- wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram 返回invalid platform?
.4 wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram({ appId: 'wxa204074068ad40ef', path: '/external/pay/trade/create/index', envVersion: 'develop', // 可选,指定使用的小程序版本 }) .then(() => { console.log('打开半屏小程序成功'); }) .catch((err) => { console.error('打开半屏小程序失败', err); }); 内部返回的openEmbeddedMiniProgram will fallback to navigateToMiniProgram. (reason: invalid platform)
11-14 - 调用openEmbeddedMiniProgram 返回invalid paltform?
基础库3.3.4 wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram({ appId: 'wxazxxxxf', path: '/external/pay/trade/create/index?pay_id=' + + pay_id, // 目标页面的路径 envVersion: 'develop', // 可选,指定使用的小程序版本 })
11-14 - 换新的开发工具插件报错
开发工具上编译报错,用之前的开发工具不会,用当前最新的版本出现 "plugin://wx5beb76c5c126875c/result" has been used as another component or page. Please do not register multiple components or pages with the same alias.(env: Windows,mp,1.06.2401020; lib: 2.33.0)