- 你们用腾讯工蜂管理代码吗?感觉好难用啊
2018-10-22 - wx.chooseLocation定位不是一般的不准啊
2018-10-18 - 为啥没人看看呢,搞一天了,求帮忙啊
js: onLoad: function () { // 获取位置 var that = this; // 实例化腾讯地图API核心类 qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({ key: 'PKYBZ-EB4RQ-KBF5P-GMINL-C6FXK-FHBNI' // 必填 }); wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success: function (res) { that.setData({ latitude:res.latitude, longitude:res.longitude }) //2、根据坐标获取当前位置名称,显示在顶部:腾讯地图逆地址解析 qqmapsdk.reverseGeocoder({ location: { latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude }, success: function (e) { var location = e.result.address; console.log("add="+location) (为什么这一段不会打印) that.setData({ location: location }) } }) // console.log("res==" + app.globalData.latitude) // console.log("res==" + app.globalData.longitude) that.setData({ ldata: true, // latitude: latitude, // longitude: longitude }) }, fail: function (res) { console.log('拒绝授权') that.setData({ ldata: false }) } }) }, btnTap(e) { console.log("e+" + this.data.latitude + "," + this.data.longitude) wx.openLocation({ latitude: this.data.latitude, longitude: this.data.longitude, scale: 50 }) }, wxml: <button wx:if="{{ldata}}" bindtap='btnTap' plain='true' type="primary" size="{{mini}}" loading="{{loading}}" plain="{{plain}}" disabled="{{disabled}}">查看当前位置</button> <button wx:else open-type="openSetting" bindopensetting='handler' plain='true' type="primary" size="{{mini}}" loading="{{loading}}" plain="{{plain}}" disabled="{{disabled}}">点击授权并获取位置信息</button> 看着网上的例子写的,也看了文档,不知道哪里出了问题,没有效果
2018-10-17 - 调用腾讯地图sdk还是无法获取位置信息(附代码)
js: onLoad: function () { // 获取位置 var that = this; // 实例化腾讯地图API核心类 qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({ key: 'PKYBZ-EB4RQ-KBF5P-GMINL-C6FXK-FHBNI' // 必填 }); wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success: function (res) { that.setData({ latitude:res.latitude, longitude:res.longitude }) //2、根据坐标获取当前位置名称,显示在顶部:腾讯地图逆地址解析 qqmapsdk.reverseGeocoder({ location: { latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude }, success: function (e) { var location = e.result.address; console.log("add="+location) (为什么这一段不会打印) that.setData({ location: location }) } }) // console.log("res==" + app.globalData.latitude) // console.log("res==" + app.globalData.longitude) that.setData({ ldata: true, // latitude: latitude, // longitude: longitude }) }, fail: function (res) { console.log('拒绝授权') that.setData({ ldata: false }) } }) }, btnTap(e) { console.log("e+" + this.data.latitude + "," + this.data.longitude) wx.openLocation({ latitude: this.data.latitude, longitude: this.data.longitude, scale: 50 }) }, wxml: <button wx:if="{{ldata}}" bindtap='btnTap' plain='true' type="primary" size="{{mini}}" loading="{{loading}}" plain="{{plain}}" disabled="{{disabled}}">查看当前位置</button> <button wx:else open-type="openSetting" bindopensetting='handler' plain='true' type="primary" size="{{mini}}" loading="{{loading}}" plain="{{plain}}" disabled="{{disabled}}">点击授权并获取位置信息</button>
2018-10-17 - 如何获取数组元素id(附图)
[图片] 一开始我写options.id,获取不到,然后打印,打印的结果是currentTarget里面有id,但是id的值为空,不知道是data里的数据格式问题还是别的,不知道该怎么弄,求大神指教
2018-10-16 - float没有效果(附wxss)
wxss: .container-two{ float: right; display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: row; justify-content: center; } .ziti{ width: 100px; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-left: 20px; } .container-3{ float: right; display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: row; justify-content: center; } wxml: <view class="container-personal"> <view> <image class='xiangdui' src="../images/login.png"> <image class='juedui' src="../images/name.png"></image> </image> </view> <view class='container-two'> <view> <image class='qingjia' src="../images/qingjia.jpg"></image> </view> <view class='ziti'> 我的请假 </view> </view> <view class='container-3'> <view> <image class='kaoqin' src="../images/kaoqin.jpg"></image> </view> <view class='ziti'> 我的考勤 </view> </view>
2018-10-15 - 小程序可以用li标签吗
2018-10-15 - 给用户提示未读消息显示数量要怎么弄呢
[图片] 类似于社区里这样的
2018-10-12 - 需要使用两个request域名该怎么办
2018-10-12 - textarea问题
[图片] 这是什么鬼? [图片] [图片]