- 安卓真机,微信基础库 3.2.4 版本中使用 setTimeout 报错
环境信息: 基础库版本:3.2.4 系统类型:Android 问题描述: 在真机上,安卓微信新版 基础库为 3.2.4 时,使用setTimeout 会提示 3145728000 does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer. Cannot assign to read only property \'name\' of object \'Error: 3145728000 does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer. Timeout duration was set to 1.\' TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property \'name\' of object \'Error: 3145728000 does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer. Timeout duration was set to 1.\' at createWarningObject (node:internal/process/warning:182:16) at process.emitWarning (node:internal/process/warning:151:15) at new Timeout (node:internal/timers:172:17) at setTimeout (node:timers:163:19) at t.setTimeout (:468:54802) at globalThis.setTimeout (https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:150840) at p (https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:162901) at https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:163344 at https://lib/WAServiceMainContext.js:1:150850
2023-12-13 - 部分用户访问页面白屏,页面标题都没加载出来?
部分用户访问页面会出现完全白屏的情况,什么信息也没有,也没有报错,有时候删除小程序后重新进入能够正常显示。 [图片] 以下是用户设备的基础信息。 [图片]
2020-11-06 - 附近的小程序,图标icon无法显示