- 使用vodeo播放m3u8格式视频时,模拟器可以播放,真机测试就播放不了,这个怎么处理?
<view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section tc"> <video id="myVideo" src="https://bmxy.ofilm.com/userfiles/erweima/mp4/xinxi720P/xinxi.m3u8" binderror="videoErrorCallback" danmu-list="{{danmuList}}" enable-danmu danmu-btn controls></video> <view class="weui-cells"> <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> <view class="weui-cell__hd"> <view class="weui-label">弹幕内容</view> </view> <view class="weui-cell__bd"> <input bindblur="bindInputBlur" class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="在此处输入弹幕内容" /> </view> </view> </view> <view class="btn-area"> <button bindtap="bindSendDanmu" class="page-body-button" type="primary" formType="submit">发送弹幕</button> <button bindtap="bindPlay" class="page-body-button" type="primary">播放</button> <button bindtap="bindPause" class="page-body-button" type="primary">暂停</button> </view> </view> </view> function getRandomColor () { const rgb = [] for (let i = 0 ; i < 3; ++i){ let color = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256).toString(16) color = color.length == 1 ? '0' + color : color // rgb.push(color) } return '#' + rgb.join('') } Page({ onReady: function (res) { this.videoContext = wx.createVideoContext('myVideo') }, inputValue: '', data: { src: '', danmuList: [{ text: '第 1s 出现的弹幕', color: '#ff0000', time: 1 }, { text: '第 3s 出现的弹幕', color: '#ff00ff', time: 3 }] }, bindInputBlur: function(e) { this.inputValue = e.detail.value }, bindSendDanmu: function () { this.videoContext.sendDanmu({ text: this.inputValue, color: getRandomColor() }) }, bindPlay: function() { this.videoContext.play() }, bindPause: function() { this.videoContext.pause() }, videoErrorCallback: function(e) { console.log('视频错误信息:') console.log(e.detail.errMsg) } }) @import "../lib/weui.wxss"; .weui-cells{ margin-top: 80rpx; text-align: left; } .weui-label{ width: 5em; } .page-body-button { margin-bottom: 30rpx; }
2022-12-06 - the server responded with a status of 40
[图片] [图片] [图片] 昨天更新工具后一直报这个错误,更新前还是没报错的。提示代理的框一直弹,怎么设置不弹出来
2018-09-17 - 微信小程序不开调试模式发送不了请求
在开发软件中和真机调试模式下可以发送和接受数据,但是关闭调试模式就发现不了。 有https证书,也开通了443端口,微信小程序后台配置了各种域名,不知道为啥还是发送不了数据