- 录音API errCode:1 error PCM record callback ?
2024-01-15 - 小程序使用canvas在页面初始化时,部分手机会有几率卡死?
<canvas class="hand-writing" disable-scroll="true" bindtouchstart="uploadScaleStart" bindtouchmove="uploadScaleMove" bindtouchend="uploadScaleEnd" canvas-id="handWriting"> const app = getApp() let pix = 5; let tempPath = []; Page({ data: { penColor: 'black', lineWidth: 1.2, ifLay: false, isEmpty: true, apiUrl:'', uuid: '', isChecked:false, busId:'', resId:'', faceAuthId:'', signFileId:[], shareholderId:'', conferenceId: '', authType: '', faceVerifyId: '', oppositionReason:'', time:0, busApplId:'', videoStatus:'', signAuthId:'', type:'4', busFile: null, timer:1800, singTimer:'', ctx:null, paths: [], // 路径二维数组 strokeWidth:5, i:'', signerId:'', rncId: '', faceId: '', applLen:'' }, onLoad: function (options) { let ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('handWriting'); // ctx.setFillStyle('transparent') // ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000) ctx.setLineWidth(this.data.strokeWidth) // ctx.draw() this.setData({ ctx }) }, radiochange(){ this.setData({ isChecked: !this.data.isChecked }) }, uploadScaleStart(e) { let point = { x: e.touches[0].x, y: e.touches[0].y }; tempPath = [point]; }, uploadScaleMove(e) { let point = { x: e.touches[0].x, y: e.touches[0].y }; tempPath.push(point) let ctx = this.data.ctx; ctx.moveTo(tempPath[tempPath.length - 2].x, tempPath[tempPath.length - 2].y) ctx.setLineCap('round') // ctx.setLineJoin('round') ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y) ctx.stroke() ctx.draw(true) }, uploadScaleEnd: function (e) { let paths = this.data.paths; paths.push(tempPath); tempPath = []; // 利用临时数组来记录轨迹,最后保留,解决频繁setData导致性能急剧下降的问题 this.setData({ paths }) } })
2021-08-02 - 小程序实时音视频远方用户退房,监听不到
2020-10-22 - 小程序多人视频进房后streamID一样?
2020-08-10 - 小程序多人实时音视频加入第三个人必然出现黑屏?
2020-08-09 - 小程序部分安卓机出现白屏
2020-06-05 - 页面从tabbar跳转到其他页面,该页面显示空白
页面从 导航页 点击跳转到非导航页的页面, wx.navigateTo({ url: "../samplereport/samplereport" }); 跳转到该页面没有渲染,显示空白页
2018-09-07 - 微信登录获取用户信息,报错
微信登录获取用户信息,报错 Cannot read property 'avatarUrl' of undefined;at page/home/index onLoad function;at api getStorage success callback function TypeError: Cannot read property 'avatarUrl' of undefined 这是怎么回事?