs ________",timeKs); uni.chooseImage({ count: 1, //默认9 sizeType: ['compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 'original'默认的,compressed压缩的 sourceType: ['camera'], //拍照camera,相册album success: function(res) { if (res.tempFiles[0].size > 1020000) { return that.$toast('图片太大') } // that.$loading('上传中') uni.showLoading({ title: "正在上传...", mask: true, }); console.log(res, '选择图片的rees111'); that.wake(res, (callback) => { const timeJs = that.getNowTime(); console.log("timeJs ________",timeJs); console.log(callback, 'callback'); let img = callback; that.houseNumber = img; // that.houseNumber = res.tempFiles[0].path // console.log(res, '选择图片的rees111 that.wake'); let _photoName = name + "_" + name + "_" + that.$functionPub .getSubLastYxWx(img) + that.$functionPub.getSubLastYx(img); // that.$api.uploadeFilesFormal(img, '/uploadFile/ftpUploadFile', // 'file', { // photoName: _photoName, // imageNum: uni.getStorageSync('customer_listdata').imageNum, // }) // src, urltype, name, params // uni.hideLoading(); // new // console.log(img, '选择图片的rees111 uploadeFilesFormal'); that.$api.uploadeFilesFormal(img, '/uploadFile/ftpUploadFile', 'file', { photoName: _photoName, imageNum: uni.getStorageSync('customer_listdata').imageNum, }).then(res => { if (res.code === "200") { if (type === 'number') { that.houseNumberList.push({ src: img, name, type: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYx(img), typeName: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYxWx(img), photoName: _photoName }) } else if (type === 'unit') { that.unitDoorList.push({ src: img, name, type: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYx(img), typeName: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYxWx(img), photoName: _photoName }) } else if (type === 'hourse') { that.hourseDoorList.push({ src: img, name, type: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYx(img), typeName: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYxWx(img), photoName: _photoName }) } const timeJsEnd = that.getNowTime(); console.log("timeJsEnd ________",timeJsEnd); uni.hideLoading(); } else { uni.hideLoading(); } }); }) // let img = res.tempFilePaths[0]; // that.houseNumber = img // that.houseNumber = res.tempFiles[0].path // let _photoName = name + "_" + name + "_" + that.$functionPub.getSubLastYxWx( // img) + that.$functionPub.getSubLastYx(img) // if (type === 'number') { // that.houseNumberList.push({ // src: img, // name, // type: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYx(img), // typeName: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYxWx(img), // photoName: _photoName // }) // } else if (type === 'unit') { // that.unitDoorList.push({ // src: img, // name, // type: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYx(img), // typeName: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYxWx(img), // photoName: _photoName // }) // } else if (type === 'hourse') { // that.hourseDoorList.push({ // src: img, // name, // type: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYx(img), // typeName: that.$functionPub.getSubLastYxWx(img), // photoName: _photoName // }) // } // that.$api.uploadeFilesFormal(img, '/uploadFile/ftpUploadFile', 'file', { // photoName: _photoName, // imageNum: uni.getStorageSync('customer_listdata').imageNum, // }) // src, urltype, name, params }, fail: function(ress) { console.log("handUploads chooseImage fail", ress); uni.hideLoading(); // uni.showToast({ // icon: 'none', // title: '图片上传失败,请重新拍摄上传!' // }) }, }); },
2022-08-22 - 微信小程序,虚拟桌面 可以开发微信小程序吗?
虚拟桌面,可以开发 微信小程序吗?如果能开发,需要可以访问那些网址?虚拟桌面开发微信小程序,在哪里能找到查看靠内容?断网开发需要给那些网址添加白名单?