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"plugin://wx116d0dd5e6a39ac7/player" has been used as another component or page. Please do not register multiple components or pages with the same alias.(env: Windows,mp,1.06.2401020; lib: 3.3.5)还有这个
更新1.06.2401020后引用插件报错?同样代码,之前版本一直没问题,更新后报错:"plugin://wx23a9cef3522e4f7c/calendar" has been used as another component or page. Please do not register multiple components or pages with the same alias. 微信开发工具:1.06.2401020 操作系统:Mac OS. ventura 13.2
video 里面的autoplay通过setdata 动态设置参数 自动播放不了?[图片] [图片] 开发工具和安卓机不行,ios真机可以 代码片段 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/s/sDKqk9my7Pt4