// https://wechatpay-api.gitbook.io/wechatpay-api-v3/qian-ming-zhi-nan-1/zheng-shu-he-hui-tiao-bao-wen-jie-mi // 对 API V3 加密数据进行解密 const apiV3Key = '*******'; // 设置的 API V3 密钥 const decryptByApiV3 = ({ associate, // 加密参数 - 类型 nonce, // 加密参数 - 随机数 ciphertext, // 加密密文 } = {}) => { ciphertext = decodeURIComponent(ciphertext); ciphertext = Buffer.from(ciphertext, 'base64'); const authTag = ciphertext.slice(ciphertext.length - 16); const data = ciphertext.slice(0, ciphertext.length - 16); const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-gcm', apiV3Key, nonce); decipher.setAuthTag(authTag); decipher.setAAD(Buffer.from(associate)); let decryptedText = decipher.update(data, null, 'utf8'); decryptedText += decipher.final(); return decryptedText; };
"加密后的证书内容”解密算法你好,根据nodejs官网api文档:When using an authenticated encryption mode ([代码]GCM[代码], [代码]CCM[代码] and [代码]OCB[代码] are currently supported), the [代码]cipher.getAuthTag()[代码] method returns a [代码]Buffer[代码] containing the authentication tag that has been computed from the given data.采用gcm模式加密的数据,解密时需要一个身份验证数据, 这个身份验证是加密的时候生成, 但是微信没有提供这个身份验证, 只有associated_data, key, nonce和加密数据, 是否无法解密?
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