你好 这个怎么解决的
升级多端后编译报错,如何解决?[summer-compiler] Couldn't found the '../../../../../components/weChatMobileAuth/weChatMobileAuth.json' file relative to 'pages/mycenter/pages/friendmade/receivecard' Error: [summer-compiler] Couldn't found the '../../../../../components/weChatMobileAuth/weChatMobileAuth.json' file relative to 'pages/mycenter/pages/friendmade/receivecard' 升级前没有这个错。请问该如何解决 问题已解决
2024-05-22{errMsg: "shareVideoMessage:fail "} 这是个什么意思 报错都不告诉你
wx.shareFileMessage调用出错?出现错误:shareFileMessage:fail can only be invoked by user TAP gesture. var g = Date.parse(new Date()), a = wx.getFileSystemManager(), n = wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH + "/盘点_" + g + ".txt"; a.writeFile({ filePath: n, data: e, //encoding: 'binary', success: function () { //console.log("打开文档失败1", n); wx.shareFileMessage({ filePath: n, success() {}, fail: console.error, }) } });